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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. I wonder where you've been :3 Lol I even made a post a few weeks ago saying "I wonder what happened to kbshooter"
  2. +1 traded with him in MC (I think?)
  3. Smoker I don't think a 10v1 is really fair. Even if he was a weseal ♥♥♥♥♥ (I REALLY hate those) you could have just fought him 1v1 and won (I don't know your body type, but If you're small like me you could fight a bit dirty). I feel you put others in a situation where if he went to the cops they'd be in as much trouble as you. I think a 10v1 is irresponsible and a tad bit immature (but you were in the 10th grade so I guess that doesn't apply). You could have killed the kid if someone kicked him in the back of the neck too hard. Even if he is a piece of ♥♥♥♥, he's still a person and now he'll probably be scarred for the rest of his life. How do you know he didn't come from some abusive home so he has to take his misplaced anger out on you?
  4. Congrats everyone :D Welcome back duckii!!
  5. Heisenberg


    That's his regular voice, he's 5. [/trolling] I don't think this should result in any action against RoSSer. It's a minor offense that should only be classified as a warn or a probation sorta thing. Rosser is a proven and trustworthy admin/div and I don't think he should lose any power because of this.
  6. If I don't get admin for MC I'm going to skull♥♥♥♥ every inactive mod
  7. WOAH YOU DIDN'T LIST ME AS A COOL PERSON? You're dead to me...
  8. This is why kids in school should be allowed to carry guns. [/trolling]
  9. I was wondering where you went :P
  10. Promote me to co leader, you know you want to :)
  11. -1 you are such a ♥♥♥♥ing spammer. Spamming doesn't mean you contribute to the community, you just fill it with useless crap for selfish reasons. You were told multiple times to stop spamming to up your post count. If anything you should be forum banned for a week.
  12. Heisenberg


    Yes o god in heaven almighty yes +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  13. Otherworldy can you go back to not having a life so we can play more? :(
  14. Heisenberg


    Be sure to ban from minecraft before he goes on a grief-spree like before
  15. Damn O.o But are they trying to make it seem like it's justified?
  16. Damn, Kelly! I live like 2 hours away from you...
  17. It spells a bad word now :3 loludidntseewhatIdidther
  18. I live in the USA, in Connecticut. Hbu?
  19. So what do you want for christmas? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFzLd8EK3sU THESE THREADS BEGIN!