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Please Give Mods Perm Permissions.

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I thnk giving Mods the ability to perm isn't a bad thing, but how we have it right now works fine. When I was mod I never had an issue with this system because I knew a DM/DL would change it if I asked. Now for the idea of a new rank seems really silly. Mod is already the trial run for your place as a staff member. I look at every new Mod as if they are "Probationary Mods" already. That's the purpose of the rank. Eventually they solidify their spots as Mods or move on to become Admins+.


I don't see the problem here. If a Moderator is seen as "experienced", then why haven't they been promoted to Administrator already? That being said, the gap between Moderator and Administrator is already incredibly slim. From what I can remember, the only difference is the ability to permanently ban and the fact that Moderators cannot target Administrators (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just speaking from CS:S experience).


Point is, if you give Moderators the ability to perm ban then.. Well, they're pretty much Administrators. This is all assuming Administrators don't have other "perks" to their rank. Might as well just merge the two if it's that big of a deal, because besides the whole "seniority" factor, what else sets them apart?


Way I see it, y'all are making more work for yourself by making another rank when you aren't even considering the simple solution that those "seasoned" Moderators should just be promoted to Administrator if they're so up there :coffee:


To be honest, the only things Admins have over Mods are the abilities to perm and call votes. I don't consider not being targeted by mods as much of a perk unless I'm about to go rogue and break rules on our servers. In this case a Mod/Player can just notify a higher up and have them come on undercover, or they can just take a demo and give it to a DM/DL. I'm pretty much just safe to abuse Mods because they can't stop me...Which I wouldn't do, I promise. D:

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To be honest, the only things Admins have over Mods are the abilities to perm and call votes. I don't consider not being targeted by mods as much of a perk unless I'm about to go rogue and break rules on our servers. In this case a Mod/Player can just notify a higher up and have them come on undercover, or they can just take a demo and give it to a DM/DL. I'm pretty much just safe to abuse Mods because they can't stop me...Which I wouldn't do, I promise. D:

The reason things seem so strange with the way they're set up is because these ranks, the way powers worked, they were all based off of the CS:S Division. Here, I'll give a brief little history lesson:


Back when CS:S was the dominant Division, things were much more lax than they were now. When Co-Leaders (not Community Leaders mind you) were still a thing, having a higher rank made you respectable in a different sense and gave you this air of "I can do this to you". Administrators would gag/mute Moderators when they stepped out of line or call votes to mock them, but it was all in good fun. The Moderators didn't mind, there weren't reports of "abuse" because 99.9% of the time the Moderators were in on it too and were totally fine with it. Moderators would gag/mute each other as well to, again, poke fun and have a good time. It's why Co-Leaders were previously able to ban someone for saying "no balls, you won't ban me" and could generally just mess around. This was especially so when we had "fun" commands (there's a neat video of me slapping the shit out of @Warriorsfury out there). Again, it was all in good fun and players would either be banned for a short amount of time (if even) or a ludicrous amount of time and then promptly unbanned.


So yes, at this point the "perks" of being an admin are not nearly as influential as they were back then so it makes little sense, but that's just a brief summary of why things are the way they are.

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If a Moderator is seen as "experienced", then why haven't they been promoted to Administrator already?

I wouldn't have an issue with mods not having perm if we could rethink how we do our promotions. Casey mentioned a few people in those messages to me that he would trust with perm powers. In my opinion, those are the people who should be getting admin.


We also need to start demoting more, please. I'm not saying for no reason. Sure, if they're active and they're doing a great job, keep them. I'm talking about a select few who STILL don't know commands, and ask moderators for help.


I'm not talking about judgment and asking for a "hey, what do you think?". I'm talking about stuff like "Hey, how long is a week ban?" And "How do I slay outside of admin menu?" Shit that admins should know, and they still don't. I mentioned a few to Ohstop already, and he should know my personal opinion. Maybe the issue isn't mods having perm powers. It may just be that I feel the higher ups aren't doing the best with promo/demos. (Sometimes it's like they don't even exist. Kappa.)


@Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects

You guys do your jobs very well, (and I appreciate you guys a ton) but maybe there can be a small change in how you guys think about our ranking system.


EDIT: obligatory "I'm on my phone. Excuse the formatting."

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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-Mods that have been mods for over a year (or more) could have the privilege to perm.


-Or a vote would be initiated, requiring both Division Leaders to vouch and at least 3-5 other moderators to vouch for said moderator to get the power.

Edited by TheSupremePatriot (see edit history)

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Paraphrasing from days I was DL and talked to Muffin and Brian, being a mod is a test to be an admin. Basically the real staff team is composed of Admins and mods are just being tested for their trust and honesty until they're ready to become Admins. This has been my understanding about mods/admins

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Geez guys, calm your tits.


Back when I was a mod we just tempbanned people for a really long time and PMed an admin to make it a perm. No need to give mods perm power, it screws things up if a mod abuses his ban privileges. Mods, just keep an admin or three on speed dial and everything's gonna be fine.

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