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Manlyduck - Team Fortress 2

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how else would you use ez or rekt? How wouldn't that taunt someone


Those are such stupid binds to have, my stupidest bind is my toxic lenny, I don't bind those things and if I would I wouldn't even use them as the same is with the lenny it's toxic, even for me now.


but it still wasn't appropriate, the guy was talking about a tragedy and many found it distasteful.


I've resolved the issue with him personally.


I don't see how that is relevant. That's a separate issue that was resolved and no reason to go into so i'm sorry if i don't see your point.


My point is that he did pretty much close to same thing, said things on the forums, in a joking matter, but were despicable, and for that reason he got a member protest, not the same as a ban, but something negative, not for the community for the one getting the accusations.


The only reason I am actually trying to respond is because the whole reason is for childish things, because of playing the game, the origins of everything that's happened so far with me is not being friendly, most people I know that are "tryhards" get the same issue but they've not been active as much as I am so that explains why I might ruin the Clan's reputation, it's honestly not something great for me to spread, I got banned for killing people and responding to their slurs, and being stubborn, I guess I do not learn from my mistakes as I did get banned 5 times, all of which are from disrespect, and I will try to deliver my message to a point, even though I am most certain that all odds are against me, and will be probably, but all I can say is that it was fun while it lasted.

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Those are such stupid binds to have, my stupidest bind is my toxic lenny, I don't bind those things and if I would I wouldn't even use them as the same is with the lenny it's toxic, even for me now.

Regardless, typing it over and over is still taunting, i'm sorry if we share a different opinion but i just can't see how that is not instigation.


I've resolved the issue with him personally.

but not with the others who were offended which is why this thread is here. I applaud you for fixing this with ohstopyou though.


My point is that he did pretty much close to same thing, said things on the forums, in a joking matter, but were despicable, and for that reason he got a member protest, not the same as a ban, but something negative, not for the community for the one getting the accusations.

Please don't bring up other situations and compare them, it makes things more complicated and results in shit talking. "this person got this thing so why is mine getting this"


The only reason I am actually trying to respond is because the whole reason is for childish things,

whole reason for what? The thread? or your comments?

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Here's my opinion. I've been playing with him for the past couple weeks and I don't think he's that bad of a guy. He uses that dry, punchy, satire-ish sense of humour that normally "triggers" people now-a-days. I mean look at that girl on youtube, Nicole Arbour?, who got attacked because her sense of humour.


A few people hold grudges against him, and I have no clue why, as I skipped over half of this thread because it appeared to be bickering. However, I'd assume that it's because he's good at the game and it frustrates people, or the fact that he says "rekt" or whatever. Now, I wont name names, but I'd like to point out that at least half of you have done the same thing (whether it be retaliating, saying something rude after killing someone, or "triggering" someone because you're good at a game) and have little to no room to say that he should just hold his tongue in return.


People have a habit now-a-days of not communicating their issues with people, but instead gathering up mountains of evidence to make the issue at hand seem worse. I thought everyone was going to make an effort to change that and actually try to communicate their issues before hand, rather than jumping aboard the ban train at a moments notice.




Now, here is what I have seen lately. I was on the pokemon server earlier this week, and I noticed something peculiar. ManlyDuck was on the server sniping, as well as talking to a few friends like a normal person would, when someone joined the server and started to attack him, without provocation. They said that he was a douchebag and a tryhard. The ironic thing is that ManlyDuck said nothing offensive back to them, nor had he said anything rude in the few hours earlier to that incident. If anything, he only said that he was bad and just playing the game.


From my perspective, it appears that people are getting upset when he kills them (when numerous people have complained that we should literally have a rule that says if you complain, and don't use the friendly plugin, that you will get into trouble).




As a final note, I'd like to point out a distinct lack of counter evidence. Obviously ManlyDuck isn't talking to himself. What are the other people saying to him that makes him respond like that?




I vote -1 on the ban. I think that the higher ups should step back and think about this whole situation before we start jumping to conclusions.

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Here's my opinion. I've been playing with him for the past couple weeks and I don't think he's that bad of a guy. He uses that dry, punchy, satire-ish sense of humour that normally "triggers" people now-a-days. I mean look at that girl on youtube, Nicole Arbour?, who got attacked because her sense of humour.

there is a good reason nicole arbour is hated by most of youtube and i believe you can also figure out why if you try


A few people hold grudges against him, and I have no clue why, as I skipped over half of this thread because it appeared to be bickering. However, I'd assume that it's because he's good at the game and it frustrates people, or the fact that he says "rekt" or whatever. Now, I wont name names, but I'd like to point out that at least half of you have done the same thing (whether it be retaliating, saying something rude after killing someone, or "triggering" someone because you're good at a game) and have little to no room to say that he should just hold his tongue in return.

call it getting "triggered" or whatever you want but it still is inappropriate, annoying, unnecessary. What the grudges people hold against manly duck is something i'm not aware of but I don't see how that's really relevant to him just being annoying spamming chat and spreading his "it's just satire bro chill" type of posts and comments everywhere


People have a habit now-a-days of not communicating their issues with people, but instead gathering up mountains of evidence to make the issue at hand seem worse. I thought everyone was going to make an effort to change that and actually try to communicate their issues before hand, rather than jumping aboard the ban train at a moments notice.

Yeah I've also mentioned that in recent thread made against matsi, but that doesn't change too much at this point, its literally just common sense


Now, here is what I have seen lately. I was on the pokemon server earlier this week, and I noticed something peculiar. ManlyDuck was on the server sniping, as well as talking to a few friends like a normal person would, when someone joined the server and started to attack him, without provocation. They said that he was a douchebag and a tryhard. The ironic thing is that ManlyDuck said nothing offensive back to them, nor had he said anything rude in the few hours earlier to that incident. If anything, he only said that he was bad and just playing the game.


From my perspective, it appears that people are getting upset when he kills them (when numerous people have complained that we should literally have a rule that says if you complain, and don't use the friendly plugin, that you will get into trouble).

Are you really gonna base that vouch on just one occurrence that you encountered?

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A few people hold grudges against him, and I have no clue why, as I skipped over half of this thread because it appeared to be bickering.

It's not bickering if you're trying to educate each other on different points of view. i don't think you give people in this thread credit for keeping it on discussion.


However, I'd assume that it's because he's good at the game and it frustrates people, or the fact that he says "rekt" or whatever.

In my view he is instigating which results in that fight. No one is denying that he is good at the game or anything but you can't honestly say that he isn't instigating which causes people to say those hurtful things to him and vice versa.


Now, I wont name names, but I'd like to point out that at least half of you have done the same thing

This was already addressed and people have already commented saying how everyone is trying to better themselves, just because some people do it, doesn't make it okay, and most if not all have fell to this but that isn't fair to give someone a free pass because others do it. If you feel you see people do something similar i hope you and anybody report it.


People have a habit now-a-days of not communicating their issues with people

He was banned 5 times and given a final warning from Kb, i have no idea what else you want someone to do as well as people voicing their displeasure of his comments on forums.


but instead gathering up mountains of evidence to make the issue at hand seem worse

would you rather there be no evidence and shit flinging? this literally took me 5 minutes to find. there was no hoarding of evidence to get him in the case, there was a problem and it is being addressed on the forums. Whether or not this ban goes through or not, it still gives people notice on someone's behavior. It also gives that individual in question a look at people's concern and why they feel a ban is justified.


I thought everyone was going to make an effort to change that and actually try to communicate their issues before hand, rather than jumping aboard the ban train at a moments notice.

Again see my comments at the top. 5 bans as well as several talking tos and nothing changed and again this thread, whether he is banned or not, allows people to voice their opinion on the person in question.


Now, here is what I have seen lately. I was on the pokemon server earlier this week, and I noticed something peculiar. ManlyDuck was on the server sniping, as well as talking to a few friends like a normal person would, when someone joined the server and started to attack him, without provocation. They said that he was a douchebag and a tryhard. The ironic thing is that ManlyDuck said nothing offensive back to them, nor had he said anything rude in the few hours earlier to that incident. If anything, he only said that he was bad and just playing the game.

Good for him! that's exactly what he should do but as ego said, once good instance in a wave of bad ones isn't enough to justify what he says. And even then, he should be using the admin plugin or anyone on the server to use to help manly instead of just watching, i don't know what happened next but from what you're telling me nothing came of it. That's a problem that should be addressed.


From my perspective, it appears that people are getting upset when he kills them

I'm sorry i just don't understand how taunting people and then complaining about people being a jerk to him gives him any right to justify what he says.


Obviously ManlyDuck isn't talking to himself.

no one is ever talking to themselves when disrespecting people but the course of action could be different, as mentioned before there is no reason to keep it going, there is the mute button and the call admin command.


I vote -1 on the ban. I think that the higher ups should step back and think about this whole situation before we start jumping to conclusions.

i respectfully disagree with your opinion and i think many people felt this was a long time coming but never did anything because they are afraid of the backlash they might get. However i am glad someone came to manly's defense.

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After careful discussion with other higher ups, the decision has been made to permanently ban ManlyDuck from all TF2 servers. At this current time, no actions will be taken against him on forums.


ManlyDuck as shown no remorse for his actions and has opted to instead deflect the current complaints, claiming his actions to be acceptable because they were "satire". Toxicity is toxicity, no matter how much you think you are simply pretending to be something you aren't. Constant use of derogatory terms such as "faggot" is in no way acceptable in our servers. Neither is instigation, which we consider trolling, such as constantly spamming binds after kills, picking fights, and being a general nuisance.


But even worse than the offenses at hand are their constant repetition. The main reason the ban is being implemented is because the message clearly is not getting through. How many bans does it take to change someone? I honestly believe the answer shouldn't be five, but that's my opinion and others probably disagree.


Had this been your first, or hell, even your second offense, we would have opted to be more lenient on the matter. But considering that you have been banned FIVE TIMES over the course of the last year for these exact reasons, we feel the message simply is not getting through to you. Even worse are the countless second chances, third chances, and 748th chances you've been given. We will tolerate it no more.


Thread is now closed. No further discussion will be heard on the matter.

Edited by Scootaloo (see edit history)

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