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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points

    Future community night(s)?

    Yay, another Community Night. I will surely be coming to stop by. I will come play these servers -Deathrun until I get bored -Minigames Half the time -Jailbreak until I get bored to go edit something -Awp/Scout Not coming -Gungame Not coming
  4. 2 points


    Google it :LOL::LOL::LOL: But seriously, I don't know anything about minecraft.
  5. 2 points


    Alright, after discussing recent events as well as attitude problems with Purple, it has been decided that he will remain a Member of xG. This is the first Member Protest I've seen regarding this player, and as such it will be an eye-opener. It has been made apparent that Purple is constantly harassed both in forums and ingame, which is without a doubt a contributing factor in his attitude. However; given that it is something that can be dealt with in a calm manner (either ignoring or notifying a Higher-Up), it is not a tolerable means of lashing out on forums or threatening to leave xG. Should another occurrence of this happen, expulsion from XenoGamers will be considered and more than likely dealt. I will also note that harassing members of the community is not something that should be practised. If you don't like someone, there is no reason you cannot just avoid them or simply ignore them. Should I hear that anyone is consistently harassing Purple (and vice-versa) again, consequences will be dealt, possibly to both parties. Grow up people, we expect more from our Members, and especially our Staff Members. If you are being harassed or disrespected by someone, notify a Higher-Up. There is no reason to further escalate it by stooping to the offender's level. Doing that will only result in a shit-storm that won't benefit anyone such as this. Contact me if Purple's attitude has gone out of check, and @@Cloud , fix that attitude. I don't want to see you griefing the hell out of people in such a hostile manner for stating their opinion. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  6. 1 point

    Sexy fun time! (car piccies)

    this is me in my new shag wagon
  7. 1 point

    Back from the dead. Vanilla Grape

    no mega. Who's Mega? mega.
  8. 1 point

    Dr.Peeper - Counter-Strike: Source

    Forest's post makes it clear that anyone after the date who is not 14 will not be accepted.
  9. 1 point

    coolest law ever!

    YOU'RE ALIVE??? :eek:
  10. 1 point

    Dr.Peeper - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 M: 9/10 A: 9/10 Friendly, mature, good player, seen on Teamspeak recently, and Jailbreak.
  11. 1 point

    Dr.Peeper - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Seen him around alot, knows the rules, and is mature. all you need to do is fix your steam id. Good luck Dr.! M=8/10 A=8/10
  12. 1 point


  13. 1 point

    Future community night(s)?

    Why are times so messy, should just be an hour each Also, bhop and awpscout/Jb dont really fit community night well, should be replaced with buildwars and sliderace Edit I guess not buildwars, since that was removed We should either push awpscout to end or put TTT in there somewhere
  14. 1 point

    Problems with Keyboard on CS:S

    Steam AND Hl2 games have crap text editors/manipulators. I can never copy-paste console output correctly, and for awhile, if my mouse cursor was to the left of the steam text input box, it would actually type backwards! They 'fixed' that particular bug but I still see a few odd things from time to time.
  15. 1 point

    Petition to Make Forest British

    Sorry I can't hear you over:
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point

    xG|M Haplessidiot - Team Fortress 2

    Now that's an idea! too bad we don't have one
  18. 0 points
    -1 You arent very mature, you kept yelling at this one kid then got into an arguement with someone else last time i saw you. Not to mention the fact you have only joined the server 10 times, and only have a total of 2 days connected. You have to spend time in xG to truly earn it. In the meantime instead of making a thread over it. @@Forest Is there any way we can make a requirement for how much time you spent on xG before applying? Like 10 days connected, going by adding up the hours (which the rank site does for you)? Ive seen people who just started playing and have like no game time make it in xG just because people they know +1 them.
  19. 0 points
    Go ahead and close this, I found out i'm leaving in two months for the Navy so I wont have much time to be active. Gotta prepare everything and start working out. :/ @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@serbiansnaga
  20. 0 points

    Tarik_ - Garry's Mod

    +1 I played with him once.
  21. 0 points


    +1 kid has like 14 bans total (ctbans and server bans) mostly for freekilling and INTENTIONALLY breaking rules. He also has a ban for "intentionally crashed server" which is something I think is a very serious offense and something we do not need from a member. Also, said he was leaving anyways:
  22. 0 points

    Metal Thread

  23. -1 points


    Because silence babies css
  24. -1 points

    sup boiz you miss me?

  25. -1 points

    Dr.Peeper - Counter-Strike: Source

    He is 13 -.- Or are we letting this pass by?
  26. -1 points

    Back from the dead. Vanilla Grape

    maybe no mega.
  27. -2 points

    Tarik_ - Garry's Mod

    Wow. Once. Thats a lot!
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