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I usually am able to glide along with a sentence pretty nicely but am having trouble starting this thread off. Cause i'm not really sure what i'll say, that being said i'll start it off with that.


So.. Things i'll be discussing. My current stand with the clan, what happened and why I was unbanned. My apology to @Tekage and others I have offended in the past couple of weeks, even months I've been back.


A quick statement before I begin this.

I know there are alot of you that don't agree with what I say, and how i conduct my self, and how I behave, in a "safe forum" that should not be riddled with drama. Especially someone as "toxic" and as blatant I am with my constant disrespect, and that's okay every one is entitled to their opinion(s). If you don't see eye to eye with what I say in the rest of this thread, I'm sorry I couldn't make you change your mind about me.

Moving forward.


@Tekage ... ugh. Words.. man you know? What I've said to you and what I've done to you is completely unacceptable, I have been nothing but rude to you and for what reason? Cause of a video I saw you made on your thoughts of xG and why you are leaving? What right did I have to do that, I did not even know you, Nor do I even know you now. You seem like a pretty fine guy, and it was just me being me. Short tempered, angry, and a troll, for no apparent reason, and for that i truly am sorry for the things I've said and done to you without a reason. It was entirely unjust and unsanctioned for me to even begin to rag on you..

And with that being said, I was giving one last chance by @Hidingmaster so with that being said a day long ban for what I've done to you for how many chances I have been given is not right, And I would like you, if okay by other community leaders. Is to pick a ban time for me, Let it be 1 week, 1 month, 1 year. I feel like you have earned that right, for going through the trouble of actually taking care of what I've done by creating a ban request on me, I only see it just. With that being said I would also like to send you the private conversation I had with @Hidingmaster explaining my self to him. To furthermore help with your decision. so @Tekage check your forum pm's when you finish up this thread.


@Kypari .................................................................... Back to that statement i had earlier, "glide along with sentences" This is a hard one. I don't feel as if you deserves a full blown apology more so an explanation? f*ck it idk. What I said to you on steam, is pretty as "heartfelt" I can get with you, That being said there is a few more things i'd like to say to you.. There is some really really hurtful/toxic things I have said to you that has gone unnoticed let it be in the shoutbox or older threads. And for those I do apologize I should never be allowed to tell someone to off them self just cause they don't agree with what I've said, so kypari. I'm sorry.


@Community leaders @Chrono @Nomulous


Boys you are the backbone to this clan you're the glue that holds it in place. You are what keeps us running in a sanctioned manner. And I know myself alone with the forum sh*t that I pull is pretty hard to deal with knowing as I have been here a long time, and no one wants to be "that guy" that bans me since I'm pretty good friends with all of you. I'm sorry for how hard I can be to deal with, as I have came to this clan at a much earlier time, as some did you. Where the clan was not nearly as defensive and more so an open environment for people to troll and d*ck around, cause we were a smaller community. As the years passed xG grew, did it grow in a good way? or bad way? That's an unanswerable question. Yes cs:s is what this clan grew on what defined it as a clan,and is gone now, but it also grew exponentially in tf2 over the past couple of years, and is now self sustainable through ad money alone, with maybe a few hiccups here and there. Yes we have lost some great co-leaders along the way, @Aegean @Neo , But also found new ones and ones that have been loyal and as helpful as possible. So boys where am I going with this rant? Cheers to you for giving me the chances you do, and allowing me to stay in the place that defined my online personality back in 2010.

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Ehh, what you've done in the past and who you are isn't much of an issue. In my own experience you've had your fair share at picking at me and I just laughed it off and grew off of it. It would be a shame if you got banned again because I enjoyed reading some of your posts (of course if it's within context and not just bm'ing everyone everywhere). Who you are is who you are, quite literally if someone doesn't get along with you they just choose to not hang around you and that's what should happen. Just don't mess up again next time :']

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I'm a huge newfag, and I'm not related to your mishchiefs, but I still disliked you.

If you truly will not post shit anymore, then you might actually be an alright person :3

Go ahead and call me a newfag, cause I am ;)

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Not to make this about me, but I would also like to apologize for those of you who had taken offence to the Criticism thread I had made. The intention was to have those of you who had problems with others to vent it out in a healthy way; through constructive criticism. Unfortunately, there were those whom had taken the content literally and to heart (as an example, this whole ordeal) which provoked an all-out war. It also doesn't help that sarcasm doesn't translate well through text, so it is near impossible to determine when someone is joking if you don't know them well enough, such is the case with Rabid.


With that said, I'm glad to see that problems were settled in a civilized manner. There's nothing better than seeing two opposing sides making up and settling their differences. Now, if only this sort of thing could happen far more often rather than having tempers flare everywhere in xG.

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Not gonna lie ASock. I ignored you a long time ago, but I unignored you to read what you had to say here.


It takes a lot of humility for someone to stand up and admit their faults. Anyone who can do that is considered a pretty down-to-earth guy in my books.

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