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Scythian - Counter-strike

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I greatly appreciate your input, Forest and while I agree with you that the actions I committed were both irresponsible and a fundamental betrayal of the responsibility I was given, I disagree with your statement about such an exception to the rules causing others to cite this case as a reason for their personal problems. I believe (both for my own personal sake and from an objective standpoint as possible) that decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis. XG is in the fortunate position of not legally (or even morally) being obligated to make permanent conditionals when it comes to member discipline. Furthermore, I believe that there are three circumstances wich differentiate my case from those of others:


1. I was 12/13 years old when I decided to make these poor decisions. I am now 17 and I believe that my level of maturity and judgment has improved significantly.

2. Similarly to 1, the event happened almost 5 years ago, meaning that there is potentially plenty of time for "rehabilitation" or a change of heart to occur within me (consider the example of a criminal sentenced for life who is able to receive parole)

3. My reputation before the incident was not one of uncaring or disrespect. Before leaving the clan I performed my duties well and often. It was not uncommon for me to be the only staff member on servers for periods of days.

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I was going through a rough period during my life where I was dealing with many transitions, including leaving my childhood home. To cope with these changes, I would often spend much of my time playing video games. An unhealthy amount of my time.


Ok I really SHOULDN'T be flaming, and I'm not saying you're lying but lord almighty I wish people would stop saying this kind of shit.


I remember you, I wasn't around for your ban. Based on all that has been said, +1 for server unban, but I will stand on my stance that I will -1 absolutely any/all member applications you dare make.



I think people should just lose their powers and never get them again rather than being permed, but that's just my 2cents.


Unless it was their cat, in which case they should not get punished at all... @warriorsfurry ;)


I... was punished...? I feel like there is a joke I'm not getting here. Chaos was not punished to the highest extent allowed by law. Which was a gentle tap to the buttock.

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Ok I really SHOULDN'T be flaming, and I'm not saying you're lying but lord almighty I wish people would stop saying this kind of fudge.


Sorry man, I understand that's an excuse that is thrown around a lot, but I legitimately feel as though those have been some of the worst times in my short life.

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XG is in the fortunate position of not legally (or even morally) being obligated to make permanent conditionals when it comes to member discipline.

Yes, xG isn't obligated to keep bans permanent, but that isn't why permanent bans should be refuted; it's the principle of the matter. That being said, Member discipline and Staff Member discipline are on two different ends of the spectrum. It is expected that Staff know and understand the circumstances of their actions more-so than a regular Member should.


1. I was 12/13 years old when I decided to make these poor decisions. I am now 17 and I believe that my level of maturity and judgment has improved significantly.

2. Similarly to 1, the event happened almost 5 years ago, meaning that there is potentially plenty of time for "rehabilitation" or a change of heart to occur within me (consider the example of a criminal sentenced for life who is able to receive parole)

3. My reputation before the incident was not one of uncaring or disrespect. Before leaving the clan I performed my duties well and often. It was not uncommon for me to be the only staff member on servers for periods of days.

I understand what you're getting at, and literally the age difference is the only thing to consider for this sort of Ban Protest, especially considering we had young Staff at the time (hence the Aged 16+ criteria being added to Staff Submissions). I would otherwise agree with @Warriorsfury in regards to the whole exhausted "I was in a bad place" reason, but the only exception here is if that player happened to be below the suggested age during the time as I have yet to see a 12-13 year old make mature decisions.


However, in regards to the 3rd point you brought up; while it's great that a Staff Member has a reputation/status in the community, that does not and should not mean they are entitled to an unban (given the 'abusive leave' context) for whatever reason. They should receive the same judgement as any other Staff Member who abused under the same circumstances, otherwise this inhibits an unfair and biased decision. If anything, a harsher punishment should be enacted as at this point they should be completely aware of the circumstances of their actions.


In my opinion, what it all really comes down to is the decision of the Higher-Ups in determining whether:


A) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with no appeal;

B) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with an appeal, but no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise);


C) an abusive leave should result in a permanent demotion to Non-Member with no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise; dissolution of Permanent Server Ban)

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A) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with no appeal;

B) an abusive leave should result in a permanent Server Ban with an appeal, but no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise);


C) an abusive leave should result in a permanent demotion to Non-Member with no access to Membership (Basic or otherwise; dissolution of Permanent Server Ban)


If mass freekilling then leaving the server is a permanent ban, then an abusive leave should be considered more severe. Especially if you consider the disruption difference between the two and the betrayal to the clan one of the two offences carry.

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Hm. I guess my reason for appeal is based upon the idea that I don't believe that I am the same person who committed the initial acts. Figuratively speaking, of course. I obviously am the same human being, but I consider myself to have such a vastly different mindset now that I feel that it might be appropriate to give me another chance. I don't intend to pursue membership, let alone another staff role, but I would love to be able to experience the levity of the community along with (IMO) it's high-quality servers.


I'm not exactly sure what I can say to convince those I must convince... so I don't really know.


I feel like I could enhance or increase the positiveness of the experience that others who play on XG servers by being able to play. It sounds a little bit egotistical (and a bit like a job interview), but I would like to think that I am an amiable fellow. I guess I say it just to emphasize that it might be a positive for the community to allow me to return, and not necessarily entirely a burden.

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The more the topic of permanent bans is brought up, the more I think that, most of the time, they aren't really be considered permanent (with the exceptions of things like doxing/ddosing, darkwolf level abuse, or repeat offenders - we usually already note that in the ban reason, something like "Do not unban"). For most things (massing/leaving, abuse, whatever), it's simply a matter of forcing them to make an appeal, show that they've matured or whatever - not that any of this is a bad thing. Most people who come on the servers are between 13 - 17, and people tend to change and mature quickly around that time. So even something like 6 months after a ban, it might be reasonable to give a second chance (of course, depending largely on the offense, previous bans, have they/are they willing to change, attitude, etc.). More than anything though, its good to keep in mind that bans are all different, and should mostly be treated on a case-by-case basis - so I don't see that one ban protest should set a precedent.


However, one thing your posts got me thinking about @Forest, is maybe we should have some kind of a minimum time (6 months, a year, idk) before someone can appeal a permanent ban (unless they think the ban was unjustified in the first place). It'd be a nice way to ensure to set a hard limit on minimum time, and can't appeal it until they've at least had some chance to mature. I'm not certain about preventing people from becoming xG members again, but these are all topics for another time/thread. (if someone wants to make a thread in the admin forum, we can discuss it there)


Moving on to this specific ban, I understand the arguments for not unbanning people who abused, especially who did so as a way of saying "goodbye", but it has also been 4 years. Like I said earlier, most people here aren't even close to the same person they were 4 years ago. Given that and the (apparent) sincerity of this thread, I'm going to go ahead and unban you - but don't expect to be able to become a member/staff again, and don't expect anything past a second chance.

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