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Everything posted by easy

  1. lol, you're not getting unbanned. Serbian, Good, Orange & I talked. You are a known rager, and you do not need to be unbanned. We don't need people like you playing on our servers. Go find somewhere else to play. EDIT: Unless you can prove you didn't say anyhting about ddos, you won't..
  2. easy


    indefinatly? ;o Shit, that sucks. Hope to see/talk to you soon..
  3. Who are you? EDIT: Oh, you play minecraft .
  4. Dumbasses. Obviously you CAN'T READ!
  5. easy

    Serbian thinks

    rexx, you're not 6'1. You won't grow 1 foot in a couple months. Plus, if I was your height (5'2) I could have waay bigger muscles... js.
  6. easy


    +1, it's been long enough, we don't need to be this childish. We're mostly adults/teens here, we should start acting like it. They should be unbanned, or atleast most of them (Excluding Drank jr & some others for obvious reasons).
  7. @Aegean!, you still haven't answered me.. if you've donated before, does it count for the "get out of jail"
  8. If you previously donated though, would you need to donate again?
  9. easy


    He did, cari. But his dad took the money back (Charge Back), I think, and that cost silence money, and you know silence doesn't like losing money ;).
  10. easy


    I am the founder of xenogamers™ I'M BADASS Google Image Result for http://www.justsaypictures.com/images/5771-800-600-you-wish-you-were-this-badass.jpg
  11. most likely to have little to no history on their computer.
  12. most creative most unique most athletic friendliest best dressed best smile most daring most dependable most intelligent quietest most school spirit biggest flirt most talented most organized most economical safest driver most liked by parents funniest most caring biggest prankster best entertainer most likely to be famous typical high school student most tardies most likely to appear on a reality show most likely to appear on a talk show most likely to become a millionaire most likely to become a politician most inspirational most affectionate most unforgettable most likely to attend summer school most likely to not change after highschool/college most likely to stay in their home
  13. easy

    EZ next american Idol

    Nbd, Nbd. I'm a champ. I think that this is the turning point in my career, & when I'm famous, I'll be sure to mention xG as my starting point.
  14. easy

    Rabids amazing map

    Jeez, floodles. lrn2red. He said "15min"..
  15. easy


    Guys, you're saying how much of a troll he is, think of who was worse, him or netex? Netex is back, playing on the xG servers now, & he seems like a great guy now. He doesn't troll even when people troll him, he doesn't disrespect e.t.c. If NETEX can change, why can't rexx? Also, (Douche train ahead, beware).... Duke, you're basically saying yours and everyone else who -1'd is right, and the people who +1'd are completely dumb? You're not gods praised gift, you're not always right. If he gets unbanned, you look like an idiot, kind of like you do now, by saying everyone who +1'd are dumb. Either way, you don't have this special gift which makes you always right, neither does anyone (that I've heard of), so get over it. People have opinions, and some people have different ones. We have opinions, we can state them, you might not like them, but get over it EDIT: I wasn't trying to single duke out, I was just stating this. It was also towards nivek, kinda..
  16. Brian, everyone abuses on one another. You come into jailbreak, & you'll probably see me slaying mohammad for no apparant reason, but me & him are so e-tight, that we don't give a shit. He could ban me for a day, & I'd laugh so hard. -1 Clearly not abuse +1 Clearly a joke
  17. Thanks, syn <3 Xeno Gamers - Search As you can see, he killed 7 people in a row, before dying, then leaving immediatly after. Hope this helps you, ninja.
  18. easy

    Putting out something

    Technically, you could be banned without any questioning, but I think that it shows that you care enough to get another account...
  19. easy


    I think silence will only unban you if you re-pay the $60.. That's what I'd do..
  20. easy


    Kevin, don't even make accusations when you don't know. Either way, everyone needs to simmer the fuck down. I've said this in every ban protest that trolls/rule breakers have made, DO WE TRUST THEM ENOUGH? I for one, think rexx can be trusted, he just needs to be put under careful watch.. But, I'm not +1ing or -1ing yet. He still needs to show some more maturity.
  21. aaaand, It's fixed. Alright. So ^ yeah. What I commented.
  22. Guys, are you seriously going to go through this again? We need to stand strong. So what if he has supposedly been to boot camp. I can say my dick is 50" long, & some people might believe me. If we're unbanning netex for "going to boot camp", we should unban daz for being "molested" by his father. Unban me It all comes back to do we trust them enough... I'm at a 0 though.