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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. It just blows my mind that Darkwolf and his furry friends say nigger all the time in Teamspeak (Public Server, anyone can join) and for some reason is OK.

    Turd 90% of the time we are saying "nigger" is in out TS room, where it is allowed.

    His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS

  2. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Staff Name:


    Staff's Steam ID:

    You have it


    Further Information:

    Refuses to acknowledge why he gags and or slays people.

    Threatens players when they question him. "Recording demo whole time, dare you to fight it"

    Wrongly gagged me.


    For clarification, Each time I have died on last CT or on freeday from falling or something, on parabellum, I have seen him sitting at the bottom of the ladder to the ground floor of climb. he sits there about 10 seconds. I call him out on camping.


    The last time I did I was rather annoyed he thought he could get away with camping when he so religiously slays others for it. So I angrily said "STOP CAMPING NIGGER" then got gagged where he then threatens me in image 1.


    How is saying "STOP CAMPING NIGGER"


    A) Disrespectful

    B) Racist

    C) Some other reason to gag me?


    Keep in mind I said it in admin chat to a total of 3 admins online. Darkwolf Gkoo and whichever person DoubleRainbow something is.


    @@serbiansnaga not expecting a demote out of this, but really, he needs to get his act together.



    Here is video proof of it, yes, I didn't reply in a way I should have. I should have told him why I gagged him, but honestly, he is a Division LEADER. He knows exactly why I gagged him. He used "nigger" in the form of an insult. Personally, being called a nigger doesn't effect me. But if you said "stop camping you nigger" to someone, that would very likely be considered disrespectful and racist.

    Forgot to include these, also, @@serbiansnaga on the Video, look at @@DarkWolf6052 from 4:17 to 4:02 (15 seconds, he only moved 11 or 12, so him calling him out on the camping was valid

  3. @@serbiansnaga Im quoting all the posts with proof/important and valid reasons for this thread, other than the back and for bickering between everyone.

    Steam Community :: Error[/url]

    -snip- You said "nigger" in admin chat. It's a valid reason to gag. You're not allowed to say nigger, and you know it. Making an abuse thread on me for gagging you seems pretty pointless. Yes, I should have told you why you said it, but you are STAFF and very much know why you got gagged.

    G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^)


    I was debating doing anything about this, mostly for reasons that I know people can get pissed sometimes and shouldn't be put under fire for letting it slip a little... but I've talked to people about it and feel like its just something that should be added to this thread; and it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way too much.

    Long story short, I asked for clarification on why we could declare a warday later on in the day. I never said I was right and he was wrong, but I was looking for an explanation about it. I felt that it was not handled appropriately and the language used was not required at all.

    Oh and btw this isint a "wake up call" forum its a demoted or not demoted forum. >_>

    If it goes through he gets demoted.



    because it is relevant to the argument of bias. The point is that I say "nigger" in admin chat, and get gagged, he says it in admin chat and does not. it is completely relevant, I don't see how you see it not as that.

    There are TOO many variables in that situation to matter.

    - Was darkwolf there? Look at the bottom of the screenshot, it shows him as T lr'ing

    - Was it said twards someone? He wasn't saying it to anyone, he said "next person who freekills me is getting perm CT banned"

    - What was the mood of the setting? Calm, he had just said that after typing "im tired of getting freekilled", this was all in admin chat btw

    - What was Deathgods intentions of saying it in that way? He pretty much was just saying hes mad about getting freekilled

    Bold is from me



    @@Matsi I already know that you guys figured it out, and that the part of his name is still partially shown (I also know that darkwolf was so immature that he decided to blacklisted duckii jr after he found out THANK YOU @@Warriorsfury for talking to darkwolf about unblacklisting him.)


    @@DarkWolf6052 Better?




  4. I agree, I shouldn't have spoken behind your backs like I did. I am sorry. I've been dealing with stomach pains today and trying to pass the time by not being on so I can vent. It's times like this I wish I had a stress ball.

    I am very sorry to the people I spoke about behind their backs

    Thank you for saying sorry about the disrespect, it takes maturity, but unless its some major emergency-room worthy stomach pains (in which case im sorry), then just go lay down and sleep, makes me feel better.


    @@Matsi I already know that you guys figured it out, and that the part of his name is still partially shown (I also know that darkwolf was so immature that he decided to blacklisted duckii jr after he found out THANK YOU @@Warriorsfury for talking to darkwolf about unblacklisting him.)


    @@DarkWolf6052 Better?




  5. Here let me keep this short and sweet,

    -1 for Demotion

    +1 for Probation/Probationary Period

    I think this might solve some of this

    that's basically what some of us are stating.


    Well everyone is taking sides so hard to tell...

    Still want a demotion, my thread was enough to be a wakeup call to him

  6. Alright

    This thread is not about DeathGod It is about DarkWolf. Is it not?

    Do not see why I need to include a picture of deathgod saying nigga.

    because it is relevant to the argument of bias. The point is that I say "nigger" in admin chat, and get gagged, he says it in admin chat and does not. it is completely relevant, I don't see how you see it not as that.


    There are TOO many variables in that situation to matter.


    - Was darkwolf there? Look at the bottom of the screenshot, it shows him as T lr'ing

    - Was it said twards someone? He wasn't saying it to anyone, he said "next person who freekills me is getting perm CT banned"

    - What was the mood of the setting? Calm, he had just said that after typing "im tired of getting freekilled", this was all in admin chat btw

    - What was Deathgods intentions of saying it in that way? He pretty much was just saying hes mad about getting freekilled

    Bold is from me

  7. Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


    Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

    Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect

    Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up

    But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where

    I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk.


    @@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.

  8. @@Chrono My thread SHOULD have been a wake-up call for him, this SHOULD lead him to a demotion, unless it turns into a 3 strike thing, this being his second.

    (Ill post this again) @@DarkWolf6052 The only reason we're doing it is because of your friends (id say something else right here but ill go easy, lol) are downs-voting everyone not on your side

  9. <14:53:00> "DarkWolf6052": Ugh

    <14:53:17> "DarkWolf6052": Diabeetus, Shadowspy, and HidingMaster are autistic

    <14:55:05> "DarkWolf6052": Serbian is offline

    <14:56:11> "DarkWolf6052": If I get in trouble for this stupid thread I'm leaving xG

    <14:56:21> "IAmLegend": dun be gay dark

    <14:56:39> "DarkWolf6052": No I've had enough of shadowspy, diabeetus, chrono and hiding

    <14:57:00> "IAmLegend": eh that's 4 people out of a whole community

    <14:57:10> "DarkWolf6052": That continuously want me demoted

    <14:57:25> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": 3 of thoes 4 faggot fuckers are still analy bleeding cuz they didnt get TEMP dm

    <14:57:51> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": and can be delt with easly i.e just demote if they continue arguing with higher ups

    <14:58:04> "DarkWolf6052": Forest doesn't want them demoted

    <14:58:15> "IAmLegend": dark, there are always going to be people who don't agree with you

    <14:58:22> "DarkWolf6052": For ALL the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

    <14:58:26> "IAmLegend": like me and poncher

    <14:58:27> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": idc what forest wants if they continue i say go to serbian

    <14:58:32> "DarkWolf6052": Look

    <14:58:37> "Rpx": go to SuperMaddud

    <14:58:39> "Rpx": DL

    <14:58:39> "DarkWolf6052": For all the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

    <14:58:42> "Rpx": lol

    <14:58:46> "DarkWolf6052": He was only warned

    <14:59:12> "IAmLegend": and you're butthurt over the fact that you most likely will NOT get demoted for gagging chrono

    <14:59:45> "DarkWolf6052": Chrono is one of those people who hangs out in Warriors room, he'll just ass kiss Serbian into demoting me

    <14:59:54> "IAmLegend": nah

    <14:59:55> "DarkWolf6052": This just isn't worth it


    Again, @@DarkWolf6052 , I have friends too, nice to know me @@diabeetus @@Hidingmaster and @@Chrono are autistic.

  10. Steam Community :: Error

    -snip- You said "nigger" in admin chat. It's a valid reason to gag. You're not allowed to say nigger, and you know it. Making an abuse thread on me for gagging you seems pretty pointless. Yes, I should have told you why you said it, but you are STAFF and very much know why you got gagged.

    G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^)

  11. @@Hidingmaster In every case i've seen with darkwolf, hes one of those people (as you kinda said) Who is SO stubborn,that they don't look at ANYONE elses views, and always assume they are right, and hes also one of those people that when proven wrong, find OTHER excuses to make the other person look bad

    @@DarkWolf6052 he's basically saying he's seen you go straight to teambanning for a day when they do 1 thing (nothing major that would require an instant 1 day CT ban), in which i've seen too , and daddio saw it too, from what he said

    I bolded the part that i edited, the edit command is broken again, as i see

  12. @@Hidingmaster In every case i've seen with darkwolf, hes one of those people (as you kinda said) Who is SO stubborn,that they don't look at ANYONE elses views, and always assume they are right, and hes also one of those people that when proven wrong, find OTHER excuse

    @@DarkWolf6052 he's basically saying he's seen you go straight to teambanning for a day when they do 1 thing (nothing major that would require an instant 1 day CT ban), in which i've seen too , and daddio saw it too, from what he said

  13. -snip-

    Agreed, I don't want someone demoted for not handling a situation as well as they should.


    I do, he does it too often, if a 1 time ofense i wouldn't care so much but when it happens mutiple times every time he's on, it gets to the point where nobody wants to deal wtih it

  14. @@DarkWolf6052 He didnt tell me to drop that subject, he closed the post itself to stop a flame war, he didnt tell me on TS either.

    The rule is you cant do it for lr, so as long as i didn't do it until lr, i was fine, it is not that you can't do it with 2 ts. Call it "loopholing" if you want, but it's not, loopholing = finding an exploit in a rule, i found what it said you CAN and CAN'T do, and i acted upon it.

    You have some of the worst judgement of any staff member in my almost 3 years of xG, the ONLY reason you aren't demoted, in my eyes, is because there is NEVER anyone of a higher rank than you on the servers to see the shit you do, at most there is forest or gkoo, but its not common for you guys to be on at the same time

    And no disrespect intended, i know people can have personal things effect their gaming, but when that happens, just take a break from gaming, it doesn't help to play with trolls etc.


    @@Matsi The day before that he didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he left, and on the time i had told him why the slay was wrong, and he completely ignored me. You also didn't answer my post on what you would do if an admin slayed or gagged you and didn't say why they did it.

  15. @@Matsi I know you have had dealings with abuse before, if you got gagged or slayed, and an admin(any admin, pick someone you hate if u want idc) didn't tell you why, or warn you for either, would you be mad and call abuse, or would you say "nah i dont care"?

    DarkWolf has (free)slayed me twice, and each time didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he did this with chrono,

  16. We used to have a thread like this, it was better organized though, because we didnt have troll who ruined it



    ...then @@Gkoo banned @@IAmLegend ...