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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I have NEVER EVER been warned BEFORE being gagged/muted for disrespect


    You guys seem to be looking for any reason to complain about darkwolf.... isn't this the same thing everyone got mad at me for when I was posting abuse reports when admins were "messing up minor things that don't matter so much?"


    This thread is an abuse report over a FUCKING GAG!!!!!!! enough said....

    Well you SHOULD be warned, even if you aren't , its the admins fault if you aren't warned

    This isn't over JUST the gag, as i said before, its over him not handling situations right, i.e not telling chrono why he gagged him after gagging him, since he didn't warn chrono it was a freegag anyway. and for not handling the situation with hidingmaster right.

  2. Also @@DarkWolf6052 You can't blame you not being a DM right on "stress", first off u didnt seem very stressed and paying close attention to the bad CTs in that video if the other mods on weren't doing anything about the bad CTs that according to you there were alot of, you should have been in spec, doing your job. And if you are so stressed in the first place, DM isn't the rank for you.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wERbc3fmbK8

    -snip- I didn't reply in a way I should have. I should have told him why I gagged him -snip- He used "nigger" in the form of an insult. Personally, being called a nigger doesn't effect me..


    Ok so....

    > Dickwolf wasn't camping | He did, i counted his steps from 4:12 - 4:00, not 10 steps in 10 seconds

    > Chrono was mic spamming whistling |Then he should have been warned(which he wasn't) then muted, not gagged

    > Chrono said nigger | Darkwolf said "Being called a nigger doesn't effect me" in the quote above, and the rules say it cant be used in a disrespectful or excessive manner, and that if a admin deems it as disrespect it must be stopped immediately. He said it once, nobody on deemed it as disrespect (darkwolf didn't either).

    > Chrono got gagged for saying nigger AND for "spamming/misusing admin chat" (which was kinda dumb.... since it WAS in admin chat, gagging him wouldn't prevent it again.... should of kicked him instead...) | He didnt misuse admin chat, he was stating that darkwolf was camping, which he was.

    > Chrono, being a D himself should know better than to call people nigger | The way he did it was abiding by the rules, wasnt excessive nor in a disresptectful manner, darkwolf took no offense, also darkwolf being a DM should know to warn first, and give an explanation when he gags or slays or does anything of that sort to someone.


    >#close plz


    The bold is from me. Also @@Lemons If you dont want to read the lengthy posts (rated mine TL;DR) , dont view abuse threads, they're full of em.

  4. He looks too much like Jesus, and its a little creepy.

    Hes a mix of Jesus(Hair And Face) +Santa Claus(The Red Clothes + Gray Beard, +Fat)

  5. +1 , I think its funny how only darkwolf's friends -1 his ban requests

    It also seems that @@Chrono and I are the only ones who have enough balls to make an abuse report, since everyone talks about doing it and doesn't.

    @@DarkWolf6052 (Im tagging you in all the important parts) This isn't all about the "freegag" part either, part of it is the way you handled it, you didn't tell him why he was gagged, and just immediately threatened him saying "I have a demo" "Fight it" , earlier yesterday you had called a normal player a dumbass because they did one thing wrong (wasn't even anything major), and no it wasn't a friendly "lol u dumbass" it was you saying "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOOT ME YOU DUMBASS!" *then immediate slay*, also yesterday, in-game, you said freeshooting wasn't slayable when another mod asked you if it was (it may have been sepoh, I don't remember) so I guess freeshooting is only slayable if it happens to you? @@DarkWolf6052 I want you to respond to that part I just said on the freeshooting. Even if you only called @@Hidingmaster stupid, he can still take that in a disrespectful way, just as you can take the N word in a disrespectful way, (which in this case it really wasn't, BTW you gagged someone who did it in admin chat GG lol ). As said and seen on my thread on this, You didn't answer me on why I was slayed either (You've done this to me twice, Chrono now, who fucking knows how many other people like members/nonmembers you have done this to, it makes you look REALLLLLLLLLY good to the community, I hope you notice the sarcasm in that.)

    Also @@DarkWolf6052 , not too long ago you sent all the admins a warning about !csay !msay !tsay abuse, I saw you abuse it yesterday , don't be so Hypocritical, because you are DM and we are Mod/Admin, doesn't mean the abuse is less serious.

    Also darkwolf, you did camp in that video, you stopped moving at 4:12 and didn't move 10 steps in 10 seconds, when you reached 10 steps it was 4:00, so aside from the N word part, he still pointed out you were camping and yet you just kept going on, running around, if you had said "Shadow stop camping"(and lets say I actually was, but as you did, in a non-noticeable way) and I said "I wasn't" (yet u didn't respond to chrono at all at all) you would have slayed me.

    @@DarkWolf6052 I don't know if you think you don't break rules because you have some shit that goes on in your head that says "Oh I don't break rules, everyone else does" or if it is that since nobody on JB can target you (other than other DMs, but its rare for you to both be on at the same time) and you think "oh well I haven't been slayed! I guess im ok!"

    Anyways, again I STRONGLY +1 this thread (inb4 forum banned or this thread closed for flaming, also this thread has 10x MORE flaming than mine did, but OK)

    -snipped- part of quoute

    I must have been late...

    -snipped pictures

    So what about that, Mr Division Leader?

    @@DarkWolf6052 So what about that, Mr Division Manager?


    @@serbiansnaga Your input on thread please

  6. ---Cleared my previous post---

    -/+ 0. Going into race as a CT you can sort of expect you're going to have Ts following you into the area. It's a 1 entrance area technically. I know the doors both lead into the same area, but once they're shut, its two ways out. Win, or die.

    It's not a good idea to hide in race if you intend to finish it while camping. It would lead to either a mass freekill as a CT, or a mass teamkill as a T or CT.

    I disagree with this... I don't really think it should be considered mass teamkilling/freekilling if it is a map game... the other people could have decided to not enter the game in progress but instead they did and they died...


    HOWEVER, I do not think that anyone(or at least a CT) should be allowed to be in there waiting for someone to come in just so that they can finish and kill them.


    I do not think anyone should be punished for actively playing a map game on a freeday that leads to deaths to the losers.


    This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban, but if he was actively playing race then +1


    I agree with you on the map game part, the Ts DID enter at own risk, knowing it was possible. By the time he was able to see any Ts he had finished (I was the only one he could see the entire time, until he noticed the killfeed pop up after he finished, killed 3 ,4 if you include me, but i thought it was funny that he killed me, it was as a joke towards me). If he WAS camping though (which i know he wasn't) this would be considered mass+ camping a cheat spot (deemed cheap by poncher, when he was on.)

  7. And mega the length of the ban isn't the problem. I was my last fuck up so no matter how many I killed it would've been perm banned from servers. But its just that it was an accident so I don't think I should be banned

    Well if it was that you were supposed to be permed from SERVERS and NOT CT, then you got off lucky in the first place.

  8. @@Warriorsfury Pornhub did something similar on blackout with the dinosaur (and he did it on purpose, killed like 5 or 6 ts) and got like a 1 or 2 week CT ban, so to be fair since it wasn't intentional and he only killed 3 (4 if you include me, but he did it as a joke with me, i thought it was funny until it killed the other Ts) he should only be a few day/week CT banned

  9. ---Cleared my previous post---

    -/+ 0. Going into race as a CT you can sort of expect you're going to have Ts following you into the area. It's a 1 entrance area technically. I know the doors both lead into the same area, but once they're shut, its two ways out. Win, or die.

    It's not a good idea to hide in race if you intend to finish it while camping. It would lead to either a mass freekill as a CT, or a mass teamkill as a T or CT.

    The rule is you cant CAMP in a one entrance area on a freeday (as a CT) , he was running around and he didnt camp, he had just run in a few seconds before that, from where he was, he couldnt see Ts ( only me, and he killed me as a joke, that i was fine with ) who had just run in (the door was still open from them entering)

    Plus, Shadowspy, if Minecrack hadn't finished and you had, you would have teamkilled 2 people.
    I would have if i finished, which i didnt though, i only went in to get the trail anyway :x

  10. +1 Ts ran in at their own risk, he shouldnt even be banned (he also wasn't camping it, and the only one he knew was there was me, the other Ts had just ran in when he finished) .

    He also didnt argue with admin about his ban.

    He had killed 4 (including me, i didnt care that he killed me though) , so no ganja he didnt kill 8 ts, no need to exagerate.

  11. @@Gkoo The difference is that this one is automatic death for CTs , you can't attack them no matter what(well, unless last CT), but this day shouldnt be implemented anyway, we have Manhunt for a reason)