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  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    This thread is seriously a clusterfuck of 2 groups who clearly don't like each other. This is pretty sad. I honestly feel as if I should have just gone through this thread and banned almost every single person that posted in here.
    That being said, yes, the week long ban was wrong. You did not follow the proper procedure, it should have been a warning and then a day ban. HOWEVER after that day ban got placed, stumpy would probably have protested in the same manner, in which then you would be able to post a ban request to have the ban extended from 1 day to 1 week, taking in account the new evidence from shoutbox. Stumpy was in the wrong to directly insult you, and he should know better, but it's the internet, and if you want to go about taking offense to the extent most of you furries within xG do, to the word "FurFag" then I never want to hear it out of another one of your mouths. if you want to take offense to it, then I want to go around and even if you are talking within your own group, ban you all for a week each time. It's the same logic around the word "nigger" if you want to say it, you are in turn accepting that you are saying something offensive to others. but if someone else says it, you better damn well not take offense to it.
  2. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Attn: Map Specific Rule   
    This was always the rule, but several STAFF MEMBERS decided for weeks now to use the nade anyway, as a CT.
  3. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from LeToucan in A Bronze Baddie Seeking Advice   
  4. Agree
    Chrono reacted to LeToucan in A Css Plugin (confusion, Please Explain)   
    Wait, the last of fun out of it? wasn't this plugin made for "Helping admins go undercover to find rule breakers" and not for fun?
  5. Creative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Easy Has Come Back To Become Co-leader Of Xg   
    #BurnDownForest201 #ForestFire
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from IAmLegend in A Bronze Baddie Seeking Advice   
    dont be trash.
  7. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Credit Abuse   
  8. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from SuperMaddud in A Css Plugin (confusion, Please Explain)   
    @@DarkWolf6052 are you going to respond to what we have highlighted any time this century? You seem to keep avoiding several issues here, any reason why? ;) It's ok. You don't have to like me. Some people don't like the ones who start the revolutions, they call me cuban pete, king of the whistle blowing beat.
  9. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from DCook in Jubens   
    Honestly, he has like 30+ CT Bans, why is he allowed on the server still?
  10. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in Jubens   
    Honestly, he has like 30+ CT Bans, why is he allowed on the server still?
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in Jubens   
    I started this revolution for the others.
  12. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Membership At A Division Level?   
    I can agree and disagree with you, silence, while I am all for a centralized system, both MC and GMOD have incredibly lower average ages. You could even go so far as to say the target audience through non-intended advertisement (youtube content creators) is an extremely low age (because people who watch let's plays or all that trash etc. are typically little kids.) I have to say that this change would be for the better in MC, membership wise, and can introduce new people to the community.
  13. Like
    Chrono reacted to Aegean in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    >Someone from Cyanide threatens to ddos xG members
    >Ask him what's his problem
    >Ban him with the reason FAGGOT
  14. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Me And Deathgod's Relation Ship   
    @@Bleed @@Tsuchikure
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Who is taking the initiative to re-ban him? @@Forest
  16. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Volt - League Of Legends   
    +1 clap for a nigga
  17. Like
    Chrono reacted to Aegean in The History Of Xg~xavien   
    So many wrong things in that story, Edison did not leave cuz silence randomly mass freekilled in a server. He also wasn't the "bees knees" for a long time, he got disliked very quickly with how he acted towards others including higher staff such as myself and other div leaders and lower staff as well like mods.
    Maybe I'll write up the real story someday :3
  18. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in The History Of Xg~xavien   
    good read, old names. :)
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from mtown81 in Volt - League Of Legends   
    he was on the entirety of the population on the broken server, and he is very active in league div as well.
  20. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from jubens45 in The History Of Xg~xavien   
    good read, old names. :)
  21. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Admin Handbook   
    fuck the handbook. @@Tsuchikure @@Hidingmaster
  22. Boring
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Volt - League Of Legends   
    +1 clap for a nigga
  23. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Voly in Volt - League Of Legends   
    +1 clap for a nigga
  24. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Brian   
    also, @@Tsuchikure
  25. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Reflex in Ranked Provisionals   
    @@Volt I read it wrong, there are no placements if you were to start ranked for first time in pre-season. there will be placements in season 4. you would just play in pre-season as unranked, and have it affect your ELO for your seeding in placements come season 4.
    Season 3 Ending && Season 4 Resets : leagueoflegends