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    Team Fortress 2
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  • Previously Banned
  • Time Active on Servers
    since 2014
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    I have regained my interest in tf2 and I've become extermly active again on the xG servers.

    The reason for the ban was a mistake made when I first started playing where they mistaked me for someone else.

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I don't play on trade nearly as much as surf, but when I do come onto pokemon trade you're there being a friendly and cool dude.

+1 for member.

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A:7 M:9 

>be me

>invite rainy to discord call because pubing while talking with my co workers

>rainy joins and talks with me and my co workers

>rainy spends multiple hours talking with co workers after I sleep

>tfw a random from half way around the world is now a part of your work discord server with roles and knows my co workers better than I do

+1 you fudgeing legend

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+1 been around forever and is super chill to hang out with.

A: 8








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1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link !

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3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan!



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[TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]




Note: n/a



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