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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. @Aegean! The xG Jailbreak community has decided, your dancing is worse than bad. Steam Community :: Error (The choices were "Good" "Bad" & that one)
  2. You were muted, told your mic was bad, got unmuted, continued to talk in your mic, got kicked with the reason "stop talking on your mic", come back & say in admin chat "Wtf, I didn't do shit, why did you kick me" followed by other things I forget, & then got banned.
  3. He's so active, mature, & knows the rules. He did NOT spam posts, I thought he was at first, but they were legit posts. He's a great guy & would make a good mod. +1
  4. fuck you babe. I thought you were leaving :concern:
  5. You & me were the ones who had problems, I've forgave you for that, but I still don't think you're mature enough to be in xG. Sorry. Try again once you've proven to have gone back to the way you were BEFORE. (Before all the dickish shit happened) -1
  6. Ahh, I misread it, I thought you were saying it was the only one you have not done, & that you want to try it. ;)
  7. So, you've smoked Oxycontin, done Steroids, meth, ice, e.t.c?
  8. *grammar LOL, I love you <3 Btw, Remember that one conversation we had, were you drew me that wonderful penis with cum going into my eye? Good days <3
  9. easy


    Oh gosh, you're making me blush :$ Thanks, brony. I really appreciate it<3
  10. *NEW GAME* Ask *AN old fucker... My question, you're 33, why don't you use proper grammar. Baddie<3
  11. easy


    unnecessary... lol Anyways, you haven't talked to me about this, & I'm sad I wasn't up there *rage*, but I think I know why.. Either way, you were a great friend & we had tough times before & then we worked 'em out, by our amazingly comedic talents. :highly_amused: I hope to see/talk to you soon. I hope you are happy :)<3 EDIT: White chat (First part)
  12. Guys, he donated & got mod, he helped us out, by giving us money. If he abuses, it goes away, end of story. He didn't earn it, but he got it. Leave him alone, & get over it.
  13. easy


    Heey Qt 3.14, I miss you.
  14. easy

    Good ol' times

    LOL, SOIARN! & xG:S stands for soccer. We used to have a team, remember?
  15. easy


    Couple things, 1: Chrono, if it was only you & korean, in almost a full server, why weren't you in spec? 2: Ero was a great co-leader, he was strict, didn't pick favorites, & he made sure everyone had fun. 3: What Ero said was unnecessary because if some guy said someone freekilled, & we slayed every single time, we'd be full of abusers. But, Chrono, you didn't need to say what you said either.
  16. easy

    E.Z. Kill is mad

    Herpes, you're a brony. Nuff said. Also, you need a haircut <3
  17. easy

    E.Z. Kill is mad

    Ponies Are Gay the definition of problem People Of Walmart - Funny Pictures of People Shopping at Walmart HERPES IS BUTT MAD
  18. @@Mohammad, you don't have to use that method, you can write it in other ways aswell. Either way, I played with this guy in rpg surf today, & he was asking about the rules, & making sure he was doing them properly, I think after he reads the motd a couple more times, he'll be a great addition. So I change my -1, to a +1.
  19. You don't get powers for being a member, btw.
  20. easy

    Umm, bans?

    Close this then, herpes. tsk tsk tsk. Always the lazy lumberjack.
  21. Don't worry, we WON'T miss you JUST KIDDING, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, HAVE FUN
  22. Oh, lol. Thanks for telling me x_x
  23. easy

    Umm, bans?

    No. Just No. Just unban them.
  24. Well, I teambanned you for freekilling & shooting the soccer ball at T's on lego, after I said "next person to shoot, will get teambanned"
  25. +1, slipery & foxxy were being unreasonable. Perm was unnecessary