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Meow :3

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Sometimes he is a tad annoying on the mic, but I would say just give him a few days off CSS to let him cool off and such, then maybe we'll see what happens from there

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Man it's really iffy hes kinda cool but on the same token hes not. hmm i say ct ban. Damn i don't really know it's like hes sometimes cool. hmm i say just ct ban. :)

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You yell at him instantly cause his voice is high. I'd troll the shit out of you too. Oh wait. I do.


On a completely related note, this is one of the dumbest threads i've seen for a ban request. He did what? Called you fat? Or gay? Oh man, thats really gonna shatter my self confidence right there, I might as well just end this miserable existence now.


Grow up, the real world sucks. People are douchebags, you could be in poverty and not even playing a video game.


At the end of your useless day, its a video game. Dont take offense to stupid shit or your life will be absolutely awful.


If you couldnt tell by this, its a -1.


large font is large.

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What Jay said... I mean, he can't be warden, we aleady dealt with that. But you don't jump him, then when he retaliates go "DISRESPECT DISRESPECT"...

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hmmm just putting this in there , might as well watch meow just incase, cause i get spammed though im usually asleep about meow and how he always talk over warden /trying to take warden, and freekills without slaying himself. And hes usually on during the night.

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