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Just To Provide Some Info...

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This thread is to mainly address my activity the past bit, and why I was promoted to Division Manager.

I would first like to apologize to all my fellow staff members for my inactivity on the servers. Even though I told OhStop that I was taking a small break from TF2 I still feel bad that I wasn't there to help much, and instead I was off doing my own things. I had hit a slump for a bit there and found it hard to launch the game at times. Again, I know it's not the best excuse, but we all have those times.


Now to address my activity on forums, which isn't much better. My activity on forums isn't the greatest compared to some of our other staff members. I tend to voice my opinion more on Teamspeak, and don't post much on here. There's no excuse for how much I'm not on here, but it's not like I haven't shown my presence when it comes to major issues in the community. @kbraszzz, @Ohstopyou, @metalslug53, and @Rejects have all heard me rant for hours about topics, and they all know I can be stubborn.


OhStop explained to me that I was promoted to DM because it would be easier for me. The idea is that I will focus on the forums while Merc (@Fiery8022) will focus on the servers. Merc will be there to help all the admins, mods, members/players if they need it, and I will keep up on closing member submissions, or updating old threads if I need to. If I can't get on the forums one day, then Merc can always do this as well. Just like if a staff member needs help, and Merc can't help them, then I can step in. This system just makes it easier on all of the higher ups for TF2.


The only time I won't be able to hop on forums is if I have a lot of work to do for school, I'm sick and need bed rest (Like, I can't look at my computer sick), or I have real life things that I need to go to and can't make it to a computer. Other than that you can definitely contact me at any time on forums/steam after 7p.m. est, any time before that I may be busy, but I'll try to respond.

Edited by Liekos (see edit history)

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@ChickenPanda @Whyte @Ohstopyou @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty @NitNat @ArminArmout @Matsi @Hachi @BananaShoes @BelloWaldi @Bone @TacoSmasher47 @Diamonde @Tekage @XHina_sanX @matthewbt @PyroBunny @Kart


Forgot to tag all the staff.

Just to add, if a member submission reaches it's 10 +1s, please tag me and Merc (@Fiery8022). This helps so we can easily get to the thread and close it after 24 hours without having to search through every single thread. :D

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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So it sounds like you're basically expecting Liekos to keep up the forums himself with only a little bit of help every once in a while. Plus things have been way picking up since we lowered the age limit. Plus he's expected to just start getting super forum active now. I don't know all the details but from this it kind of seems like Liekos is getting set up to fail.

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So it sounds like you're basically expecting Liekos to keep up the forums himself with only a little bit of help every once in a while. Plus things have been way picking up since we lowered the age limit. Plus he's expected to just start getting super forum active now. I don't know all the details but from this it kind of seems like Liekos is getting set up to fail.

No, what I said was: "I expect both of you to communicate and work out a plan of action". Whatever they decided, is up to them.

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To all of the new blood on the TF2 roster, I want everyone to know that just because I am no longer a DM/DL doesn't mean I am planning on NOT helping to cover those responsibilities. I'll still be helping with member submissions. I'll still be patrolling the forums. I'll still be here to lend a hand. I'm not going away forever, so don't worry if you feel overwhelmed. I won't let the forums decent into madness. Hit me up if you need any help with anything. =D

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