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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    +1 if warrior can mass freesmite and be banned for less than a day why should brian still be banned?
  2. 2 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    Same thing has happened to me multiple times. I had powers on Source bans and I only told you since it was a few weeks after I found out and I decided I don't want it. Brian found out the day he was on the server, and then the post about him came up. I really doubt his first idea would be "oh let me talk to my good pal Silence and tell him bout how I still have powers since I had to give myself custom z flags since he never trusted me on the TF2 servers that I worked on by myself for almost 2 years" He has no powers, he literally is harmless on TF2 servers, might as well be able to play and monitor what his hard work has become and see the progress of the new staff.
  3. 1 point

    It was great when it was happening

    So lately I have not played any css jb. I have played css a few times here and there. But im done with xg now. Its been great to be with xg. I just have gotten bored of it. I know i shouldve posted this a while back, but i didnt have the chance too. So here is my goodbye. @@Gkoo Oh, Gkoo. I will miss you most of all. You were a great father to me. I hope you get higher up in the ranks some day. @@diabeetus Hey fatty, I'll miss you most of all also. Me and you had some great times together. Get div manager fatty. @@shadowspy You were awesome. I hope u get div manager or co-leader some day. @@DarkWolf6052 You were pretty great too. We played all the time. Gmod, trolling, just anything. You got me into xG @@IAmLegend You were pretty boss @@StartNow haven't talked to you in a while, we were cool a while back. @DuckkiJR You were the nicest person ever. Sending me goodnight messages lol Goodbye everyone.
  4. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    serbian is the only co gg Better co than you were gg top lel better co than you'll ever be gg
  5. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    Coke is better Serbian is a better co serbian is the only co gg
  6. 1 point

    Unban request

    Id +1 and unban but not immediate
  7. 1 point

    Unban request

    He made an honest mistake, why keep him banned? He isn't a threat while he's on CT since he now knows what he messed up on. It's not like the typical "oh my brother was on" type of shit, he made a mistake based on how he read the rules. No point to keep him banned, he learned what he did wrong. At most I'd say make him re-read MOTD and unban him from CT
  8. 1 point

    New maps/map suggestion thread.

    Lets remove all the maps and play on that map where you slide around a rectangle that has all the swasticas on it, the one that was accidentally put on the day parabellum was added and we tried admin-switching to it. Also its only my opinion, but we should remove the maps CTs dont use, and even though this would never go through: Lego(FR LR, Simon Says, and Wardays), Summer(Same as Lego), Sand (Only used for ManCannon and Wardays, maybe an occasional minefield) Kittens (Just bad) Iplay (bad) Bunker (Not used) Hellsgamers (NEVER picked ,and boring anyways).
  9. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    +1 smells
  10. 1 point


    Seen him around the servers, he seems like a pretty cool guy :cool:. He knows the rules and is a relaxed player. A:7/10 M:9/10 D: +1
  11. 1 point

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

    It was in the simple admins.ini, and you would not add me to the group server tech. SO I added myself and gave myself custom z flags, since you wouldn't. I just didn't remove it, since when I resigned, I wasn't thinking about that at all. It's not like it was hard-coded into a plugin, but placed in the .ini file. Maybe if you trusted me, and didn't refuse to give me access, it wouldn't have happened. The reason I did that is a lot of plugins required a z flag, and it's easier to give myself a z flag, than just override every plugin I want to test.
  12. 1 point

    Unban request

    Wait but did he say squidward then "be doing this by (2 seconds after his current sentence)", because the time between squidward and "be doing this by..." is already 2 or 3 seconds, idk if you did or not, but you hqve to base it off the end of the go command other than the be doing this by command
  13. 1 point

    Han Yolo - Team Fortress 2

    too op nurf nex patch
  14. 1 point
    Humanized Spitfire... Mmm... delicious.
  15. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

  16. 1 point

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    Ebic says to ban all the childrenz... but how do we know if Ebic doesn't have a childrenz voice too? ...The world may never know... :eek:
  17. 0 points

    Hello im back

    Havent been on in a while and wanted to say hello to the xG community
  18. 0 points

    Brian - Team Fortress 2

  19. 0 points

    Unban request

    -1 You broke several rules at once. One you killed 3+ and got others killed. Two, you didn't give us 5 seconds. Three, I don't even think you gave us a repeat.
  20. 0 points

    RIP Purple Drank

  21. -1 points

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    also please add epix to the blacklisted as he also lacks the required amount of pubic hair.
  22. -1 points

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    Please make it so that people who use their mic and sound like their testicles are so far up that they'll regurgitate them permanently silenced on the servers and banned from the jailbreak and CAM4 channels. #pubes #420 #rolo#molo#yolo
  23. -1 points


    @@MineCrack @@TurdWig @@John @@DarkWolf6052 @@diabeetus @@orangejuice @@Wing @@Chrono @@Hidingmaster @@MuffinMonster @@Jordozombie @@JayBreezy place your bets place your bets my friends, how long do you think this will last? step right up, minimum bid is 10 dollars!
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