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Time Active on Servers:

297 hours



Reasons for Joining:

I wanna help make Xeon Gaming a better community than it already is. And also think i have a lot to offer if i become member. Finally it would make my in gaming expierience on csgo more fun to be part of a clan.

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-1 Is very young (which isnt bad) but acts very immature and whines at staff alot, has freekilled before


M=2 (if even)

sry for first post posted in the middle of it

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-1 Is very young (which isnt bad) but acts very immature and whines at staff alot, has freekilled before


M=2 (if even)

sry for first post posted in the middle of it

but i can fix that and what does

A = and M = mean

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A: 8

M: 5

Now I would plus 1 you, but you

  • Have a bad microphone
  • Tried to impersonate a staff member, and disrepect towards a staff member
  • You probably need to wait a little more time to get to know members/staff and the server rules

I know you want to be a member, but I will plus 1 you if you get a better mic and if you improve on the points I have subjected above.

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A 7

M 3

You have a very bad mic i told you to fix it or not use it and you said no

You impersonated a staff member and when i told you to change your name because you are not a member nor a mod you got hostile towards me

I have been told you freekilled in the past but i have no proof of this

I would +1 you if you had a good mic and lost the attitude

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A 7

M 3

You have a very bad mic i told you to fix it or not use it and you said no

You impersonated a staff member and when i told you to change your name because you are not a member nor a mod you got hostile towards me

I have been told you freekilled in the past but i have no proof of this

I would +1 you if you had a good mic and lost the attitude

i'm working on all these things and any suggestions on a good mic i can get for cheap like $50 most

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Im not going to be doing much vouching since i havent been on recently but i will throw my 2 cents in.


Whenever he was on, atleast when i was, there were only minor problems. As far as impersonating staff goes, did he copy a staff members name and everything and acted as that mod, or did he put the tags on, keeping his own name, without knowing what it meant?


Mic quality shouldnt impact a member submission, though if you were warned for it, atleast use it as little as you can. I dont remember his mic being intolerably bad, but i dont know. Try messing with your mic settings, turning boost off, lower mic volume, keep it away from your face, etc.

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i'm working on all these things and any suggestions on a good mic i can get for cheap like $50 most

Literally just got this mic myself [MEDIA=amazon]B014PYGTUQ[/MEDIA] 50$ and a descent one.




-1 though due to maturity issues I have had with you but if you can improve those things and I also stop hearing about how the second staff leaves you do everything we told you not to do I will imrpove to a +1



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