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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. No, hes not going to turn into a Netex Jr, (Netex was banned and rebanned constantly because we gave him too many chances, every time he fucked up after being unbanned) Learn from your past xG, it doesn't work. Giving someone 1more chances is OK, after that it just turns out bad


    EDIT: As diabeetus said, if you dont even know the shit he did and how many chances he was given, dont respond

  2. kids coming on and freekilling, not knowing the rules, and getting away with it because very rarely there might not be an admin on.


    yeah like wtf. There are ~10,000 mods and admins for the cs:s division. last night there was 32 people on jailbreak and this was no mod or admin. Where are you guys?

    Just counted the staff roster, theres 40 staff members, (including DM and Div,not including Co Leader since they're kinda for every division) Also chuck said "very rarely" there is no mods or admins on, which is true, most of the time a mod or admin is on, unless it's early morning, or really late at night.

    Also, you guys have to admit, the occasional rule breaker can cause some fun sometimes (as long as it doesn't hurt the server or its population), some people will laugh at a mass freekill etc. (obviously they still need to be punished though).

    Besides, without rule-breakers, theres no point in having mods and admins


    And I swear this is like the 10th thread I've seen on this, and it's maybe the 4th time I've seen people bring up the "CT quiz" thing, which is a good idea, we just need someone to make it and with silence working on hub, which is top priority right now, we don't have the time to mess with that.


    IN MY OPINION, instead of the CT quiz, we should have this vvvvv (After we are done with hub)

    I think we need a thing that when you joins (I've seen this on garrys mod, so no its not my idea) , a thing pops up and says "I have read and agree to the server rules" after you press close on the MOTD

    Also, I think after that pops up in chat saying they "I have read and agree to the server rules" we should make CT ban length (or server ban too, either way) more serious. Since they know they had the chance to read the rules.

  3. He didn't back out, he had just not given a place yet, as another example I showed before, if a Ct says we're gonna have a restricted freeday, but says out of cell rebel, and didn't give a place for the restricted freeday, it makes it a normal day until he gives a location

    Anyways lets avoid a darkwold-thread of holy flamewars, we should get back on topic

  4. It was not a warday, but rather a freeday at that time.


    MOTD states: "Illegal Wardays will result in a Freeday for the Ts until 0:00 (7:00 for CS:GO)" and " If cells open BEFORE A LEAVE TIME IS GIVEN the T's can leave cells."


    So we can come to a conclusio using these two parts that it was in fact a free

    For the second rule to go into effect, a location must be called, and there was no location given. Thus this makes the warday void, or in other terms "illegal", thus it would default to a freeday and any kills were in fact freekills.


    Although snakeboy, no matter who it is you gotta tell them why.

    Dhsshhsjsijdhdjs8eiei nobody is reading what I'm sayingggg, if a Ct were to say "Out of cell, rebel," then say "we're gonna do climb", he's not saying to go to climb, he said we're gonna do it, making out of cell rebel still in effect. Same goes for this, he says we are going to have a warday, he never gave a place so therefore out of cell rebel still is in effect until he says the warday area, in which they can leave immediately. In simple words, it couldn't have been deemed an invalid warday(which if it was, would make it a freeday) when there was no warday yet

    Now, back to watching anime, I swear typing on this tablet makes me want to shoot myself its so annoying

    @@Forest @@snakeboyeric

  5. My point is, if he didn't say where the warday was, it wasn't a warday, and as long as out of cell rebel was called, its not a freeday, its like saying were gonna have a restricted freeday, but you didn't say where, if out of cell rebel was called, its not a invalid freeday or restricted freeday

  6. Swapteam isn't really meant for swapping rule breakers, that is for when the CTs with mic to T ratio isn't right, also nothing in those screenshots show much, the one says you are polish, thats not disrespect since it says nothing bad about polish people, and the other just shows him swapping you , all it deserves is a warning for now. +1 for warning since he didn't respond to you on purpose

    Also, since he didn't give a place the warday was at yet, as long as out of cell rebel was called, they were valid kills

  7. Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

    Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


    I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.

    Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone.

    He didn't say it in an offensive way, and darkwolf, earlier in the thread you said that you didn't care, no other staff complained from what seen, so he was fine, since it wasn't excessive either.