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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. You probably have some memory problems. When I said oops there was no 15 second wait. You slayed me immedietly. 2nd, never killed anyone in iso. Didn't even touch the button. 3rd, you don't have proofs that I did anything other than you saying it happened. What happened to needing evidence for a ban?


    Also, why don't you get some people beside anime kids and your furry friends to back you up if you're the white knight who is never wrong?

    @@DerpO_o @@Uryuu_Minene You dont need evidence for every ban, you need evidence for something like perm bans for hacking. Also, what does people watching anime have to do with your ban? From my knowledge darkwolf and his friends dont even watch anime (I do). You and Minecrack were getting mad since we kept extending the map, and you started breaking rules because of it. Stop trying to find excuses to get unbanned, because none of them are working.

    Still think its funny that you edited in "Also, why don't you get some people beside anime kids and your furry friends to back you up if you're the white knight who is never wrong?" when you are having minecrack back you up because he's your friend

    @@DarkWolf6052 You should just close this

  2. Um. I know quite a few who do that. Just saying. Me included. But usually only at night when no one gives a fuck. So if that's a valid reason for not having mod I know a ton of people in need of demoting. But I don't think it is.

    If It gets excessive when they abuse admin chat etc. they can get demoted for it after being warned and stuff, but you get demoted instantly for something like !ban @all


    EDIT 2 : MY* and also, FIXED

  3. -1 Derp, at one point (I left after this and didnt see anything else happen) you killed lemons and said "Oooohhh my mouse is breaking ahhhhhhh"

    Im sure you had freekilled more after that, you said you had freekilled darkwolf and you slayed yourself for it, but those 2 are still a day ban, if you broke even more rules or freekilled more than those 2 freekills than a week was right.

  4. Sharks And Minnows used to be played alot, but we called it Piranna game, we did besically what you said forest, but with 2 CTs.

    @@Forest Maybe make it so that warden can do 1 or 2 CTs?

    +1 to 2 and 3 and 4, people will complain about number 1, besides, instead of a hub Remembrance Day we should do a Bring Back Hub day where everyone gets on forums and tags silence saying "BRING BACK HUB" each in a seperate thread, +1

  5. Need more active Wardens who make it fun.


    .. I guess I'll start getting on every now and then again, I'm sure everyone's sick of repetitive Wardens doing the same thing day in, day out, huehue

    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

    Wardens are crap, and when I call people out for it they say "Hohoho WHY DONT YOU WARDEN THEN?" "Because I want to play T and do games" "WELL THATS UR FAULT"

  6. plebwolf +1'd it so gg

    Watch out, if you say pleb you might get banned. ( @@ABusinessMan who cant even reply to this)

    On a serious topic, @@MineCrack you shouldn't let matsi get his way lol, the reason for extending this is extremely dumb.

    @@Matsi I have a TON of CT bans from myself that would've still worked with just a slay, and just did it so the person I freekilled etc. could shut up (These were all long ago). Unless you know what happened in each of those situations you cant really say anything about them, unless they were by other people. Not to mention playing as long as people like me or minecrack have the bans add up.

  7. CS:S is dying, TF2 is growing. That's like bitching at Apple cause they aren't supporting the Apple Newton.

    Youre only bringing in people from tf2 in, if something were to happen to tf2 youre relying on the servers you don't do any work on to bring in people? Css seems fine on other servers, its not the game, its our server, the only special things we really have are bombs and last Ct, hu;b would definitely fix css's condition, which is really the only thing people on css have been asking of you. Yet as far as im concerned, you completely disregarded that and NOW I hear youre working on a hub for tf2. If TF2 is REALLY doing that good it wouldn't hurt to work on css would it?