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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ya pretty sure jay breezy's the most quoted person on xg forums
  2. i didnt get any msg from anyone about the dirt 3 serial code thing, nor will i ever. btw are we talking about source banned or vac banned?
  3. ur on ur way for apologizing for more things rexx. also perhaps rexx is the mutant offspring of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBKRRcWXs5Y
  4. serbiansnaga

    You jelly?

    i have a super nintendo in perfect condition, still play super mario world, mario kart and un squadron from time to time to relive the golden age of console gaming. and i haev two controllers with it as well, jelly?
  5. serbiansnaga


    co leader here, how may i help?
  6. +1 its about time that ben got mod back, he did screw up but he stayed active in the clan
  7. dont need proof to get urself unbanned, u need the admin who banned the person to comment on his protest
  8. serbiansnaga


    he didnt post vids of it, or a tinychat of him eating it
  9. serbiansnaga


    +1 he would make a good mod, hes on been active in clan for a long time, surprised he didnt get mod before
  10. serbiansnaga


    i call bs on this, silence said he would eat a shoe when the steam group got 1k members, then he changed it and deleted the eating shoe part, we have like 3.5k now and he still hasnt so much as placed a shoe to his mouth
  11. serbiansnaga


    can we unban shikaku from ts already? we unbanned rabid and hes made ts so much more fun to be on +1 to unban shikaku from ts
  12. hes in JETZ, the same group that aarons in, dont expect him to stop trolling in the near future, and dont take him srsly at all, wont help anyone and it encourages him
  13. the fact that u are taking a break is a light at the end of the tunnel, hope to see u back in the clan herpes. during ur vacation, give herpes to as many ppl as u can
  14. brb banning aegean for putting a negative vouch, kk hes banned for negative 2 seconds
  15. LOL WHOSE THIS GAI?!?! +1 active, knows rules, motd etc etc yadda yadda, u know what i mean
  16. +1 to mod, but wait, why did u vow to nvr return to xg yet be active on servers and forums? its like saying ur nvr going back to the army, but still fighting insurgents with the army, hmm interesting
  17. at this point, i want to act so smug about u rejoining xg after u said what u said when u left, but i shall resist and +1 ur submission
  18. +1 get back on already, hopefully co leader duckii rejoins
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_gst-Ryh3g&feature=related
  20. u were a heavy medic, thats like the easiet killwhore combo in all of tf2, try that with another class and i will be impressed
  21. told u that things would get better, at least i think i did, we still have things to fix but im confident that we will get back to our former glory (the good glory)