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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/14 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Regarding on the new lct plugin...

    I think that it's a bit unfair that the LCT has AOE, meaning if the last are standing next to each other, they both die. A couple of ideas - -@Nomulous, could you make the LCT hp dependent on the amount of live reds? -And maybe, once LCT is enable, could you give everyone godmode for about 10 seconds (including LCT) so the reds can run away from the LCT or grab ammo. -Make the LCT not have degenerating health (Or at least slow it down), this way, when there is someone just running from LCT, then the LCT doesn't lose health while chasing them. -Make the LCT a really fast heavy, with the minigun, so there is no real "AOE" and instead it's random bullet spread. -Remove the outline from the BLU LCT, it just causes confusion I think since everyone has an outline. -Make him have mini-crits instead of normal crits so they don't get insta-rekt.
  2. 2 points

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    I'm sure he'll return, and when he does. He'll have new legs.
  3. 2 points

    Hobby thread

    I go shooting with my granda sometimes. Other times i like to Skateboard. But most of the time i like to think of ridiculous plots to rule the world. (For example, smearing butter on everyone's pillows so they cant sleep, then when they're all too tired to stop me, i'll rule the world!.)
  4. 1 point


    Ehhhh, don't talk about becoming a mod already. But otherwise, I'll give a tentative +1 A:8 M:6
  5. 1 point
    This will be less of a guide, and more of a show-you-how type thing. Watch closely boys. You added The Boston Basher 7:15:18 PM [xG] Chicken Panda: hello sir 7:15:21 PM [xG] Chicken Panda: i am selling this for 7:15:24 PM [xG] Chicken Panda: one key 7:15:25 PM InvalidSalad The Wizard: Sold. 7:15:34 PM InvalidSalad The Wizard added Mann Co. Supply Crate Key 7:16:13 PM InvalidSalad The Wizard is ready 7:16:18 PM InvalidSalad The Wizard: accept pls 7:16:31 PM and that's it! enjoy.
  6. 1 point


    Sorry, fellas. My TF2 has been deleted some why, and I have to re-install it... I might be on tomorrow, I'll definitely be on the day after that.
  7. 1 point

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

  8. 1 point

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    Lol. 25 days? GG. He was a "fake" xG for like 10 months but John Madden found out he wasn't in fact a real xG. This is why he will be remembered. LOL
  9. 1 point


    0 for now. I don't like your arrogance considering the whole "If I become mod..." thing. Also have seen you on a few times, and you seemed a little immature/annoying. I'll play with you more and see what I think.
  10. 1 point

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

    just think about it as a life experience, you get to feel on how it feels to be drunk :D
  11. 1 point

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    It was nice seeing you on teamspeak
  12. 1 point

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

    When I walked into the clinic I saw a girl leaving with a nurse holding her arm and she looked like she was mad drunk so I got a little nervous. You sit in the chair and when you go under it's the strangest feeling. When you fall asleep you can't quite pinpoint when exactly you drift into a deeper sleep but with the anesthetics it's so quick and, at least for me, time just stopped. I woke up, felt fine, not wobbly at all. Went home and all was good. Weird though I went to this fancy clinic that put synthetic gum fluid or something over the holes so it feels like my actual gums without the holes. Wonder if anywhere does this.
  13. 1 point

    Hobby thread

    All I do is wake up school food homework V-Ball ----------(Oh wait I do have a hobby) Video Game Food Sleep repeat
  14. 1 point


  15. 1 point

    Good animes?

    I retain my opinion that Boondocks is the best anime.
  16. 0 points

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    I leaving xG
  17. 0 points

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

    Wow touching story
  18. 0 points

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

  19. -1 points

    The ebola survival guide

    Step 1. Guns End.Your Fine.
  20. -1 points

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    why you do dis
  21. -1 points


    I can't vote for you because I've never seen you play.. But you are forum active. Can I + 1\2 you for A:9/10???
  22. -1 points

    Wisdom teeth out tomorrow

    Well there goes his wisdom.. That he never had.
  23. -1 points
    If only everything was a scrap for a day... Even buds!
  24. -1 points

    Goodbye from lieutenantdan

    How the reaction to everyone else leaving xG is. NOOO WHY YOU WERE A GREAT MEMBER. The reaction to this? WTF? You were here for really 5 minutes. Edit: Bye. Miss u and ur derpy swug.
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