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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Over And Out

    someone who can fit the job. ha
  2. 1 point

    Over And Out

    inb4 @@Brian gets coleader and then demoted like last time
  3. 1 point

    The Hero Xenogamers Needs

    please say this is a shit joke
  4. 1 point
    Kill yourself.
  5. 1 point
    -1 until more proof, the proof you provided shows u antagonizing the situation.
  6. 1 point

    New Pc I'm Ordering

    AMD Athlon II X4 760K, Sapphire Radeon HD 7950, NZXT Source 210 (Black) - System Build - PCPartPicker
  7. 1 point
    @@MineCrack You seem to look like you're bugging him. Regardless of minecrack's attitude, he has every right to be upset. Do you really need to say yiff every 2 seconds for people to realize you're a furry? shoving it down people's throat that you're a furry or anything for that matter is annoying as hell. Now warrior, if you have a problem with Minecrack you know the drill, make a valid thread with the proof. if you are really having problems with Minecrack then get better proof, not something that makes you look worse. -1
  8. 1 point

    The Hero Xenogamers Needs

    i only have one word for this... Hi
  9. 1 point


    +1 well if one wants to be one of us, then let one be one......
  10. 1 point

    Last Ct Music.

    pls add this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebno9Rt0beU
  11. 1 point


    +1 I like him
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point

    Favorite Remixes

  14. 0 points

    The Hero Xenogamers Needs

    No thanks, I rather a coleader not banned from a zoo.
  15. 0 points

    Last Ct Music.

    Oh that's kinda catchy.
  16. 0 points

    Over And Out

    GG xG is done
  17. -1 points
    Supposed to be CS:S Donation, but acceptable. Still a donation for access.
  18. -1 points
    Also, as I've said so many times, green is the only one that works.
  19. -1 points

    Embed test?

    We can't embed stuff apparently >:l Only Media[Youtube, videos] and pictures.
  20. -1 points

    Embed test?

    Oh, okay. -- Staggering Beauty Huehuehue
  21. -1 points

    Embed test?

    Holy nerd.
  22. -1 points

    Embed test?

    Test <iframe src="Staggering Beauty" style="border: 1px inset #ddd" width="498" height="598"></iframe>
  23. -1 points

    Xeno Gamers Prison Server

    No mic via MC, how do give orders >:l
  24. -1 points
  25. -1 points

    Another Last Ct Song?

    That ones catchy and nice. Might use it later. This is catchy, might loop it in Audacity to make it longer. Last CT sometimes lasts longer than 1 1/2 minutes. Okay, No, I'm just wanting a little Halloween themed ones for the occasion.
  26. -1 points
    Resolved -Dis furfag be closin ur thread
  27. -1 points

    Rebelling On Lr Rule Edit

    Oh I see. Fixed. Rebelling on Last Request A T may choose to rebel on LR, but once you choose to rebel, you may not choose any other LR. A T can only rebel if an LR choice has not already been chosen, and under no circumstances may the T choose an LR if they have already started to rebel (Doing so will result in a slay). The T does not have to announce they have chosen to rebel, and may do so at any time as long as another LR option has not been chosen. CTs may not tase a rebelling T or tase on LR as this is an unfair advantage. CTs are not allowed to gun plant the T with LR, as this may lead to freekills. CTs can not kill a rebelling-on-LR T unless they see the T rebel, but again, the T may not choose another LR after rebelling. Rebelling on LR can be chosen with either option; using the choice from the !lr menu when available, or without it, using a gun to rebel.
  28. -1 points

    Rebelling On Lr Rule Edit

    Fixed >.< Sorry, derp
  29. -1 points

    The Sun Has Set

  30. -1 points

    Server Ip

    Here is all the XenoGamers servers linked with SourceBans. CS:S Jailbreak IP is
  31. -1 points

    More Inactivity Maybe...

    Gay. Thanks for letting us know. Take your time, education is bett-.. Pfft who am I kidding. Welcome to McDonalds, would you like some swag with your order for another $1.29?
  32. -1 points


    Oh wait you're tehwitch. If I remember correctly, and maybe @@Rhododendron can clear it up, you used to be a Non-Member Paid-Admin.
  33. -1 points
    You're very bad at this @@RainForest huehuehuehuehuehue
  34. -1 points

    Forest, Will You Marry Me?

    Lol I only found this through reported posts.
  35. -1 points

    I'm Sick

    I was told I was when I was like, less than 5 years old, but I'm 17, almost 18 now, and those vaccinations are only good 5-10 years.
  36. -1 points

    thefalcon - Counter-Strike: Source

    This for some reason wasn't closed, way past the "1-month marker" so I'm going to go ahead and close this. Since this thread was not Rejected/Denied/Approved, you may re-apply immediately using this link. Remember when rejoining, you need to have 20 +1's including a vouch from one of the Co-Leaders. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread.
  37. -1 points
  38. -1 points

    Can I Get My Trails Back?

    In-game name: SteamID: Chat Tag[Optional]:
  39. -1 points
    Relevant: How-To: Write Essays
  40. -1 points
  41. -1 points

    Tera Online

    I assumed it was cause all of you are hanging out in darkwolfs channel and are playing it. sorry for implying you're one of them. Won't happen again chief.
  42. -1 points

    Down With Forest

    I really need to give him [british] chat tag that he can't remove but he doesn't get on CS:S enough to show it >:l
  43. -1 points

    Over And Out

  44. -1 points
    Steam Community :: Error brought back the result of "Profile not found - Match: dethklock1" by searching Steam Community :: Error on Steam ID Finder Please fix your Steam ID or link us to your Steam Profile [in the Steam application, open your profile, right click anywhere on it and click "Copy page URL"; it will look like this after you copy it to your clipboard: Steam Community :: [xG:D] DarkWolf6052 <-This is mine, yours will be like that] I searched your in-game name, which you said was "spike" via our server bans list, and our CT bans list. CT bans only brought back three bans. The first two are expired, and the only other one under the name "Spike" is active. Permanent ban, under the SteamID of STEAM_0:0:50576228. Is this your steam profile? .?. Otherwise, I'm not sure where your ban is. "dethklock1" didn't bring back any results either. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  45. -1 points


    @@Brian @@MuffinMonster Just letting you two know I closed the duplicate thread he had open.
  46. -1 points


    It's alright, it's already been fixed, so don't worry about it.
  47. -1 points
  48. -1 points

    The Hero Xenogamers Needs

    i hope to god this is a joke. #Furry for Co
  49. -1 points
    So after reading this now that I'm alert and awake[Last night was over 30 hours without sleep], it's basically not going to go anywhere. We are all aware of Minecracks constant annoying behavior, and as Chrono said, he does receive punishment on the different areas [Teamspeak, servers and forums] which as I agree with Chrono very much will be longer bans every time he starts. But dealing with your post, I'm going to have to close this and deny it, as you messaged Minecrack first. Had he started the message, it might have been a different outcome, but coming straight out saying "Yiff" or other "rp" style furry terms doesn't lead to a positive ending. No punishment will be given, as in your report, he is not in the wrong, but please make sure next time you don't try to start stuff between others. If you want to make a new thread with real evidence, you can do so here and either make out a Member Protest or a Ban Request on Minecrack, but remember to have real evidence, such as screen shots, demos, ect, and remember copy/paste isn't considered proof. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  50. -1 points


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: General Dwittz_ Steam ID: 76561198100091600 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 20 Further Information: No Info.
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