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Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2

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If you want to overrule me, go right ahead. I left it open to hear comments from other staff. I'm still not changing my opinion because I believe there were similarities between him and the other guy.


As for the other evidence, it was given to me after he made the ban protest.


Think of it this way. If the police are in a normal neighborhood and they don't see any problems going on, but they suddenly hear gunshots. They are allowed to kick down the door of the house that they heard it in to investigate what happened and see if anyone is hurt (probable cause). What if they noticed drugs or unregistered weapons sitting on the table. Those are viable in court because they had probable cause for investigation.


People noticed the ban request, looked back on his activities, and told me about them. If you think I'm trying to right a wrong, which I still don't think I'm wrong, then fine. I'll make a secondary ban after this for the bm and telling someone to commit suicide.


I'll wait for a response from kb and Rejects (if possible). Other than that, I have nothing else to say. Have a nice day.

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If you want to overrule me, go right ahead. I left it open to hear comments from other staff. I'm still not changing my opinion because I believe there were similarities between him and the other guy.


As for the other evidence, it was given to me after he made the ban protest.


Think of it this way. If the police are in a normal neighborhood and they don't see any problems going on, but they suddenly hear gunshots. They are allowed to kick down the door of the house that they heard it in to investigate what happened and see if anyone is hurt (probable cause). What if they noticed drugs or unregistered weapons sitting on the table. Those are viable in court because they had probable cause for investigation.


People noticed the ban request, looked back on his activities, and told me about them. If you think I'm trying to right a wrong, which I still don't think I'm wrong, then fine. I'll make a secondary ban after this for the bm and telling someone to commit sedoku.


I'll wait for a response from kb and Rejects (if possible). Other than that, I have nothing else to say. Have a nice day.




I find it a bit ridiculous how no other admin on the XG servers have come to the same conclusion as you, and I guarantee they watched me for more than 15 seconds. perhaps you know something they don't or maybe you're just wrong.


When people talk about me "twitching" it could have easily been due to my bad connection, 60-800-2000 ping spikes, TF2's lag compensation makes it quite easy to get suspicious headshots and always makes for suspicious movements and reactions.



it's not too late to admit you were wrong, I'm not upset with you at all and I hope the feeling is mutual.

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If you want to overrule me, go right ahead. I left it open to hear comments from other staff. I'm still not changing my opinion because I believe there were similarities between him and the other guy.


As for the other evidence, it was given to me after he made the ban protest.


Think of it this way. If the police are in a normal neighborhood and they don't see any problems going on, but they suddenly hear gunshots. They are allowed to kick down the door of the house that they heard it in to investigate what happened and see if anyone is hurt (probable cause). What if they noticed drugs or unregistered weapons sitting on the table. Those are viable in court because they had probable cause for investigation.


People noticed the ban request, looked back on his activities, and told me about them. If you think I'm trying to right a wrong, which I still don't think I'm wrong, then fine. I'll make a secondary ban after this for the bm and telling someone to commit sedoku.


I'll wait for a response from kb and Rejects (if possible). Other than that, I have nothing else to say. Have a nice day.

IMO there should be a ban for the rudeness/disrespect, I'm not sure about the aimbot

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This is not the guy we're talking about. That is the OTHER guy that was perm'd. I agree with that aimbot 100%, that is VERY obvious.


Here is the guy in question:


Yeah this pretty much convinces me he wasn't botting. Since its actually a demo of the player in question. Sticking with +1 for unban.

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I gotta say if your gonna ban somebody for aimbotting get atleast a 2 or 3 mins+ demo of it. From what i've seen if you thought that was hacks, you shouldnt be a higher up with powers to ban for hacking thats clearly not hacking. Just saying @Hidingmaster This is a DL who shouldnt be such you CL's should review him and make sure you want somebdy like this as a higher up. He just kept trying to add reasons to why he should stay permed instead of why he was permed.


I think he does a great job as a DL. But I do agree that he should have obtained a longer demo, plus agreement from one or two other mods/admins about aimbot before banning.


@Ohstopyou the decision isn't up to me, I won't override you. It's your division, not mine.

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deserves a month ban AT THE LEAST since he has server 1 day and 1 week bans. If you give anything else then it is bs. His disrespect is tbh permanent ban worthy according to the regarding suicide threat thread. Realize that he stated that hitler was right for killing gays and he is into transvestite suicide. According to the thread it is a week then a perm if it continues.


-1 still for unban but if it is invalid for the aimbot then +1 to shorten to a month

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I watched the demo 7 times and it's still a mystery to me how anyone could come to the conclusion I was aimbotting, I'm honestly quite baffled to how anyone, no matter how biased could disregard my inaccuracy, body shots where a headshot would have been possible, flat out missing, movement NOT AT ALL similar to that of the other demo of the real aimbotter and still come to the conclusion of aimbot, almost makes me suspect a hidden agenda in the court room, but I admit that sounds irresponsibly paranoid.



Since you all like to treat this like a real court room I wish I could summon a lawyer, however the jury doesn't seem as convinced I'm hacking as mr. ohstopyou. granted even he isn't certain anymore.



best wishes all.

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I want to say that this is the dolan trump guy this isn't his first time getting a ban.


don't believe me then look at his steam id from this thread


Dolan Trump_ - Team Fortress 2


and this one Mr. Lawyer Sir(262 Day Vacation) - Team Fortress 2



I already made clear that I am citizen_ Jarrett Huff and dolan trump in the beginning of this thread, but thanks for bringing it to the attention of anyone else who didn't read my first post.

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I guess i will believe the aimbot was phishy at most. You got a couple of kills that i question a lot but demo is 15 seconds long, cant really prove TOO much. I believe ohstop did is job correctly and 100% professionally, you came in saying he was just ban happy. Demo is not that long to prove much (sorry bae D: ) so i guess +1, also, since chatlogs are not being considered since it is a protest on aimbot then i guess it wont be double jeopardy.

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Here's a question, why would someone with that many hours on that account, throw it away by hacking? Apparently if you think shots like that are suspicious you haven't seen a good sniper before. Take a look at this video, I know this isn't all sniper plays no, but look how good people actually are at this game. This video was made I believe for i46, when the first NA team went over to europe to compete in the LAN event, and actually won. Yes, I've seen fishy things in my time of playing tf2, but this guy isn't hacking, I know hacking when I see it, there is a fine line between twitching and hacking.





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I skipped this thread so I've probably missed things

Citizen_ is, no offense, toxic on the servers. He BM's a lot of people and holds no kindness in his words. He has had many ban requests on him and complaints in shoutbox about him aimbotting and BM'ing.

However, I am certain this guy doesn't aimbot. He literally is just really good as sniper. I have seen him many times on the servers and spectated him out of suspicion (he changes his name a lot so I can never tell).

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