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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    Hey Sham sham sham sham sham sham Guess what?
  3. 4 points

    Petition to Make Forest British

    Sorry I can't hear you over:
  4. 4 points


    Can you both please talk privately? This is a thread about somebody else, Not you two.
  5. 4 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    I dont believe saying "alright faggots" was the best way to approach the situation. -Thanks Mate
  6. 3 points


    #Closing this. Going to go through it later. All I'm seeing are two members having it out at each other, and I'll give my opinion later regarding this whole thing about Purple.
  7. 2 points


    Any chance I could get server access so I can do SOMETHING as a division leader? I've been waiting on this for months. You need to trust your division leaders. @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron
  8. 2 points


    +1 kid has like 14 bans total (ctbans and server bans) mostly for freekilling and INTENTIONALLY breaking rules. He also has a ban for "intentionally crashed server" which is something I think is a very serious offense and something we do not need from a member. Also, said he was leaving anyways:
  9. 2 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    I'm flamming hard I'm flamm broiling some GG
  10. 2 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    >implying faggot is still a valid insult. fixed. -- Re-read the op. Sham added that it is his own opinions and not the communities. He is representing himself. I dont want to revive old shit from the past and I am perfectly happy with the relationship of xG to GG. I still talk to many members of xG. Audible's post was just sad in the past. He even told me he was lying. Lol why would I leave my own clan. Silly shit. He didnt even leave a dent in GG, as it got so much better after he left. Also my GMod servers have had more population than the xG ones in the past week and a half, so I am fine with the current standings of xG. Especially when the xG's server cap is higher yet mine has more. Also take a picture of this because Silence will probably edit this. probably I never had a problem with Silence, and I still dont. In fact if Silence wants to add me on steam I have something that can even HELP xG involving NFO. He had tons with me and would never tell me what they were so I couldnt fix them. That is probably the worst "Dealing with people" strategy I have ever heard of. Either way I dont care. Either way I like to unban myself from Teamspeak to talk to my old xG friends so this doesnt affect me as I am unbanned anyway lololololol. But 4srs, if this post goes through and GG members are unbanned. I am indifferent. I dwell in GMod anyway so I dont see why I would leave my own server to play another TTT server. Wat
  11. 2 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    !dragondildos Oh wait...
  12. 2 points


    Shadow there's a thing called "jokes" learn to take one, he's a constant troll. why in gods name should he deserve another chance when he's literally been given 7?
  13. 2 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    Its mainly people like audible that affiliate themselves with us and spout straight up lies that cause the hate. I jus wan muh sexy people back yo
  14. 2 points


    @@Otherworldly @@syN_
  15. 2 points

    alright ~gentlemen~

    Before this thread I doubt anyone had been thinking "oh man I hate GG!" I doubt many xG players dislike the community, and I don't see any current major problems with them at the moment to hold any kind of grudge. +1
  16. 2 points

    Forums Rank.

  17. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: pspprogramer Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39542787 Rules Broken: mass killing Evidence: user is no longer active and has broken ct rules. I should be removed from all admin/mod lists as I have been inactive for a very long time. im already ct banned but im taking this time to say YES I did it so there is the evidence. I mass killed 3 ppl in a row while they were walking towards me in the musical chairs area in lego jail break. I had 100 hp at the time and it was at 2:30 am... roughly. I had no reason to kill them beside I thought they were coming to me to stab me as I was trapped in a corner and I freaked. it is up to you mods / admins on my punishment. thanks for reading.
  18. 1 point

    sup boiz you miss me?

    just saying hello, ill probably pop by in the csgo jb server from time to time, kinda miss playing jb
  19. 1 point

    coolest law ever!

    So, on my drive back from the furcon... I saw a sign about a law in Wyoming... The law says... if you are pulled over for something...I.E... speeding.... the police officer is allowed to check each person in the vehicle to see if they are wearing their seatbelt... anyone NOT wearing a seatbelt gets a ticket... but if EVERYONE is wearing a seatbelt you get $10 removed from the ticket fine for the original reason of the stop (if you even get written a ticket).
  20. 1 point

    Unit12p - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: -xG:A- Unit12p Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32868383 Information: Source auto-banned me for auto-fire. Apperantly, one of the keys on my new keyboard has a function of spamming left-click repeatedly. I disabled it.
  21. 1 point

    Back to school for me :l

    dont feel bad nigga. i got a day job i have to go to soon.
  22. 1 point

    CSS Disconnecting

    Try connecting to the internet.
  23. 1 point


    Alright, after discussing recent events as well as attitude problems with Purple, it has been decided that he will remain a Member of xG. This is the first Member Protest I've seen regarding this player, and as such it will be an eye-opener. It has been made apparent that Purple is constantly harassed both in forums and ingame, which is without a doubt a contributing factor in his attitude. However; given that it is something that can be dealt with in a calm manner (either ignoring or notifying a Higher-Up), it is not a tolerable means of lashing out on forums or threatening to leave xG. Should another occurrence of this happen, expulsion from XenoGamers will be considered and more than likely dealt. I will also note that harassing members of the community is not something that should be practised. If you don't like someone, there is no reason you cannot just avoid them or simply ignore them. Should I hear that anyone is consistently harassing Purple (and vice-versa) again, consequences will be dealt, possibly to both parties. Grow up people, we expect more from our Members, and especially our Staff Members. If you are being harassed or disrespected by someone, notify a Higher-Up. There is no reason to further escalate it by stooping to the offender's level. Doing that will only result in a shit-storm that won't benefit anyone such as this. Contact me if Purple's attitude has gone out of check, and @@Cloud , fix that attitude. I don't want to see you griefing the hell out of people in such a hostile manner for stating their opinion. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  24. 1 point


    Member's Name: MagicalPurple Member's Steam ID: idk Information: This kid needs to learn his lesson, all he does is shit post, troll, and disrespects everyone. he doesn't care for the clan at all and has now become nothing more than a problem child of the clan. Every word out of purple's mouth turns into an argument or is something offensive. Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (This one is someone looking for an actual reason help and only decides to ignore it) Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting http://puu.sh/3UNXP.jpg http://puu.sh/3UO0d.jpg http://puu.sh/3UOaj.jpg
  25. 1 point
    Stop quoting me you stalkers. I backtraced the quotes, I know who's doing this. The cyber police will be notified if you persist David J Perrywinkle, if that even is your real name.
  26. 1 point
    The most recent issue I have seen of this was mythic and onward... mythic intentionally killed onward (3?) times... 2 of which I saw... he would run up and kill him and then instantly slay himself.... onward would then complain to the admins yet none of them would do anything about it and would just say that onward is complaining too much and/or is annoying... I ctbanned mythic for a day after witnessing the second intentional freekill after which he asked in admin chat "how long is my ban going to be" showing that he knew what he was doing was wrong yet didn't care since the punishment was so lax...
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    -1. KK FREAKIN' CLOSE THIS Just jking, +1. Sham is a good player and tons of fun to to play with. He's done a lot of good for xG in the past, and he really isn't someone who would continue to go around and troll on servers and just get himself banned again. He's not that dumb ...I think.
  29. 1 point


    I'm not exactly sure what you just said
  30. 1 point

    Problems with Keyboard on CS:S

    It did it to me a lot today. It was terrible. I have F9 and F10 bound to sm_mute and sm_unmute @me, and it would randomly unmute me throughout the round, then all the keys would fuck up. Wish there was some fix, cause the alt alt or ctrl ctrl didn't work each time.
  31. 1 point


    +1 for an arma 2 wasteland server
  32. 1 point


    lol thats what i tried doing but nooooooo he wants me to reply on the forums Don't you two have your steams? If not then just make something called a "conversation" on the forums, Or what i call a private message.. It is the forums.. :3
  33. 1 point


    Jokes? Yesterday and today.. and the whole time I've been on xG you've HATED me, so why on earth would you all of a sudden be joking?
  34. 1 point


    Cloud, can you learn to stop your constant hate and try to be friendly for 5 seconds? Let him have 1 last damn chance. You almost have a cooked head and a steamed pot and are most of the time as negative as your ratings on this forum. Speaking of ratings, why are you voting literally all of my posts "Dumb"? Why are you still so steamed up, cool it. This is what Chrono meant by your attitude and what I was trying to be around the bush about.
  35. 1 point

    alright ~gentlemen~

    oh wait, he did reply. But I thought Sham never lies though!
  36. 1 point

    alright ~gentlemen~

    You have no idea what you're spouting in this thread, mainly involving why you were kicked out and hated by the leadership in the first place. Stop making this about yourself.
  37. 1 point

    alright ~gentlemen~

    and I hope you also know that nobody talks about GG anymore except to make fun of it? maybe you guys are doing better after I left. good for you; however, it was not BECAUSE I left. this is the load of bollocks that charrax feeds GG members every day "you guys didnt leave because of me" bla bla bla. charrax was demoted for Insubordination and Loopholing + some other stuff. It aint cool. you gave charrax FTP and didn't i do this same thing a few months ago which resulted in my kick from GG? oh yes I remember. I asked for GG members to be unbanned form xG servers and them to be pardoned for shit charrax did... which is what you are doing now... I'm going to go ahead and +1 for any GG member; however, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- any GG leadership should remain banned and /or Harassed while on xG's servers, specifically the ones in leadership before /during my leave. -1 GFYS
  38. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    It's not really a decision based thread. It's a thread to know what is the deal. No point in closing an active thread.
  39. 1 point


    but you're constantly starting arguments, for no reason... calling us shit admins and that we dont know what we're doing for what? no reason. I called you guys that once because i was mad that i got banned
  40. 1 point


    but you're constantly starting arguments, for no reason... calling us shit admins and that we dont know what we're doing for what? no reason.
  41. 1 point

    Back from the dead. Vanilla Grape

    he's very very old. Carson
  42. 1 point


    you're right, my apologies for ma attitude
  43. 1 point

    Peechis_Jr - Garry's Mod

    Closed due to request.
  44. 1 point

    Peechis_Jr - Garry's Mod

    fuck it. Im requesting this to be closed, thaere is no way ill ever get 20 +1s. Ever.
  45. 1 point


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWvWDu6IAyY Kendrick. Fucking. Lamar. Great rapper. Who agrees?
  46. 1 point

    Happy Birthday to meh

  47. 1 point


    What does it smell like? It smells like you, cuz you're fat and ugly
  48. 0 points


    why are you on if you are on vacation -.-? It's a joke. I just don't care. Wait, so are you on vacation?
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