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Netex Comes back from Boot Camp!

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Oh, guys where should I start. I don't even know where, i was such a looser and a dumbass for being the biggest troll on xG , It wasn't meant to be like that, I didn't want this reputation, Im pretty sure I still have many chances to change the REP again, but not from everyone. Not for everything I've done to this clan and for the good friends that I lost in here.

Let's get to the point, My other steam got banned for bhop scripting , and from esea. I managed to find my old old old steam , back in the 2006s. Im currently unbanned from all your servers, but im not going to join jailbreak without your permission. So, guys I need your help, My parents sent me to REHAB Camp, A.K.A Boot Camp for anger management issues, and i came back as a real person, i got a job, I started going to school again, w.e Life changed back to when it was years ago, I'm ready to prove it to you guys, really I am! Im willing to go through alot of hard work just to earn your respect, and my dignity back , I will step into your servers, without cursing, trolling, starting fights, breaking rules, anything that would get me a Slay / Kick or BAN! It's all gone, and I won't be using the name neteX anymore because thats the past, and im in the future now.

So please xG Members that remmeber me, let me get this chance. If I do anything that is wrong, I'll take the perm ban and leave with dignity, but i can ASSURE you, nothing bad will happen anymore, since I've Changed.

Im sorry for everything i've done.

Lets just say this is a 1-2-3 month probation that I will get from the DL's or something.



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It sounds like you have been through alot. I say +1, sounds like he really have changed this time, and i think he derserves to show it.

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I think everyone deserves a second chance, It's been ages since I'v seen you and I'm happy to welcome you back.


You did troll a lot on our servers, but then again so did I before I joined xG. You seem like a changed person, mainly because you use correct grammar. (I allways remember trolling you about that ;) )


So, overall, I truly do believe you've changed. +1 to unban!

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How fucking dumb are you guys? He's been given more chances than any one else then he comes back from a break and you guys act like he's perfect now?

-1. Anyone who's not mentally handicapped will -1 too.

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How fucking dumb are you guys? He's been given more chances than any one else then he comes back from a break and you guys act like he's perfect now?

-1. Anyone who's not mentally handicapped will -1 too.


I came back from boot camp, my man, you don't understand what I've been through.. you should try to last for a day, whatever, thanks anyway.

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Oh sorry man my life is nowhere near as hard as yours. let me just ride your 4 time permabanned cock.


Okay okay, Im glad it changed though. Thanks for your opinion.

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Really? We're gonna unban the kid whos been banned 9+ times for our servers FOR THE SAME REASON?!? The kid who we use as an example of who we don't want in our community? Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us 9 times, DAFUQQQQQ?? How did that happen? Seriously. You've "pretended" to be polite, and pretended to change like 9 times already. Why should we believe that the kid we've banned the most out of anyone, has changed?? And he just got banned for scripting from ESEA. When we asked him if he scripted he blatently LIED to us...clearly...

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.. regardless of the circumstances, I don't believe someone should be given so many chances..


I'm not gonna say anything but on request:


(Private to [xG] OH MAI GAWD) [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: -1 him for me. I can't get on the forums.

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