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Who Do You Think Will Win The 2016 Us Election

who will win the election  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. who will win the election

    • Hilary Clinton
    • Bernie Sanders
    • Ben Carson
    • Ted Cruz
    • John Kasich
    • Marco Rubio
    • The fucking trumpinator (Donald Trump)

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Disclaimer: This is not a thread made for discussing who you want to win, but who you think or predict will win. Please don't choose candidates like Trump as a joke just because he's basically a living meme, choose seriously. I mean, if you really think Trump will win, feel free to choose him, but you probably know what I mean. In order to not cause arguments, please don't badtalk any candidates in this thread. No negativity. In a political thread. That's pretty fuckin difficult but I believe its possible. also calling ppl stupid bc they like someone is r00d so dont >:U

I made this thread bc i was curious on xg's thoughts on who will win the election. read the disclaimer pls




obviously no dropped out candidates here

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As odd as it may be, I'm half Democrat half Republican, i support different views of each. IF a democrat were to win, I want Bernie. IF a republican were to win, I want Rubio.

As far as who will win, Rubio can atleast surpass trump if the other candidates drop out. If it comes down to Hilary vs (anyone else here) i believe we will be seeing a republican in office. Hilary doesn't seem to have the strength with this that she used to, due to all the recent scandals and such.

I personally believe it will be Rubio. Even if it went between Bernie and Rubio, I think America, in its current state, needs a Republican to lead. I like Bernie, but not enough for me to think he'll handle the whole national security situation well.

Once (or if) Kasich drops out, it seems to me like his votes are likely to go to Rubio. Carson's votes may be split between Rubio and Cruz. But Trump is so different from the rest, that any others that drop out, will have their votes go to the others(excluding trump of course).

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Opened the thread and got an ad for literally the same shit.



and well as much as I hate to say it, I gotta go with the guy whose face is plastered on the fucking ad. Mr Durnald Trumpet has gained far too much notoriety since the very start of this race by the American public as well as in the rest of the world. He's got his niche and he's just so much more different. Most of the other republicans are either too awful or just not popular enough. As for democrats, eh... I haven't heard much about most of them, lord knows Hilary isn't becoming president and Bernie, he just doesn't strike me as that great of a candidate in my honest opinion, plus I don't feel he'll have what it takes to take on Trump's momentum.


I honestly don't care for politics I just hope whoever gets in there doesn't duck everything up.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I want Bernie to win, but I really feel like he isn't going to catch up in time and that will cause Hilary to win. If Hilary wins, America is fucked.

I foresee trump winning too. I'm not all for Trump, but I feel like if we put a business man in the White House we might be able to lower our debt significantly and have more jobs created.

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My issue with all of the democratic runners right now is the whole "Tax the rich, I'll pay for your student loans!"


Those people work their asses off so you can't exactly just tax them more, it's not fair and they WILL take their money elsewhere, which puts us further in debt than we already are.


As far as I'm concerned, the majority of everybody running is an absolute tard.

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I was honestly hoping for Chris Christie and Bernie Sanders to be the final but then trump fucked that all up. Then I actually thought Jeb could make a comeback since he was actually a really good Governor in Florida but his brother and dad killed his reputation so no chance in hell he was getting office.


For who I want to win I would say Rubio or Bernie. Both seem to be the most neutral and could work with the people and congress. Bernie has the most experience and could use that to his advantage and get republicans behind him and same for Rubio and Democrats.


Who most likely will win is Trump and Hillary (bernie is gaining so I still have faith). Trump is the media's baby child and if he is out of the spotlight for more then a second there ratings go down. Hillary has the news stations donating to her so they wont talk about the other Democratic canidates as much. The media and us as people fucked up because instead of being unbiased Americans as we should be around this time we have the media jerking there political sperm into our mouths and us as people lick it up and thats how they persuade us. If it weren't for biased media imo we might actually have good politicians.


Who I want to win: I'm thinking more Rubio tbh


Who will win: Trump

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I never understood the American train of thought really, we have free college for anyone under the age of 19, so it's fairly normal over here, plus the only time we ever really care about votes is to avoid the Scottish National Party getting into Parliament. ;) @Rejects



But from what I can see in terms of American Politics, I hope Bernie Sanders wins, just because his promises actually make sense.

Trumps an idealistic half-wit who clearly can't see that he will not 'build a wall and make Mexico pay for it'.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I kinda disagree with you, for the fact the dumbfuck rebub squad is being led by Trumpo and he seems to be not slowing down, I wanted rubio.exe to actually be important, but is it comes down to sanders and Trumpulestiltskin, I want Barnie Sandlers to win but afraid that el Trumpo is gonna lead, @Amerifriends, stop being stupid and voting for trump, :afro:*Unless its just a prank*:afro:

Trump is the closest margin, but it still has Bernie winning by like 4 points. The thing is people will most likely come out to vote just so Trump doesn't get elected.

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