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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. serbiansnaga


    lold so ♥♥♥♥ing hard at jay breezy's comment, oh dear god that is too funny
  2. +! other is very good mod, but sadly he left twice and got mod twice but left and joined again, now hes at this point, so give him mod
  3. +1 inb4 jay stickies 50 threads about rap and redirects everyone to lame rap music, hehe but ya give mod to jay, we can use another forum mod to watch forums
  4. +1 this guy may be an ♥♥♥ at times, but he knows the rules really well and also knows how to warden
  5. this didnt work for me either, prob a glitch or somethign that silence was tinkering around with in his lab at the castle on top of a cliff with lightening and rain 24/7, think frankenstein
  6. but ben, because u put more salt, u offset the flavour of the vinegar, now u need to add more vinegar
  7. slippery push ur limit more at the gym, it will tire u out more and ull get built faster. ie, if u do bicep curls at 20 pounds, try doing the same amount of reps at 25-30 pounds, dont keep doing the same amount of weights every time, ur body gets used to it and eventually it will stop growing cause its used to the weight
  8. university is even worse (in a good way), all the women wear either tight or revealing clothing and the parties are even better, they make out and ♥♥♥♥ and do all sorts of crazy things. im having trouble keeping the women off me
  9. slipery u can always exercise till ur dead tired, that would make it easier for u to fall asleep, also its healthy to exercise and build muscle
  10. we need more canadians in xg, we already have control over the towns in mc, also one has to have tough skin in order to take the massive amounts of fail trolling (wouldnt even call it trolling, more like embarrassing oneself). dont leave, u contribute more than a lot of other clan members in xg, a lot more
  11. ya llama (gotmad) is a troll, he does that so dont take it srsly, in fact, dont take anything he says srsly. i cant see the second link, doesnt show anything, first 1 is ok, could be better but okay considering the time spent
  12. u kinda overreacted gundown96, u shouldve just asked nicely why he thought that way, instead of insulting him for something that he believed to be true atm
  13. i think he got redeployed or hes busy with something else, he was on a couple of weeks ago after being offline for 70 days, but thats about all i know
  14. its cause the ragehards are jelly cause we worked to get our mod and admin status, and they want it as well but they dont want to put the effort in it, so they ♥♥♥♥ talk us to get us in trouble and possibly get us demoted so that they dont feel as inferior. they also focus on the one bad thing that we did as opposed to the one hundred good things that we did
  15. what if...the minecraft world...was created...BY ALIENS? http://imgupld.lunaticoutpost.com/graphic/images/2011/July/31/E1EB_4E35906B.jpg
  16. ya, too many summerfags and newfags in the internet, they totally make everything cancer
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oGmytVHl_I
  18. like button is at the very bottom of ur post, underneath "blog this post" and above the next persons avatar
  19. if brian took it one step further, we would see a multimillion dollar budget summer blockbuster film about drink spamming netex
  20. *blinks* did i miss something? and arent u a self proclaimed troll? cause if u were, u would be able to handle the "♥♥♥♥ faced faggots" in xg