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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Topic IMO: USA. MUCH better gun laws, although New England is retarded liberals and overpopulation (I'm gtfo'ing after college). Gun culture here is a lot more friendly, although gets a lot of bad press. Per capita income where I live is generally high. Law enforcement is fine and healthcare doesn't affect me since my parent's job's give us full healthcare and dental. Plus USA has a warmer climate :D P.S. This is a DISCUSSION thread, not a debate thread. Post your OPINION, but don't slander or say bad remarks about other people's opinions. Don't be a child and start a flame war so the thread gets closed.
  2. I'm a derp so I didn't realize my headphones weren't plugged in so I thought it was a troll video >.<
  3. Heisenberg


    DuckiiJr. you should really just remove/block all of your steam friends who say this ♥♥♥♥ :( If they say it in game, kick/ban them Or is this something on facebook or twitter?
  4. I dunno why you were ctb& :( +1 P.S. If you /bind "Warden dead ITS FREEDAY FUNTIME" when I'm on again, I'm banning you for chat spam. It's seriously getting old :P
  5. Heisenberg

    my balls

    +1 My Balls is a nice guy and that happened so long ago
  6. I saw this live on stage back in '82
  7. Played with him. No problems or anything Eeeyup +1
  8. You must be related to Jay Breezy lol
  9. Xeno Gamers Pardon me for calling you out, but just because you have 3 bans (which is actually just one 5 minute ban), doesn't mean it's okay for him to keep griefing.
  10. I have never laughed so hard at a post XD
  11. +1 Played with him yesterday. Chill dude :D
  12. Heisenberg


    ♥♥♥♥ sorry I thought I +1d this already >.> +1 Nice guy and super duper truper active
  13. Heisenberg


    ^lol 1/3 are from that "Banned" game :PPPPP ;)
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsvvTX0bwPo&ob=av3e Hey! Das geht ab!
  15. Other way around, you're FS and she's RBD
  16. Heisenberg


    ^Luka knows what's up
  17. Heisenberg


    >Mfw a 27 year old man can't spell >Mfw Austin1 is going to pull a JackSparrow and spam useless stuff until he reaches 100 posts to apply for mod >Mfw he hasn't been on the forums long enough to know this is the wrong section [ATTACH]923.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. Luigi lemme know the next time you grief in TTT, I want in :D
  19. ^Probably a mod that's rabbling or a mod who his friend convinced
  20. +1 it seems like an honest mistake.