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Age Requirement

should we change the age requirement or accept people at 13  

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  1. 1. should we change the age requirement or accept people at 13

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The whole reason we don't allow anyone under 16 is, im assuming, for maturity reasons? If this is the case then would the +1/-1 system narrow out those people who are not mature enough to join? I mean were supposed to list our rating of their maturity already (A: 10 M:7 for ex.).

There really is no reason to put a limit on the age of applicants for any division, especially TF2 where I would assume the average age of players is less than 16, or at least there is a good majority of younger people.


If you don't think the community can chose mature people @Snackbar, then we should at least consider that applicants <16 yo require a +1 from a staff member DM+.


And iirc, Silence stated he wanted to keep it an adult community.. but it never has been. Most of the members are young. Plus, why restrict the number of people who can join? It just reduces the popularity of xG and reduces chances of donations.


@Nomulous @kbraszzz



+1 pretty much this. we vouch for a reason if people would vouch correctly that would be all we need. dm+ vouch for people under 16 is a great safeguard if the community makes a mistake and adds someone immature the higher up/s that vouched would be accountable. also it's true, barely anyone that plays tf2 is 16+ and I'd bet half of our members aren't even 16 yet. raising the age to 16 has led to tf2 getting a lot less member apps going through, just because we have to close so many because they're 14 or 15. we're probably closing 3 or 4 a week, and some of them people know and actually want to join. it would be different, but it's better for the health of the clan to lower it.

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If higher ups would acytually crack down on acceptable vouches then maybe. But as it stand the higher ups are still too disorganized imo. Hell, our only CLs are @kbraszzz and @Hidingmaster. @Rhododendron and @Nomulous are the leaders so w/e.


Either way. Fix what we have now BEFORE trying to make changes to accommodate a few kids.

Id like to remind everyone that we DO have a steam group for people that are underage, and can wear the [xG:Rep] tag.


Literally the only thing they cant do is vouch. Thaaats about it. People that care about the community will stick around regardless or not if they are an "official" member.



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If higher ups would acytually crack down on acceptable vouches then maybe. But as it stand the higher ups are still too disorganized imo. Hell, our only CLs are @kbraszzz and @Hidingmaster. @Rhododendron and @Nomulous are the leaders so w/e.


Either way. Fix what we have now BEFORE trying to make changes to accommodate a few kids.

Id like to remind everyone that we DO have a steam group for people that are underage, and can wear the [xG:Rep] tag.


Literally the only thing they cant do is vouch. Thaaats about it. People that care about the community will stick around regardless or not if they are an "official" member.





Some may stick around, but not all. I joined xG because I wanted to be apart of a community, had my app got rejected I doubt I would be here.


Also, IMO vouchers have transferred to DL/DM of divs to decide if they are good or not, not CLs.

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Donate to apply if under 16 seems like a bit much @Rhododendron @Tsuchikure but that's just my opinion and that suggestion should totally leave the comments and be up for discussion.

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To be honest there should be no age limit, it should be based on maturity. I've seen 10 year olds being more mature than a 18 year old.

Idc if they didn't hit puberty yet as long as they don't scream everyday then it's fine.

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Donate to apply if under 16 seems like a bit much @Rhododendron @Tsuchikure but that's just my opinion and that suggestion should totally leave the comments and be up for discussion.

To be honest, if somebody isn't deemed good enough by higher ups to get staff without an application, then they can donate for it and apply. So maybe if they aren't deemed old enough for member, they can donate for it and apply?


Some of us are talking about donations here and some people just care about the population, so this idea seems neat rather than "let's allow everybody and trust our own judgement with that (Which is actually a pretty bad idea in the long run.. or like, 2-8 months, *cough* @Insane *cough*)"

Plus, if we actually DO remove the age limit, or lower it to 13, then people like.. *cough*magicalpurple*COUGH* or *COUGH*kittylicious*COUGH* may actually make it through the gates, and we won't have anybody but ourselves to blame anymore. (see above.....cough)


Also, some-*ahem-*bach can say that it's simply just a title that allows you to vouch? Well, like Hidingmaster, I wouldn't even be here if it was denied. At first it actually meant something and kept me sticking around. Then came the shitstorms and I was hooked.


I still think member age should go down to about 15. Too many people are/were just a few weeks or months too young and because of that we outright deny them for it. It just doesn't seem fair, really.

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So there's a few reasons why Rhododendron changed it to 16+. A few are personal choices, a few are stuff that are kinda important so we don't get in trouble. There's a view of this clan being mature and such a "age of maturity" was set to 16 (if I'm right). On top of that, we aren't the most "Safe for Work (read Kids)" type clan and we don't want to be in trouble (read held liable) if we knowing let kids be exposed to this type of material. The most safest (read unsafest) way to let a PG-13 thing happen, would be either they knowingly give us false information and we don't catch them (a.k.a "Yes I am 18+ and able to enter this website"), or we really have to tone down the material that we provide. The worst thing that can happen is a child finds NSFW material on here, their parents catch it, then Rhodo gets in trouble saying "Why didn't you put anything in place to protect my child against this content".


These are just my $0.02, a lot of stuff will have to change if we want to make it PG-13 (read, add the censor back again)

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Some of us are talking about donations here and some people just care about the population, so this idea seems neat rather than "let's allow everybody and trust our own judgement with that (Which is actually a pretty bad idea in the long run.. or like, 2-8 months, *cough* @Insane *cough*)"


1st - I'm not saying allow EVERYBODY but we can allow them to make an application with having to worry on an age limit.


2nd - we've been trusting people with our own judgement since like forever. We evaluate their activity and maturity, those are judgements.


3rd - how is it a bad idea? U just said it was bad and that's it.

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So there's a few reasons why Rhododendron changed it to 16+. A few are personal choices, a few are stuff that are kinda important so we don't get in trouble. There's a view of this clan being mature and such a "age of maturity" was set to 16 (if I'm right). On top of that, we aren't the most "Safe for Work (read Kids)" type clan and we don't want to be in trouble (read held liable) if we knowing let kids be exposed to this type of material. The most safest (read unsafest) way to let a PG-13 thing happen, would be either they knowingly give us false information and we don't catch them (a.k.a "Yes I am 18+ and able to enter this website"), or we really have to tone down the material that we provide. The worst thing that can happen is a child finds NSFW material on here, their parents catch it, then Rhodo gets in trouble saying "Why didn't you put anything in place to protect my child against this content".


These are just my $0.02, a lot of stuff will have to change if we want to make it PG-13 (read, add the censor back again)

What stops them from creating a forum account and getting access to the inappropriate material? Letting them be a member does get them anymore access.


If we're that concerned about a parent sending an angry letter, make them choose their age from a dropdown, if its <18 then a radio button shows up on member apps stating "By selecting this I confirm I have my parents consent to access and use xenogamers.com and it's affiliated servers."

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What stops them from creating a forum account and getting access to the inappropriate material? Letting them be a member does get them anymore access.


If we're that concerned about a parent sending an angry letter, make them choose their age from a dropdown, if its <18 then a radio button shows up on member apps stating "By selecting this I confirm I have my parents consent to access and use xenogamers.com and it's affiliated servers."

We do have a TOS that can be updated.

Terms of Service and Rules | Xeno Gamers

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We do have a TOS that can be updated.

Terms of Service and Rules | Xeno Gamers


"The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content")."


This pretty much covers it then. Only thing I could see that needs a change is something blah blah parents permission.

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"The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content")."


This pretty much covers it then. Only thing I could see that needs a change is something blah blah parents permission.

Yeah but I don't speak lawyer so IDK what to put.


@Whyte you're a lawyer right?

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Put at the end of it:


"This Service utilizes user-generated content, and thus may contain content not suitable for people under 18. Registration and/or use of this Service is acknowledgement that you are 18 years or older, or have obtained parents permission."


I'm not a lawyer, so I can't say that would actually hold up in court... but it covers what we need.


You could make it 16 instead of 18 too.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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