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Fangonic - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

Mic and Chat Spam

Ban Type:

Server Ban


Spamming music and chat even though we asked him to stop. He started saying how he's friends with the owner of xG and even though he gets banned, he will find a way to come back and get back onto us,

This user has always been mic spamming and harassing other users.

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I can +1 to this, although he has been on servers for a while he is extremely annoying. Always trying to read fanfictions over mic and mic spam in general for quite sometime. He doesn't accept what he does is wrong rather he just avoids and stays silent whenever staff gets on. (I.e. he always has problems with @XHina_sanX). Hasn't learned his lesson from any previous warnings and takes them as jokes/something that won't affect him in the future.


@SnowyMinion remember to add evidence (I.e. screenshots, replays)

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I'd like to +1 this, but I'm not sure if his annoying activity is enough for a ban. He hasn't learned from the multiple times staff has told him to stop, including myself. He likes to play music over mic and he'll even ask if it's ok before hand, I'll tell him no, then he'll proceed to do it anyway. He also floods chat with Lennies and various other Copy Pastas. He's been reported on the "Call Admin" command several times for spamming or just being annoying in general, but stops if any staff comes on after a report but he's been muted and gagged by other staff several times (including myself). He does harass other players but he tries to do it in a way friends do to each other, except he doesn't know the people, so it just comes off cringey

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remember to add evidence (I.e. screenshots, replays)

How-to: Gathering Evidence


+/- 0 since no evidence has been provided.


It's important to provide evidence or proof in most if not all scenarios when submitting a report/protest. This is to ensure that the request is justified and that the person submitting the report (or the supporters) isn't just making empty claims that never occurred.

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Must make sure to provide some sort of evidence to the offenses. I just checked the chat logs for any history coming from a "Fangonic", but found nothing. Steam IDs help too. T.T

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I remember one time he just kept using soundboard all the time. We tried to ask him to stop but he doest listen and spams lennies in the chat while doing it. He knows we don't like it and he still does it. Pls ban

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This ID was muted by @XHina_sanX so I guess that's him [just in case you had trouble finding those] @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou



What bliz says is true. I would say he is annoying. Wished i had proof of him being an annoyance, but the problems have been mostly been over mic.


Screenshot of from they day i muted him. The seriousness from him trying to get unmuted from this message made me laugh. This screenshot was from the day i muted him and provided by a regular on saxton*

Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 6.43.31 AM.zip

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