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Reputation Activity

  1. Optimistic
    Rhododendron reacted to Alicesandressa in Scootaloo's Having A Baby!!   
    Yep thats right we are being induce tomorrow!! So he is going to be otherwise occupied for a few days. Sorry guys, I'm going to steal him for a while.
  2. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from diabeetus in Concerning The Age Rule   
    I would really rather have it 16, as I want to mature into a more serious clan that caters towards adults.
  3. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DrunkOlLunk in Matsi Is Dumb   
    Recently, Matsi has posted this in the shoutbox giving his opinion on the Minecraft servers. However, it is extremely illiterate and very difficult to understand what the flying buddah he is saying! So let's analyze his statement:
    Full Statement:
    "well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it, which is prolly why i have never even connected to it, well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)"
    well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol
    How do you know people were banned by seeing them? You contradict yourself directly by telling us that 'they got banned'. Also using 'say' in the wrong tense get's you a few points off.
    that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it
    What stuff? I assume you mean our Tekkit server, but that isn't up so that statement has no reasoning behind it. How can one absorb the knowledge that you are spewing out if you have no idea what's going on within the MC division? Then, to make matters worse, you state that you wouldn't play on it because of all the stuff you hear and/or see about it. First, you said you don't play on it SO HOW CAN YOU SEE ANYTHING?! What mouth-breather are you talking to that gives you information like that? Please, cite your sources since now you are plagiarizing and are going to be suspended.
    which is prolly why i have never even connected to it

    well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)
    You already play one four others? What the hell does that mean? Oh! You mean ON for others, right? Oh, alright. Now, three of which is your own server? You should not be referring yourself as 'is' since it's grammatically incorrect. You should be using 'are' like a pirate :D Don't worry, you're already halfway to becoming one SINCE YOU'RE PISS DRUNK HALF THE TIME!

    Final Grade:

  4. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Vertex in 20 Player Versus Server   
    The xG L4D2 server is back up. See instructions here for usage.
    Important: Server Info
    Subscribe to the workshop collection for more map choices.
    Steam Workshop :: xG Maps Collection
  5. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Vertex in Sourcecomms And Sourcebans Update   
    Wait until the new release comes out. I've done 15 pull requests worth of plugin improvements, it's currently on the development bay untested.
  6. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Bach in Bring Back The Dream.   
    This map was on the rotation for so long because I love it so much!!!
    +1 bring it back!
  7. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Moosty in Bring Back The Dream.   
    This map was on the rotation for so long because I love it so much!!!
    +1 bring it back!
  8. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DrLee in Status Of Vector's Ban   
    Alright. We gotta stop doing PMs to discuss stuff like this. But frankly I gotta be honest. I don't have an opinion about this whole thing, and it's extremely annoying at this point.
    We should have discussed this in the admin discussion, and next time I get a PM discussion something about the clan, it's going here since I don't wanna isolate anyone, and it's better we have many people discussion than only a few.
    I'm sick of hearing people threatening to leave if we do one thing, it's exhausting. I don't know how to vote on this at all.
  9. Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Nfo Carrier Issue   
    Sweet only 100 more IPs of ours to add!
  10. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Egossi in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  11. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Vertex in New Nfo E5-2697v3   
    I was referring to the flexibility of using virtual instead of dedicated.
  12. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Sylux in [tf2] Goldenrod City Map Feedback[halp Pls]   
    Can't spys use teleporters?

    I know it probably took a lot of work, but I think people won't mind them too much if they cannot collide with them. Nobody likes to be held up by running into another player, let alone a dynamic part of the map :)
    Oh just read it's in areas not really used by players. Still think you shouldn't be able to collide with it.

    That's good. I had to use an entity filter to strip out lavender town from the map. People were just complaining too much about it, and it's not really a pleasant song to listen too haha!
    Also a request. The building places with the alley ways, some you can walk through and others you can't. Would you feel it would ruin the experience if you widened some of them for consistency sake?
    Just my opinions!
  13. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Sylux in [tf2] Goldenrod City Map Feedback[halp Pls]   
    I've been adding a few tweaks into the golden rod city map as some of you know to make it less of a clusterfuck(at times) I would love some feedback before I submit it for potential testing on the server. *I will do this with ecureak when it's more stable (scumbag editing each tree hit box ;_:)* IF YOU HAVE ANY FEEDBACK PLEASE POST BELOW/MESSAGE ME ON HERE OR STEAM TYXOX
    Custom moving entity pokemon

    Basically in some areas(that are rarely ever walked in) have some entity models of pokemon which move in set paths, which can be destroyed from (~400 dmg) and will take 7 minutes to respawn, I just basically want opinions on this as maybe it was just a moment of madness/witchcraft by me.

    Building restrictions
    In each spawn I enabled teleporter entrances to be created, this could provide the option for some players to get out of spawn traps etc ~~~ still tiny implement that could be changed in a minute.
    So far i have changed many of the songs which are mainly from PokeRemixStudio - YouTube most of these are remixes from original pkmn songs, again If anyone wants to post a song to be added i will add those songs into it(as long as it's relevant).
    TLDR; Feel free to post feedback for a potential update to goldenrod city.
    **These updates are tiny the models are a roughly 2mb all together with paktak**
  14. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Need A New Pair Of Eyes   
    Updated so any changes will push out to all servers!
    I'm sorry about the delay, I'll see if I can release the updater info to necessary parties so they can update it instead of pushing updates out to EVERY TF2 server since this makes it A BREEZE to do!
  15. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Ohstopyou in Need A New Pair Of Eyes   
    https://builds.limetech.org/files/tf2items-1.6.2-hg270-linux.zip Woops
  16. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Scootaloo in Death Threats   
    Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.
    There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.
    So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.
    @Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.
    We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.
    So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.
    In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.
  17. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Need A New Pair Of Eyes   
    Alright should I update the updater DB then so it can push out to all servers?
    What's the link?
  18. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 Map Request Section?   
    I've been busy this weekend!
  19. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Tf2 Map Request Section?   
    I've been busy this weekend!
  20. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    As he stated. Don't want drama? Use official channels.
    This summer as the TS population increases, we will be handing out moderator and administrative powers to users to moderate the official channels. Being active in Community Channels will not apply to these users, so please, try to get the official channels populated!
  21. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Bach in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    As he stated. Don't want drama? Use official channels.
    This summer as the TS population increases, we will be handing out moderator and administrative powers to users to moderate the official channels. Being active in Community Channels will not apply to these users, so please, try to get the official channels populated!
  22. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Regarding Crashing   
    The website seems much more stable since the changes I made. I haven't had any stalling like before :D
  23. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    As he stated. Don't want drama? Use official channels.
    This summer as the TS population increases, we will be handing out moderator and administrative powers to users to moderate the official channels. Being active in Community Channels will not apply to these users, so please, try to get the official channels populated!
  24. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Nomulous in Too Many Fucking People To Name - Teamspeak   
    I read this initially and then didn't stay up to date on this. In all reality, the owner of the main COMMUNITY channel is in charge. If there's any issues you need to bring it up with the channel owner. Silence and myself talked about how community rooms work, and it's not in our control. Nobody can modify or punish people's behaviour for a community channel. If it's an official channel, it's different. The only time any of us higher ups can intervene is when there's kick/ban/command abuse that shouldn't happen.
  25. Friendly
    Rhododendron reacted to Vector in Official Xg Gta: Online Rankings   
    it's great, a lot of hackers though but they usually keep to themselves or give other people cash. Add me on steam and you can join me and the others to play.