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Thoughts on the UK Jailbreak server?

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Someone mentioned last night that there was now a UK-based jailbreak server for xg. How do you feel about this?

I personally would prefer everyone stay together because a full server is more fun, and the US server rarely has problems joining.

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No one is asking that all NA players must now use the UK server, it's only required that a small bunch switch over every now and then for an hour or two to just try and grab new players from the European territory. I'm still a bit sceptical as to how it's going to get populated because we have no proper means of advertising and lack a pre-built bunch of people who are willing to play on that server.


All in all it's a good idea but lacks planning, if it would take off then obviously it's a great idea.

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I perm banned myself by accident by typing "rcon" in the console >.<



HAHA, so wait, if i type that in the serv right now. I'll get perm banned? :O

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I think its great that we have a second JB server considering NA JB server is always full during its peak hours. NA JB server is very populated already , so I think our aim here is to populate the UK JB server.

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Even though the new server is great, we could have put the money being spent on that, on other divisions (minecraft). We already have a jailbreak server, barely anyone will drift to the UK server. Plus when you think about how a majority live in the US/CA it causes high pings. I don't know if it is really worth it. I have nothing against Europe, but I would estimate the US/CA to Europe is a 10:1 ratio so I don't think it is worth it honestly.... Now remember that is a random guess, I am most likely wrong, and like I said, I have nothing against them, and I have no intention to grave dig, I just think before we make a UK version of Jailbreak, we should focus on getting the Minecraft division back on track. I am sorry if I offended anyone.

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Ehm yeah U.K. serv like just crashed a second ago. So.. no servs up :S


Edit: ok nvm i think silenc e just reset it, i believe trails and hats are back too!

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Ehm yeah U.K. serv like just crashed a second ago. So.. no servs up :S


Edit: ok nvm i think silenc e just reset it, i believe trails and hats are back too!


Trails have always been there, and still no hats :P So nothing has changed.

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