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  1. Informative
    Brian got a reaction from Stence in Rest In Peaces   
    I've been thinking about this for a long time to come.
    Sometimes, I've questions the actions of many inside of xenogamers. There's the unnecessary drama unfolding between "members" of the same community. We're supposed to be a community. And instead, there's constant quarrels and qualms almost daily, from minimum interaction. There's admins who hardly play, and remained promoted, while there's certain others who are on every day and don't get a slice of recognition. I've been guilty of all this in the past, which is why I feel I need to do something. I resign.
    Strange? Well, not really. I've been thinking of leaving for the past 6 months now, because I need to focus on my student career and not my online gaming. I've brought an entire division up from the ground at a time when we only had a single server opened. Now, it's one of the most powerful and popular division in all of xenogamers. The countless hours I spent attempting to convert skins into models, trouble-shooting and problem solving. It taught more about myself than I could have learned from getting a job or failing a class.
    Certain others I've clashed with, whom will not be named, please understand that I meant no harm. I understand your anger, and sometimes you need to realize that certain personalities simply do not mix. I apologize for whatever I've done to completely and utterly make your so volatile against any of my actions, and I sincerely hope for forgiveness.
    @@MuffinMonster Stay Canadian
    @@ThePenguin Stay Nicaraguan
    @@mtown81 Stay competitive
    @@SuperMaddud Stay British
    @@Chrono Stay Shirtless
    @@Nomulous @@HaplessIdiot Stay Furry
    @@Travtman Stay mediocre
    @@Docterlat_ Get promoted
    @@Bleed DarkRP
    @@SkitZoFrenzly. FUCK YOU <3
    @@Lemons Stay Sour
    @@Cristo Stay Mexican
    @@Gawd Stay Russian
    @@McNeo Stay Computer Nerd
    And to all those that I didn't mention, don't worry. I still remember everything about everyone. Anyways, farewell. I'll still be on teamspeak and such, just do not hold me up to a lower standard. I simply grew tired of video games.
  2. Funny
    Brian got a reaction from Forest in I Want A Completely Useless Section   
    Explains why you're still here.
  3. Winner
    Brian got a reaction from Crona in I Want A Completely Useless Section   
    Explains why you're still here.
  4. Winner
    Brian got a reaction from Stence in I Want A Completely Useless Section   
    Explains why you're still here.
  5. Friendly
    Brian got a reaction from Rhododendron in Rest In Peaces   
    I've been thinking about this for a long time to come.
    Sometimes, I've questions the actions of many inside of xenogamers. There's the unnecessary drama unfolding between "members" of the same community. We're supposed to be a community. And instead, there's constant quarrels and qualms almost daily, from minimum interaction. There's admins who hardly play, and remained promoted, while there's certain others who are on every day and don't get a slice of recognition. I've been guilty of all this in the past, which is why I feel I need to do something. I resign.
    Strange? Well, not really. I've been thinking of leaving for the past 6 months now, because I need to focus on my student career and not my online gaming. I've brought an entire division up from the ground at a time when we only had a single server opened. Now, it's one of the most powerful and popular division in all of xenogamers. The countless hours I spent attempting to convert skins into models, trouble-shooting and problem solving. It taught more about myself than I could have learned from getting a job or failing a class.
    Certain others I've clashed with, whom will not be named, please understand that I meant no harm. I understand your anger, and sometimes you need to realize that certain personalities simply do not mix. I apologize for whatever I've done to completely and utterly make your so volatile against any of my actions, and I sincerely hope for forgiveness.
    @@MuffinMonster Stay Canadian
    @@ThePenguin Stay Nicaraguan
    @@mtown81 Stay competitive
    @@SuperMaddud Stay British
    @@Chrono Stay Shirtless
    @@Nomulous @@HaplessIdiot Stay Furry
    @@Travtman Stay mediocre
    @@Docterlat_ Get promoted
    @@Bleed DarkRP
    @@SkitZoFrenzly. FUCK YOU <3
    @@Lemons Stay Sour
    @@Cristo Stay Mexican
    @@Gawd Stay Russian
    @@McNeo Stay Computer Nerd
    And to all those that I didn't mention, don't worry. I still remember everything about everyone. Anyways, farewell. I'll still be on teamspeak and such, just do not hold me up to a lower standard. I simply grew tired of video games.
  6. Like
    Brian reacted to diabeetus in Rest In Peaces   
    I'm fine unless you stop playing Just Cause 2, because my thirst for 911 re-enactments will never be quenched (I wonder how many red flags just popped up on the NSA radar).
  7. Ding!
    Brian reacted to Lemons in Hub   
    In other words it will be here when HL3 is announced.
  8. Funny
    Brian got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Starbound Division/server: Can This Be A Thing?   
    Thank god.
    I thought we almost missed our quota of asking for a new division every month.
  9. Like
    Brian got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Starbound Division/server: Can This Be A Thing?   
    Thank god.
    I thought we almost missed our quota of asking for a new division every month.
  10. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Crona in Starbound Division/server: Can This Be A Thing?   
    Thank god.
    I thought we almost missed our quota of asking for a new division every month.
  11. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Jaybreeze in Starbound Division/server: Can This Be A Thing?   
    Thank god.
    I thought we almost missed our quota of asking for a new division every month.
  12. Boring
    Brian reacted to Aegean in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    What are the flaws with xG?
    1. No one wants to do anything themselves to better xG, it's all about what they can get in return.
    I'll explain. There has been nothing innovative in XenoGamers that people implement to XenoGamers, or new ideas that people just do for the betterment.
    Here's an easy example.
    Community Nights - Super easy to do, no one has the initiative to do it. The idea that Rpgs had thought of that him and I implemented was every week we choose a random server to go on, and invite a group of people, invite them to TS and tell their friends about it, and I'd be giving away free credits.
    Did everyone get credits? No. Did everyone have fun? Yes. Did people meet new people? Yes.
    This is the biggest problem since when I was Co-leader, not just me but we had people who actually cared about the community. Did I have to do community night? Absolutely not, I coulda played games I actually wanted, but this was planned to be a weekly thing but when I left, I didn't think people would think of excuses to not keep Community Night going. There is no fucking reason to not do it every week, since it's easy to get a few admins to administrate since they'll want to be there and have fun. You don't need some "permission" from a co-leader or leader to do this, just tell your friends and post a thread. You don't even need to give out credits, just give out a reason for members to meet staff and each other, and just enjoy servers that might not be played so often.
    Tl;Dr = Community nights are easy but staff or people who "care" about the community don't want to do it because they personally have nothing to gain.
    2. Staff don't talk to each other well, and forums are not regulated well.
    There's been so many times where staff disagreed with something a higher up has changed, and either the lower staff wouldn't implement this rule which would cause huge confusion over servers, or they would just be pissed about it. This is a gaming community, this shit should not be happening in such a developed community. Staff should ALL be discussed for the most part for new rules that might have dispute over it. Why are Divs implementing rules that admins and mods don't agree with? Easiest example was the dumbass rule over staff having to be in teamspeak while they are in server, and they can't be muted. This was such a dumb rule, and on top of that staff were to be punished over such a rule. This shit should not be happening, discuss it with staff, post it on forums and get the communities opinion on such changes.
    Tl;dr = Staff don't communicate well, and many disputes happen that shouldn't happen.
    Forums not being updated is a 2 parter.
    I. There are many rules (age wise, teamspeak being mandatory etc) that I myself put on as the rules. So many people get accepted into the clan without passing qualifications because
    A) People who accept don't know the rules and just assume they know.
    B) They like the person and don't care if they don't qualify 100%
    If you want some of these rules changed, if you discussed with others, implement the change on the actual appropriate areas, and bold the change with a timestamp. This will avoid confusion and weed out the 13 year olds who never use their mic and get +1's from people who +1 everyone.
    Tl;dr = Update and keep up your knowledge on the rules/guidelines of forums and applications.
    II. The main threads like jobs of staff, which I wrote about every staff position except DM who wasn't there when I was Co-leader, should have been updated months ago. Why can't div's just add a little description to it to say what DM's are supposed to do? Do you think it's stickied to remind people who I am? No, it's thread has an actual purpose, if you're staff, act like it.
    Another part to this, is that no one bothers to make helpful threads for new members, or has any new ideas to get the community involved. The forums have huge amounts of traffic every day, why not take advantage of it? The sticky threads should not be things that are over a year old and nothing more.
    Tl;dr = Update forums with current stuff, sticky important matters.
    There is much more to this I can add that I've seen this past year as a non-member, and I'll add to this later after thinking of how to word them.
  13. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    yeaaaaaa lets keep making threads about the same bullshit every three weeks. this will surely be the one that motivates everyone and gets the clan back on track!
  14. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Warriorsfury in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    Please explain to me why we need MORE staff. You're just silly... (I would call you stupid but I don't want to get banned)
    You need better, more mature, less ignorant, less divided staff.
    The servers need to be more unique.
    The servers need to have UPPER ADMINISTRATION WITH SERVER POWERS who are ACTIVE and scared of dealing with things.
    You also need staff who can see through problems and fucking solve them without taking 10 years of complaining to someone els.
    You need staff who wont spread useless rumors/drama around the clan.
    Pretty much, it should be to the point where if ALL the staff were put in one room, they wouldn't argue or say anything disrespectful for a whole 10 hours without problem. They should also all try to put in something to contribute to the server.
    P.S: start demoting people please?

  15. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Warriorsfury in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
  16. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Chrono in Happy New Year   
    pacific time is only time
  17. Smelly
    Brian reacted to gluepop in It's Been So Long   
    shit post?
    well that's new... i guess?
  18. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Epix in A New Hope?   
    Well, get ready nerds. Working on it today after I finish my Dungeons and Dragons game with my friends we have planned.
    @@Bleed @@Chrono @@ThePenguin @@Epix @@Volt @@mtown81 @@Necromancer
    I have no idea what else to add. I'll probably end up making a gun game server with League of Legends sounds, but other than that, there won't be much else to report on.
  19. Not Funny
    Brian got a reaction from John_Madden in /xg/ Sings #2 : Fresher Edition   
    Need more people.
  20. Not Funny
    Brian got a reaction from John_Madden in Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present : Spooky Scary Skeletons /xg/ Style!   
  21. Winner
    Brian got a reaction from Temptedguy in Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present : Spooky Scary Skeletons /xg/ Style!   
  22. Like
    Brian got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Xbox1 Or Ps4? (or Even Wii U)   
    PC + Wii U Master Race reporting in.
    There's not that many note-worthy PS4 or XBONE games coming out that really convince me to buy the console. I got the Wii U because of Bayonetta 2, the Wonderful 101 and my favorite game series of all time, Pikmin 3. Everything else is either being released on the PC, or not even worth the box it comes in.
  23. Agree
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in Bitcoins   
    I'll stick to normal gains tyvm

  24. Informative
    Brian reacted to SuperMaddud in Over And Out   
    inb4 @@Brian gets coleader and then demoted like last time
  25. Informative
    Brian got a reaction from Reflex in New Pc I'm Ordering   
    AMD Athlon II X4 760K, Sapphire Radeon HD 7950, NZXT Source 210 (Black) - System Build - PCPartPicker