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Everything posted by ShakeNBake

  1. Inb4 Heisenberg's furry conversion.
  2. [ATTACH]1743.vB[/ATTACH] Nothing to see here, it seems.
  3. Double 45-degree-angle-mouth-face should do the trick.
  4. ShakeNBake

    Unban me

    Quoted for all the truths.
  5. Hey now. Those 5 cents may save the entire server. Lets not poke fun. Silence could be filing the bills for the server and be all like "Oh SHIT im 5 cents short? What do i do? I still have to pay rent!" then he sees Nighty's submissions. >hfw
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdG_fey4_ow
  7. Good to see you've returned :D I deserve a hatpack because Bacon is in my name. And bacon is delicious. ^ Poor bastard that wants cool hats D:
  8. ShakeNBake

    PC vs. Mac

    Faggots use PCs. Loljk. I prefer not buying overpriced laptops
  9. +1 For a perma furry freeday.
  10. Nyan :D Your sexy face is very welcome to be back
  11. From what I can see, he said his order, repeated it and one guy talked over a few words that he said at the end. But you HEARD him say "You have 5 seconds" then he gets talked over. But it was pretty damn clear what the orders were. Also, getting killed because you didnt understand the orders are in no way grounds for a CT ban of any kind. Nice big -1 here.
  12. I think it should be rephrased that it's easy for people who really care and want to be active in the community to get 100 posts. For people who don't really care it's a hassle comparatively. Doubly so if you're patient enough.
  13. Used to play in a Post Hardcore band, made some minor chump change. Before that I played a lot of guitar. I've started playing less and less as time went on though. Haven't had the drive to start in a while.
  14. Eh, that wasnt really my point. I was just making an observation that a lot of things (some of which aren't predictable) have happened in regards to the moderators/admins and the performance they've done versus the performance that is preceived, and how the requirements that are in place for a person to apply for a mod have no bearing on the outcome. ---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ---------- I wouldn't side with the whole surpassing concept because of how easy it is to get 100 posts, even without spamming or making one-sentence comments. And I agree with the idea of making them stricter. I would imagine the process of properly analyzing a person's history and behavior adequately to weed out bad mods would take some time, but it should be done whenever possible. Saves trouble in the end.
  15. Im just going to throw out the fact that over the course of the last....5 months or so, we've had a considerably large number of people becoming mods for CS:S (specifically JB) by majority, and the issue with freekilling, rulebreaking and general issues hasn't budged by a considerable positive step, from my observation. Many of these mods have had varying skill levels, play times for either CS:S in general or our servers, had varying maturity, respect towards players, etc. Some have looked better than others and done poorly in the end, and vice versa. And so much of this has been under the requirements that currently stand. To sum up what i'm trying to say, the actual requirements that we have at any given time will probably not have the best bearing on how good a mod you will be. So suggesting a change in requirements is kind of pointless.
  16. I love how the having a mature voice "rule" has been so utterly thrown out the window that...nevermind. Im not making a 9/11 joke today. Anyways, yeah, there are a number of rules involving mics and the capacity of CTs that aren't met to a more preferred extent. Guess you should get to 100 posts and become a mod and solve it. Cause it's been working so well for the last, i dunno, 5 months of people doing it? As a more constructive response, you may want to try alerting mods/admins to this and reminding them of their job, assuming they need that to happen.
  17. I think that was my face by the end of the video.
  18. Agreed with this. I think it'd help against randoms coming into the server and fucking things up with their assumption that our rules are the same as other server's rules. Also, i think that those who type !guard basically have their names thrown in a pot and each time the CTs need a new meat shield, a random name is drawn. I'm sick of cybertwinkie going CT EVERY FUCKING ROUND when hes too young to even be warden, and by that right a CT. I also think that the !guard command shouldnt be allowed usage for the first 20 seconds of every round. THIS will prevent 1 CT versus 40 Ts on the first day due to people going t and just typing !guard, preventing any other CTs.
  19. Decision: +1 Why: Seen him in JB and occasionally other CS:S servers. Knows the rules and will often inform others of mistakes, in a mature manner and not "YOU FUCKING IDIOT SLAY YOURSELF FAGGOT" Maturity: Quite mature, good sir! Mhmm, yes. Activity: Active from what i've seen. I'm not really active so my guess isn't overly legitimate D:
  20. Uhmmmmm yes. +1 for ya =D
  21. This is probably the stupidest thread i've seen in a good while. +1 For a warning to Mike Hawk +1 for banning the N word outright. It seriously isn't needed. At all.
  22. Personally I think your depression probably stemmed from JB. JBs full of shenans and crazies and are like da fuq? But yeah, hope you're feeling better. Even though i have no idea who you are.
  23. Rather than expecting current mods to do that, be more willing to make other people who will moderators.