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Reputation Activity

  1. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Matsi in XenoGamers Lottery Q&A   
    Why do you spend your time making lotteries, instead of solving the CS:GO Div Leader Issue?
  2. Disagree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in What is a Warday? A miserable pile of freekills!   
    @baddiodoug ***
  3. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from MagicalPurple in SupaFly4420 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    >forest not giving you sourceban access
    >serbian not either
    >silence is silence
  4. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from diabeetus in Special Commands   
    to add on to bleeds list, "sm_slap" "z"
    stupid nigger faggot fuck four twenty yolo forgot the biggest one
  5. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Special Commands   
    to add on to bleeds list, "sm_slap" "z"
    stupid nigger faggot fuck four twenty yolo forgot the biggest one
  6. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Concerning tazing on LR   
    @@John based on my experience with testing it out, the rebel on lr choice gives you ~150 hp per CT alive, as a bonus. meaning if you had 100 health, and there are 4 CTs, you now have 700 health instead of 600. imo this is very unfair for the CTs, as the T is now super OP with MORE THAN 100 health per CT alive as a bonus. and i agree, if you can't dodge a single shot tazer, then you probably shouldn't be rebelling.
    EDIT: i think at one point i was so mad that it was too op I looked at the source and might have edited the amount to 125 but that was only on csgo, it was still bonus health, and rolo.
  7. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Matsi in SupaFly4420 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    >forest not giving you sourceban access
    >serbian not either
    >silence is silence
  8. Disagree
    Chrono got a reaction from Rhododendron in Member Re-Submissions   
  9. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Brian in Member Re-Submissions   
  10. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Proper Way to Create a New Division.   
    You need to host the server yourself, and get permission to use the xG name, make threads in plan:R as well as inform people it is there, if it grows, and there is a steady player base and you can get donations, it can be moved to a regular division.
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Brian in Temporary Swap of Powers   
    For about the 99999999999999th time, the servers were fine prior to the update, and I was about to put in a fix to what broke, and my access was removed. the servers were not broken for more than 24 hours, they were just unpopulated. #StaffAsAWholeProblems
  12. Creative
    Chrono got a reaction from SyrJirk in Done for now   
  13. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Cloud in My time has come.   
    ur scum nigger
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in XenoGamers Lottery   
    Actually, I submitted at 11:01 chicago time, however since forest made this thread and asked for submissions, it defaults to forest's time and not the forum's time. which is PST, so I submitted it at 9:01. (you see 12:01 because your time is set to eastern coast.) either way you look at it, server time, or my time, my post was on time.
    Gyazo - cfc685cc4cbaff03e25b40c250093741.png
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Leotekk in Important Poll please View   
    mikasa-chan just wants eren-sama to notice her.
  16. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Stupercrossman in Enjoy your lives   
    peace out faggot
  17. Friendly
    Chrono reacted to DeathGod in Work   
    working 2 jobs and activity might drop a little
    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster

  18. Agree
    Chrono reacted to DeathGod in Work   
    forgot your shitty ass was DM
  19. Smelly
    Chrono reacted to MagicalPurple in Work   
  20. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Cloud in Temporary Swap of Powers   
    For about the 99999999999999th time, the servers were fine prior to the update, and I was about to put in a fix to what broke, and my access was removed. the servers were not broken for more than 24 hours, they were just unpopulated. #StaffAsAWholeProblems
  21. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from African in [xG] Nicki Minaj- Team Fortress 2   
    If african banned him, he had to be in the server at the time. And for him to have banned him, there would have had to be a ban request and he was in server and moofin told him to ban him because he is a fat lard too lazy to use sourcebans, or he would have had to see him break rules just then. So the question is, did he break rules just then, or were you banning someone with a name based on previous actions, which should have been handled by banning disconnected player.
  22. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Jaybreeze in [xG] Cookie - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 womans suffrage was a mistake
  23. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    since your keen to being a complete asshat in your own ban protest (for a ban that has already expired mind you, which is why this will be closed upon this post, and only @@Forest [or serbian] can re open it)
    I'll go ahead and justify it for him.
    Trolling, you here admit that you were indeed trolling, we agreed in teamspeak that you were trolling however we were too busy to ban since we were all playing League at the time [it was an in house thing]. Trolling in itself based on the rules, is punishable by a permanent ban. So, why we don't perm you right now, we are being kind, and giving you another chance. don't fuck it up.
    Spamming, you claim to have not been spamming, however this is not the case, you randomly joined our channel with something around 12 people (12 hue. it was warriors channel hue.) and immediately started screaming random jibberish into your microphone, and swiftly leaving the channel on to the next poor souls channel while still holding your mic down, after I looked back later that night you moved into what is currently known as "yiff" [not putting the whole name, too gay for me.] and it is assumed you did the same thing, then proceeded to jump between 3 different empty rooms as if you were trying to cover your tracks.
    So, the ban was VERY justified, and the abuse here is that we consistently give punishments lighter than what is stated we should be giving. Stop trying to bite the hand that feeds you pudding on a golden spoon.
  24. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    since your keen to being a complete asshat in your own ban protest (for a ban that has already expired mind you, which is why this will be closed upon this post, and only @@Forest [or serbian] can re open it)
    I'll go ahead and justify it for him.
    Trolling, you here admit that you were indeed trolling, we agreed in teamspeak that you were trolling however we were too busy to ban since we were all playing League at the time [it was an in house thing]. Trolling in itself based on the rules, is punishable by a permanent ban. So, why we don't perm you right now, we are being kind, and giving you another chance. don't fuck it up.
    Spamming, you claim to have not been spamming, however this is not the case, you randomly joined our channel with something around 12 people (12 hue. it was warriors channel hue.) and immediately started screaming random jibberish into your microphone, and swiftly leaving the channel on to the next poor souls channel while still holding your mic down, after I looked back later that night you moved into what is currently known as "yiff" [not putting the whole name, too gay for me.] and it is assumed you did the same thing, then proceeded to jump between 3 different empty rooms as if you were trying to cover your tracks.
    So, the ban was VERY justified, and the abuse here is that we consistently give punishments lighter than what is stated we should be giving. Stop trying to bite the hand that feeds you pudding on a golden spoon.
  25. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from John in Temporary Swap of Powers   
    can i take your spot?