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Zapper Mod App

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Ok guys so first of all let me say, I AM GAY AND GINGER. So with my 17th birthday passing a couple of weeks ago I would like to become a moderator as i'm more mature. I will be on everyday and will devote all of my time to jailbreak and not go outside at all this summer, allowing my body to go into neglect and become even more of a fatass than i am now. Aegean your a sexy turtle and i want sexytimes with you and I believe that I can do it as I am a mod the d3vine rp servers, so please give me a damn chance and once again i'm a ginger. LUV YA'LL.

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I am on such a thin fence over this.


On the one hand, I think you can be funny as hell on the servers. (Sadly being funny isn't good criteria for mods)


On the other, a decent number of people think the exact opposite. (Sadly, this IS good criteria, and it doesn't work in your favor)

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Meh, I'll give it a chance.


Sometimes you're not the most mature, but mostly you're just funny, not causing problems. I've only had to mute you once, which is pretty good :3 Also you're pretty active as of late

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D: -1

W: Immature to say ur 17 my guess is you act ur shoe size and not ur age... disrespectful and dont know motd.

A: 5/10

M: 4/10

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Your hillarious and fun to play with, but i dont think you would be a good mod, your just not mature enough, and thats a major problem if you want to be mod.

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to be honest i think your really funny and a nice guy but i dont think you have the maturity to have this big of a responsibility and im afraid you would just over use the powers


M 1.5/10

-1 sorry bud

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Decision: -1

You're just not ready for it man; you come on the server and troll, throw abuse at other players etc. Your accent thing was funny at first; but it got boring quick and now you're more of an annoyance as opposed to a comedian.

Activity: 9/10

Maturity: 3/10

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