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Admiral Snackbar Admin?!

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okay guys i dont know whats happened to you but heres my story, I play in the Jailbreak server in xeno Gamers and I got swaped by admin; Admiral Snackbar for reasons unknown and when i ask him to swap be back he doesnt answer so i tried 2 more times... no responses and then i go to admin chat i go to team chat then type @why did you swap me? and he says Add me on steam, and i say no i got this on demo so you cant get away with the things you say. So he tells me it was an accident and he swaps me back to ct, i thank him going on thinking everything is fine and then he adds me and says this.


Never tell your password to anyone.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: Threaten me all you want little kid. If youd chill the out instead of being like "OMGZZZZZ I HAZ DEMO ILL REPORTTTTT" Youd ing realize i was explaining myself to the other mods and trying to tell you to wait till i died to fix it. it was a ing accident

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: And i was gonna fix it but i wanted to be able to play that round and not get killed while im figureing out the admin menu.

]USMC[section8: you threatening me

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: So grow up tattletalk.

]USMC[section8: and swaping me

]USMC[section8: i got u all

]USMC[section8: dont disrespect

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: Go for it dude, idgaf.

]USMC[section8: you sure?

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: Grow up while youre at it. If youda given me a minute and hit me up on STEAM CHAT LIKE I ASKED YOU, youda seen i was gonna switch you back after i died. Im learning the menu. So yeah post it dude idc. YOuve been banned for a period of time by admins for breaking the rules a few times now.,

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: Go make your big stink and cry on the forums

]USMC[section8: i will

]USMC[section8: dont worry

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar: <3



i have a demo of him and me playing and what he says in game. what happens out of game i dont know if xeno gamers can control but this was an outrage aimed at me for what i thought wasnt even worth it. please look this over and think about him being admin disrespecting other players. Thankyou - ]USMC[section8 in game name. sadly i need to find out how to post a Demo of this. :( i have many friends in xG but this has never happened by a person to me, most definately not from an xG Admin.



found out how to post a demo Thank you E.Z Bake Oven free.dem

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No reason why this should be dragged out, he is a new moderator he is just simply learning. Just calm down it was an honest mistake and get over it be happy:)

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Yo, why did you blow it out of proportion when he switched you back. And you didn't listen to him when he told you to add him on Steam so he could explain it to you and you just assumed he did it for a bad reason when it was probably an accident anyway. The first thing you did was threaten him with a demo, don't you think that would him off a bit? Damn, learn to chill out.

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Mayeski you didnt see on the demo what he did before, i can only account for what i have proof for, therefor this is the only thing that i can prove and why would i add him on steam, he can get under radar of the Demo, and i couldnt do anything thats why you dont know alot about the demo's do you?


---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 AM ----------


and Kenny im not mad or pissed off or upset about what he did im suprised of what he did after it it was an outrage, aimed at me and im getting it pined on me i should learn to chill, but the thing is i am i took my time to post this instead of being dumb and Cursing him out in steam chat and Serbian same to you im always being told to get proof of admins abusing or disrespecting and i did, sadly i dont have fraps so i didnt get the Steam chat but i got proof on the Demo that leads up to what i typed in this Post and i think most people will believe it. it looks like your trying to pin this back on me telling me i need to chill, but i am. I am chill enough to take my time and post this to Xeno Gamers Forums to discuss with you guys in a adult manner


---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 AM ----------


and i am brand new to this server so i havnt been banned yet, i am a supporter of the xG clan im not a member but i like to play at the servers


---------- Post added at 01:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------


and nighty this isnt admin abuse, its Disrespect i cant get him for abusing becuase he didnt, what he did was an accident its what he did after it that suprised me

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[/color]and i am brand new to this server so i havnt been banned yet, i am a supporter of the xG clan im not a member but i like to play at the servers


This is a lie^ If you checkban logs for Section 8, youll see someone banned him fr a short amoubnt of time and listed the reason as "Learn the rules"


I have nothing else to say on the matter because my peers have already said my side of the story. I made a mistake, fixed it, and you continued to act like a child, so yeah, im gonna get smart and tell you that youre a moron and immature.


Also, wrong forum.


Next time, allow me to explain myself and we can avoid getting your panties in the bunch. I guess "Sorry" isnt enough for you.



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no its not wrong chat and my panties arent in a bunch, you told me to post this so i did your are the one that acted like a child i told you i would post it, you said go ahead and just because your xG you suddenly have the upper hand and this isnt admin abuse its player disrespect out of game by an admin and you raged at me, i didnt rage at you so grow up

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Can we close this thread? My finger slipped in the admin menu 4 F**KING DAYS AGO, and this LITTLE KID is STILL WHINING.



Holy hell dude, really.

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