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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Update Thread

    Donor Commands Added all donor plugins to Surf and RPG Surf. Added Fortnite animated emotes plugin! Can be used with: !emote, !fortnite
  2. 1 point
    i like rust truck and minecaft truck
  3. 0 points
    This is no longer a break, goodbye.
  4. -1 points

    danny bad lol

    danny bad lol
  5. -1 points

    This might be redundant

    Ok last time guys. I want to make it clear this is not for the backlash I received in the past. This is because I don't really want to be apart of this community, I need to seperate myself from this comminity, no matter how much I care. I really just need a mental break and spend time with personal friends and clear my head. Don't take this personally please. Thank you all for this amazing experience where I learned to grow as a person. I thank you all. Here are some special thank yous. Thank you @Tatost, you gave me a chance when no one else would. Thank you @virr, you never seemed to dislike me despite what I did before. Again, thank you all, you're all wonderful people, I really wish the best for you all in the future, and I hope we might cross paths again. (btw please don't demote me I might come back after I clear my head) I'm going to stay in the discord, I just won't be active.
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