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Ban all ::GMOCA::

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Ok guys,

You might not know of ::GMOCA:: clan but its a bunch of british kids who come in the UK Jailbreak server with 5-6 members and do not follow rules one single bit. I have been called in to the server to deal with these people a great number of times and everytime i come into server under a different name and slay one person, they all leave.


So today shadowspy and mr. doctor were in server and asked to come deal with freekillers. I join server and to my not so surprised eyes, it was 5 GMOCA members. They all freekilled us a few times before leaving server so i got fed up with dealing with these incompetent kids who do not have respect for server rules and banned all 5 members since they all left.


Current perm banned (by me) GMOCA members are :







I must please beg higher ranks to approve the banning of ALL GMOCA members since i have had to deal with them countless times and they never seem to learn anything; even read motd for the matter and i'm tired of seeing the same people ruin the server and break rules.

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+1 +1 +1


When I play in the mornings I like to jump on JB2 because it's fewer people and I like to practice wardenning there.


I have had the same experiences with TheMacum, TheGordie, and OtherOne. I have asked them to read MOTD by either switching to CT or hiding as a T until 6:30. Obviously they just don't get it. I'd be more than happy to get demos if anyone wants, they're on most mornings around 9-11 AM central.

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People do get on UK JB all the time like McNeo said to practice on maps and get more familiar with the game with less people so it doesnt affect a larger number of people. I rarely get on Uk Jb but I have been on once with some of these guys and they are complete losers. A british accent only protects you so much.

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I could go troll their servers to solve nothing and just bring more violence to our servers xD JK.


We can get Rabid to do his Monica voice in there? Or we can keep them under surveillance for the time being?

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+1 for this.

The ones I remember seeing were OtherOne, ASDA and TheGeordie and they had no fucking idea what they were doing in the server, I seriously hope this gets put through to a higher up and approved.

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I am witness to this i had to get an admin /mod on a couple times

all they are is little 7 year old that just go trigger happy every round


VERY VERY good idea to ban them +1

b4 this post there was already like 4 banned xD

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