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Vouching Committee

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I believe that the judgement of some members are not good in vouching for members. Some members blatantly +1 'for teh lulz' constantly and some -1 for 'U FREKILLD MEH'


Here is how I see it:

  • Any member that is unbiased, logical, and open minded and has a good sentence structure.
  • All mods or higher
  • Vouching Committe selected by DL or higher
  • Consists of 10-20 people


I am not saying our community is full of unlogical kids or anything, but I believe this is a way for us to pinpoint good members of the clan compared to someone who played once and gets like 20 vouches for 'being a good player' when he only played once. People sometimes downvote because they made a mistake, either aware or unaware. We ALL make mistakes but they believe that because they made one or two that they don't deserve to be in the clan. I believe good things outweigh bad things. Would you rather pick to promote someone who worked for you for a day that did really good or pick someone who has dedication and worked for a long time but made a couple of mistakes. I believe some people have gotten in unfairly and some that deserved it have been treated like crap.


This is merely an idea, and I would be grateful if it was in action.


OH, also, post ideas.

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I am not saying our community is full of unlogical kids or anything, but I believe this is a way for us to pinpoint good members of the clan compared to someone who played once and gets like 20 vouches for 'being a good player'


Im saying that, I like this a lot and would love to be on this

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Great idea, maybe a new rank could be created for people who are in charge of recruitment like xG:R?

If rank is created, the Rs could be in charge of manging who is in clan and who isnt

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Oh boy, this will make things REALLY different. I do wanna explain a couple things to you guys though, when I see a -1 with a dumb reason, or a +1 with a dumb reason, I do not take them into account, so don't worry. ANYWAYS Fine I guess the community has decided, I'll work on an application for it.


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