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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. JSilverman96 I'll just leave this here... Me and Pyro SAW you first hand destroying stuff in aether and when we ran over to you, you /home'd out of there
  2. RAMERIEZ! 360 No scope that guy off a two story building!
  3. Is my voice really that high? :( This is probably why no one takes me seriously at gun stores
  4. Heisenberg

    My rank

    Meanwhile at Luke's house...
  5. [ATTACH]907.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]908.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]909.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]910.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]911.vB[/ATTACH] lol im still winning P.S. Racism allowed on a joke day so SMD
  6. ♥♥♥♥ tier. Really sick. Got the flu that developed into viral pnemonia even though I got a flu vacciene 3 weeks ago. This is the 2nd year in a row that this happened
  7. The only reason he gets unbanned is because he's friends with Teix, who is irl friends with a certain mod who's name I won't divulge Or at least that's how I see it
  8. -1 WAYY to young I don't see how some people let him be warden >.>
  9. I'm thankful I'm not a turkey :D or a female
  10. Heisenberg

    I'm sick :(

    So a few days ago I was coughing up all this mucus, a lot of it solid, and I've had a fever since then. Last night in bed I woke up just DRENCHED in sweat from my fever. Absolutely DRENCHED. It blew :( But anyway that means I can be on more so yay :D
  11. Sounds like someone has a case of Ineedtodealwithitandgrowthe♥♥♥♥up
  12. Jerry talks over warden WAY too much in my experiences with playing on JB with him
  13. wat. (P.S. YES I am using the same reaction face twice in one day, y'all mad?)
  14. I don't see how this is helping your case.
  15. Heisenberg


    +1 Nice guy and good player. 'Talk to him all the time. !kick pain "it's not rape if you like it ;)"
  16. Heisenberg


    +1 You were a really good mod when you were active back in the summer. :) But can you plz reapply to the clan lol? I don't think you can get mod without bein in the clan as fasd said D:
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRP6egIEABk I hope we both die!
  18. I'm 17 you meanie :( Immo is 13 so I get first dibs on Kelly. Silence lives in NY (either Long Island or upstate [i forgot]) so he could take a day trip and get sloppy thirds if he's late :333