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10man Etiquette

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So lately there has been a rise of trolling / target binds / and overall just rude attitudes in the 10man server.


Now don't get me wrong just cause i'm making this post does not exempt me from talking about this as a whole.

I do my fair share of banter / unneeded trash talk.


I'd like to start off by saying there is a difference between "memes" and just blatant disrespect


  • Pauses
    These are something that have been heavily abused lately, it was funny "WAS" it is no more than just aggravating for players in the server now, you might get a laugh out of it, but take into account the other 9 people in the server. There should be no reason for us (adam) to implement a captain only pausing feature, but we might have too.
  • Sportsmanship | Respect
    We are a community, not a bunch of random people joining a pug and fragging out, we organize 10mans and play them to improve and have fun. It is apparent that there is a skill gap in a majority of the players who do play in these games, that does not excuse you to completely disrespect those players.
    I will give one major example in my opinion of blatant disrespect / unsportsmanlike conduct.
    T Side is up 9-0, it's clear they are heavily favored in winning so what do they do? Continue to buy p90's, scouts, and pistols for the remainder of the game. It's clear you're winning the game, it is clear they are not going to come back, instead of throwing away rounds to give yourself more enjoyment, end the game let them learn from their mistakes.
  • Targeting | Binds | Tilt
    If you feel like this section of the post is targeted at you, you are correct. Lately people have been going out of their way to make binds that target one person out, and or make binds that are used in common responses in attempt to tilt someone they kill, and or just spam to try and tilt someone they dislike.
    Examples: Say i'm in a 1v4 holding B site post plant on mirage. I manage to take 3 out, but get killed by the last player, the round ends CT wins, so what happens next round? 4 people say NT at the same time targeting me and attempt to tilt/annoy me.
    I'm playing a lurk spot while my team pushes A on inferno, I get killed while holding an angle, and i'm hit with the young "Debatable" bind.
    It just all leads back to respect, just try and show some respect guys. You can give banter without being a complete dickhead, every sport has friendly/disrespectful banter, let's try and keep it "clean"
  • Closing point
    We're all just trying to have fun playing 10mans, some of us look to improve, some of us look to just pug, we all play it how we want to play it. I'm not trying to force anyone to change what you're doing, nor am I or any one else going to make you change how you play. But just be considerate to the 9 other people that are playing with you.

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  • Pauses
    These are something that have been heavily abused lately, it was funny "WAS" it is no more than just aggravating for players in the server now, you might get a laugh out of it, but take into account the other 9 people in the server. There should be no reason for us (adam) to implement a captain only pausing feature, but we might have too.


Or just restrict it from people who abuse it. Pausing is pretty important and more than often the result of something unexpected coming up or a bathroom break.


  • Sportsmanship | Respect
    We are a community, not a bunch of random people joining a pug and fragging out, we organize 10mans and play them to improve and have fun. It is apparent that there is a skill gap in a majority of the players who do play in these games, that does not excuse you to completely disrespect those players.
    I will give one major example in my opinion of blatant disrespect / unsportsmanlike conduct.
    T Side is up 9-0, it's clear they are heavily favored in winning so what do they do? Continue to buy p90's, scouts, and pistols for the remainder of the game. It's clear you're winning the game, it is clear they are not going to come back, instead of throwing away rounds to give yourself more enjoyment, end the game let them learn from their mistakes.

If 10 mans are for people to improve and have fun why restrict what guns you can use when you are winning? I mean, autosnipers and heavy machine guns are already restricted. Now you're proposing when people are winning by a significant margin they are no longer allowed to use fun weapons such as deagles/scouts? That's not even unsportsmanlike, it's just people trying to have fun.


You didn't even mention how people complain about the teams at the start of the game because they're not balanced (mudkip every game). Or when people throw because of that(BLEED ON TRAIN).


  • Tilt
    4 people say NT at the same time targeting me and attempt to tilt/annoy me.
    I'm playing a lurk spot while my team pushes A on inferno, I get killed while holding an angle, and i'm hit with the young "Debatable" bind.


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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So lately there has been a rise of trolling / target binds / and overall just rude attitudes in the 10man server.


  • I'm playing a lurk spot while my team pushes A on inferno, I get killed while holding an angle, and I'm hit with the young "Debatable" bind.

I feel like that is targeted towards me i try not use it in a rude way I only use it when some one does a debatable play like peppers play on overpass. [MEDIA=twitch]channel=drpepperphreak;clip_id=GrotesqueWrenResidentSleeper[/MEDIA]

I do also throw that "K" bind in their but I don't think that's rude towards others.

If you feel as if they are rude just ask me to remove them and I will.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I disagree with the weapons for reasons that @MineCrack pointed out, everything else I do agree to a certain extent that people should be a little more understanding.


For example, most of us are shit players aside from the xG big dogs, so when we do questionable plays, freaking out and going WHAT ARE YOU DOING on the mic doesn't make us play better. It's easier to just tell us what to do for next time and why.

Also, this is for the shit players, not all criticism is insulting. If someone tells you how to play the round better, don't freak out on them and insult them just because they are trying to improve your game sense.

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I feel like that is targeted towards me i try not use it in a rude way I only use it when some one does a debatable play like peppers play on overpass. [MEDIA=twitch]channel=drpepperphreak;clip_id=GrotesqueWrenResidentSleeper[/MEDIA]

I do also throw that "K" bind in their but I don't think that's rude towards others.

If you feel as if they are rude just ask me to remove them and I will.


How is typing a "k" in chat not intended to be bm towards others? It serves no other purpose than to tilt the person you just killed.


Here's some more examples of "debatable" plays.



Edited by virr (see edit history)

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How is typing a "k" in chat not intended to be bm towards others? It serves no other purpose than to tilt the person you just killed.


Here's some more examples of "debatable" plays.



I use my "K" bind a lot XD

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as a prevalent anti 10manner my opinion probably shouldnt matter much but:


people need to stop taking these so seriously.


in a perfect world there should be /nobody/ with powers except for bleed/lithium, and whoever the scrim leader is should be able to dictate pauses


if you want to pause, ask in all chat. simple shit lol. since you fucks clearly dont have the mental capacity to understand when pausing is needed and when its just a waste of time, you shouldnt have the power to do it. and for fairness, the guy who set up the scrim can pause. dont give scrim leader to people who frequently abuse (you know who you are)


for pure obnoxiousness with binds, bm, etc, if it gets to the point where an individual is ruining it for everyone else through their behavior, someone should step in (again, bleed, lithium, ege, etc.) and tell them to either stop or just not allow them to play. we arent communists here boys this is AMERICA if youre a fucking faggot then you shouldn't be allowed to play


the whole purpose of these are to have fun. I'm not sure what makes me different from others but I have 0 problems playing against/with people who either play incredibly stupid (mudkip) or people who are incredibly skilled (legend)


both of these players make the game different and requires a different approach to rounds to win. whats wrong about that? fuck off if you just wanna play goody goody no troll guns 100% competitive SERIOUS SILVER COUNTER STRIKE, theres plenty of avenues available for literally anyone to play cs in a more competitive setting


the reason why i stopped playing is because of how hostile everything became. shit talking is fun. buying troll guns is fun. bhopping or whatever is fun. bonding with your teammates and making your names all binary speaker 1-5 is fun. what isnt fun is purposely trying to upset people and/or raging at your teammates. losing obviously is less fun but that cs is a game where you can come back from disadvantages in many, many ways and at the end of the day it literally doesnt matter if u win or lose



thank u for reading


#FreeAutosnipers #FreeMudkip #BanJubens


edit: ia lso believe the official 10man sundays should be held to a significantly higher standard than the random 10dudes

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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