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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. I'm going to have to second this although it's been soooooo long...
  2. I remember the good old days of playing with King J and someone else (I forgot >.>) singin "Hide dat watermelon...cuz massa is comin!"
  3. Heisenberg


    +1 cutest dog ever and nice on the forums Aloha!
  4. Omg is that your puppy? SOOOO CUTEEE
  5. -1 2 certain friends of mine CONSTANTLY have problems with you. Stop with your attitude problem
  6. Maasie fur mod! +1 oh wait wrong post I played it, but havent gone on it for a LONG time. How about NeoTokyo?
  7. Heisenberg

    Year Book

    It's a book where ♥♥♥♥ from the school year is put, like pictures and senior quotes. It's for memories when you're older if you didn't OD on alcohol or die in vietnam
  8. Heisenberg

    Year Book

    My senior quote is "My name is commander shepard, and this is my favorite senior quote on the citadel"
  9. -1 she should have made it herself. I'd totally +1 if she made one herself. Don't let her pussywhip you lol
  10. FiveSeven. USP is much too common. When I get it from a reboobler, maybe I want to use it AS A GUN. The Fiveseven is much more rare, plus my FiveSeven has a tazer-looking skin :3
  11. Heisenberg

    Jr. FOR HIRE!

    This post gave me cancer
  12. 0 for now, should read motd through once more. And try to use your mic less plzz
  13. Heisenberg


    Snackbar you should start a tattoo thread where people explain thier tattoos
  14. Changing vote to pyro because I love him oh and he's a fun warden. He's happy compared to most drab wardens P.S. Smoker comes in second, and kennY in third
  15. ^Correction: YOU will die in 6 days. Watching that tape was a bad idea, huh? XD BTW I win because in a nuclear war I'd be vaporized due to the fact that I live in a primary target area
  16. Colourblaze Those were the days...
  17. Just woke up Admin abusing Playin vidya gaemz :) 81tchy REALLY high Hungry Sick Lethargic Fapping Orgasming Lonely :( Suicidal Pissy ^sounds like my average weekend
  18. Yeah but these reasons make me seem like a demigod compared to the retarded masses here And canadian bacon is overrated :P
  19. Heisenberg


    Lol name it alfredo
  20. Lol -1 I don't think someone who's too squeeky to be warden should be a moderator
  21. Funny thing is, the Africans would believe I was actually fixing it XD