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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Im sorry, do you recall this happening before that? Ribbit then later calls Bonk a "dumbfuck 10 year old" "are you fucking stupid. o wait yes you are" Bonk then bans Ribbit for a period of an entire lifetime, or 5 minutes. He also has to type in "!ban fuck 5 take them tags off"
  2. Well saying that you posted a thread that attacked a fellow member who I am partially responsible for, and verbally attacked them on the forums, I don't think you can use that as an excuse. Don't post something that you can't back up, and harass people in the process. To me it looks like you didn't get everything, because everything shows harassment on the servers.
  3. Feel free to go back and get mye proof that something else happened. Unless I'm crazy, thats pretty much to a tee how it went down.
  4. Decision Made. Punishments: Kitty -- Removal of moderator powers (due to retaliation) Forge -- 2 week ban Muzzle -- 2 week ban Izanagi -- 2 week ban Kendrick -- 2 week ban, removal of powers Starmix -- 1 week ban, removal of powers Moosty -- 2 week ban, removal of powers All bans are from the forum. If you have questions feel free to contact the nearest CL.
  5. Alright, let me go ahead and break this down step by step. Bold is my response. "So I was just playing RPG surf, then this raging little kid, named "Bonk" came on. That is partially correct. Bonk came on the server at: Sep 10, 2014 6:10:01 pm. And said hi to the server. He was not a raging little kid though as he simply enlightened everyone to his appearance. And immediately he started harassing me! Saying "hi" is not harassment. Following that initial typed word, he says "HOLAAA COMO ESTASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS". Then goes on to ask someone not to delay, in which you respond "fuck u" and then "dont tell me what to do". He then asks the server to "rtv pls" as he most likely doesn't like the map. At this point it is 6:11:30, it has been over a minute and he has not harassed you yet, in fact you have started to harass Bonk. Bonk then notices KraytosXG has xG in his name, and asks "kraytos are you in xG?". He repeats his question to which Kraytos says "no why?". Bonk asks him to kindly take the xG out of his name, at which point Kraytos responds and Bonk learns it was part of his name, not intentional. Bonk then says "kawaii pls take xG out of your name", who in this situation is Ribbit. Shortly later Bonk says again, "but kawaii i know youre not in xG so pls take those tags out". Which is a valid statement as you had a name that was not recognized. TRIVIA TIME Ribbit says_______ in response to Bonks request (he let them both know to change before the next round): a) Says "Yes I am in xG, my forum name is Ribbit." b) Says "I'm sorry, I am an xG member" c) Says "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me". If you said A or B, sorry that is not correct, only the appropriate response to the situation. C is in fact the correct answer. After Ribbit says "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me", Bonk says "youre not allowed to have tags on ifr youre not in the clan". Although the spelling is despicable, this is another opportunity for Ribbit to easily enlighten Bonk with the fact that she is a member. After a short period of time, Bonk slays himself for an unknown reason. Ribbit replies with "rekt". Following shortly after by saying "damn bitches be mad". Bonk replies "do you wanna get banned?". Although an interesting response, nothing has happened as of yet and almost can be taken as yet another warning. Unfortunately, Ribbit replies with "do u wanna get banned? bitches dont know shit". Bonk lets Ribbit know "because thats how you get banned" Ribbit questions Bonk's ability to do anything about the situation with saying "rofl. no he can't". Bonk assures Ribbit of his ability. Bonk says "wanna see?" With a reply from Ribbit of "u wanna see what happens?" In which Bonk is confused for a moment which leads to him asking "is that a ddos threat?" Moving on... Ribbit then later calls Bonk a "dumbfuck 10 year old" "are you fucking stupid. o wait yes you are" Bonk then bans Ribbit for a period of an entire lifetime, or 5 minutes. He also has to type in "!ban fuck 5 take them tags off". I would assume the name of ribbit at this time includes the word "Fuck" and is probably targeted at Bonk. Many question the length of this ban, as did I, until I realized how many chances Ribbit had to either tell Bonk the truth about being a member, or remove the tags. Instead, disrespect came from Ribbit and I believe a short ban was necessary. Ribbit returns. "Damn thats some funky shit" says Ribbit Bonk says, "Oh. He's back" Ribbit replies "lmfao, u mad kid?" Bonk, getting frustrated replies "fuck yopu, dude, take the tags off or its an hour ban" Ribbit obviously replies with "oh man this bitch so made, how about this" This continues, with Bonk in fact freeslaying from what I can tell one time. Eventually Ribbit is banned. There was no disrespect from Bonk. Here is a list of things Ribbit says to Bonk after I stopped with the dialogue: all it says is that you're a whiney bitch fuck u bitch u dont know hsit lil boy so mad you're a bitch nigga BTW at this point another player says "dude what do you gain from taunting an admin" just a lil bitch boy are u stupid you're clearly not an admin admins arnt 12 what a bitch boy !ban xeno (ribbit) 60 disrespect, arguing, still wont take tags off. cya If you could go ahead and let me know where Bonk was harrassing you, that'd be great. He did in fact slay you for no apparent reason, and that will be discussed by DM's outside this forum and it is a more minor point of this situation. I would like to mention that as far as I can tell, Bonk actually displayed one of the better attitudes and patience I have seen in a long time. Claiming that I am not in xG, Yes, you are correct. Did you happen to correct him though when he gave you numerous times to? Let's take a quick look back again. "Fuck you, i do what i want, you don't know me" That looks like a no. And that he "knew for a fact" that I am not in xG, when I am clearly in xG, and I was supporting my xG-ness by having the name [xG] XENOGAMERS [xG}. That's great that you were supporting your "xG-ness". Except using profanity and harassing staff members is not conducive of someone that should be in xG. Then he went on to slay me for no reason! And then banned me twice, for "take off tags little boy". I don't understand why you let little kids run rampet with mod? Unfortunately, he did slay you for no reason, at least as far as I can tell. Good news though. It didn't seem like you were upset at all about that. Hell, he even apologized about that and understand in the moments of you harrassing him and making his job difficult, he made a mistake. We do our best not to let "little kids run rampet" with moderator powers. And in this case, it looks like one of our moderators who does a fairly good job has been harassed. Something has to be done about this travesty, and for the future of xG. Please no more bad mods!" Something has now been done about this travesty. It appears that you have provided a lot of false information in this thread in an attempt to get a staff member in trouble. Unfortunately, I have yet to find what you call a travesty and actually have found a failure on your part. For the future of xG, we do our best as always to pick people that can handle moderator positions. Please do not come onto our servers and act in such a manner that not only causes a scene, but that is blatant harassment against others. If you have had the time to check out other areas of the forum, you may have noticed that harassment is actually something that can be a legal issue. If you continue to harass people, especially those that I have direct watch over, I will make sure that proper punishment is taken. Also would l like to enlighten you to some basic forum etiquette. "You think I give a fuck about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fucking disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming." Making an Abuse Report about a staff member that supposedly harrassed you does not usually require that you call said person an idiot uncapable of comprehending basic things. I have seen a good majority of your of your well worded posts and comments throughout this forum and would also request you stop harrassing and disrespecting not only members of CSS, but all members of this community. If you want to show your "xG-ness" as you were so worried about in the server, feel free to show respect to others both on the servers and on this forum. Congratulations, you have now been warned about harassment both on our servers and in the forum; continuing this inspiring behavior will get you banned. Now I thank you for your time, and hope that if you ever have any concerns you may take a moment to let Dr. Lee, Cristo, or I know at any time. Thanks for playing on the server and enjoy the rest of the night. Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log Go to Sep 10, 2014 @ 630pmish
  6. I'll reply when I can look at everything when I get home
  7. @Bleed or @Nomulous Viability of getting some form of hub into CSS by the 12th?
  8. All I hear is about how the ban reason was trolling. I have asked numerous times for specific examples of EACH person that got banned, not just what generally was happening. Also, I don't see where there was anything that was worth a ban. You can easily say that oh yeah they were trolling and over here on this rule list I havent looked at in 3 years it says that they were totally in the wrong. Its clear as day that Chrono is trying to cover his ass for these bans that he very well knows were done with too much haste. I ask the same question over and over and all I get is a vague answer that is just good enough to maybe warrant something but in the end there is nothing that screams ban worthy. I can go out there and find a definition of trolling that makes it work for my side as well, exactly the reason I didnt use it in the first place. I'm looking at it from a purely common sense aspect. Think Vectors harsh language was too much? Fine. Look at TwoZeroFour. He literally posted a handful of gifs, if that made an "evoking emotion" that is bannable. Then every person in here should be banned because we evoked emotion in someone and made them mad. Theres a fine line between what is expected on the internet and what is something that should be moderated. If there is such a great offense taken to a few gifs, holy cow do yall got something in store for you when you browse the internet.
  9. No no, theres definitely a difference between that. One is vector being himself, and normal people on the internet in general, the other is someone going out of their way to trick of torture someone. He made a comment that was worded strongly, but wasnt trolling as you declare. Also, go ahead and let us know how many times Vector has been banned for trolling and where he was warned. I have him telling me he has been banned a total of 1 time for something unrelated to trolling, which no matter what way you cut it goes against many of the statements you have made.
  10. Asked because you said trolling. I asked you what reason for each person because you very well know they all weren't trolling. Some were being disrespectful, but not trolling, yes?
  11. So someone being an a** is trolling. Thats not trolling chrono. And one of them my friend? Lol I don't know any of them. Go ahead and ask them, I went into their channel AFTER I typed this up and asked them questions regarding their bans.
  12. You don't need to treat me like im 3, its actually a little offensive to say you have to explain something as slowly as possible. I am asking you why they were banned and what location in what forum with what post you decided "Yeah, ill go on a banning spree". Don't explain it to me slowly, explain it to me with facts.
  13. Also I looked at the threads Vector posted in, also appears he was never warned about his apparent trolling. Could you point me in the right direction for that?
  14. Not everyone sees the reason, because I sure don't. Even some of those that are banned are quite confused as to why they got banned. Send me exactly what you think was trolling and was bad enough to warrant a "BanningSpree" because as far as I see it there is never a reason for a banning spree and is generally the result of abuse. And if they were all banned for trolling, can you please show me exactly which situation Vector was doing said thing? As far as I can see in all his posts he was a little harsh, but he was being straightforward... thats the furthest thing from trolling.
  15. I know the thread is public and I went through each of their profiles to track what they have posted recently. Nothing I see is worth a ban. You don't let it "sit there" for time and expect things to go swimmingly. Obviously banning was not necessary if you could let them continue for 30 minutes; this simply means a ban did absolutely nothing in terms of solving a situation. You also say for the most part on a lot of things, sounds a lot like they were actually doing all those things. Also, spamming shoutbox isn't something worth banning unless its an issue like Kendrick. Day ban or not, an improper ban is still wrong. Also no matter if a ban is public or not, you need to have a correct reason for situations just as these. I have yet to find out why each individual person was banned.
  16. Never said that you need to warn them each time, but a clear warning is necessary. I cannot go into a random thread and say no more shitposting and assume it applies to everyone; it in fact does not. Also everyone would like to know why each person was banned. Not what reason you have to go on a banning spree, but reasons and PROOF for each person. Correct me if I'm wrong, but nomulous posted that in Kitty's thread, something completely unrelated to the current situation. It can see an argument being made that it applies at minimum to all in that thread, but there is also some argument for saying that it really has no effect on this situation due to the different environments. Beyond saying stuff, I would be able to see your side much clearer with visual evidence of these warnings that they have been given. Also you failed to address another critical issue, that of which you put invalid reasons for bans.
  17. Division: MMO In-Game Name: Vector, Nope.Avi, TwoZeroFour, Forge and probably more Steam ID: N/A Information: Alright let me start out with a little disclaimer to make sure its clear where I am at. For the most part I have read through the recent forums that have cause some.... issues. As far as I know, Egossi has started each and everyone of them and has contributed to their derailment. Also a side note, I understand the bans are short in length, but if it was unjustified it is still appropriate to pursue this. In the latest thread that was posted by Egossi, there was a mass ban by Chrono. Who has banned numerous people that were involved in the thread. There was a short discussion through shoutbox between me and chrono about what happened and why they were banned, but as far as I can tell there is no reason to ban the four listed above. Whether or not you think that people's posts were low quality does not give reason to ban people for it. It is much easier to give a very clear, directed, and explicit warning to stop such activities; this is expected as a staff member. After that warning you can begin to hand out bans if deemed necessary, although that part does rely on some personal preference (some people may reach out personally one last time to try and resolve the issue, while other may ban; nothing wrong with either). The forums also feature handy tools to help with moderation, which include but are not limited to: a warning system that allows moderators to warn people of forum violations, the ability to delete posts, and even deleting threads can stop problems before they start. Now I begin to question where the limits are on forum powers for the moderators (CL's, DL's etc). In my opinion, and years on the internet, public forums are location for open communication that may or may not be moderated. Even when they are moderated there is a line of what is and isn't allowed; but this does not mean each and every moderator can ban as they please. In my opinion, Chrono handled the situation completely wrong. There was an opportunity in any of the threads that Chrono or others to give a clear warning, which up to this point I havent found (doesn't mean I'm right, I just don't see one). Also as far as I can tell, bans were given out prematurely. Also, stating that people are getting banned after you go do something is a very poor way of moderating. This allows it to continue, and will only lead to worse things. Had their posts been that bad and in need of banning, it would have happened immediately, not 10 minutes later. I did not list Kendrick in the list of people to unban because of his action following Chrono's statement that he was going to ban people. I would have... but the following actions would have justified a ban anyway. I see absolutely no reason for these bans at this point. This is meant to get an explanation, not to target Chrono. I am just looking for an honest reason to the mass bans. Also Chrono, there has been issues with people not putting valid reasons for bans. It does not help to be putting random stuff in bans either. I have been told that reasons listed were random and did not indicate the reason for the bans. @Chrono
  18. I'm confused. He's banned perm from servers for evading a ban. People think he is posting useless crap on the forums. Give him a warning not to spam threads with crap, move on with life. Both issues solved.
  19. @Nomulous for final word on it
  20. Closed because people cant handle themselves like adults. If @Nomulous deems it necessary to be open, go ahead and open it, but until then this thread is closed.
  21. Im sorry, but "sit in your little shitty fudgeing tf2 group daily and just circle jerk each other and have no real life interactions with anybody so you decide who you're going to troll online, Pathetic, actually pathetic." is not the correct way to state your opinion. In fact, it is just as rude and disrespectful as the issue at hand. This is also not the only place you seem to disregard any respect in your replies, the forums are filled with less than appropriate replies.
  22. Don't know how hard it is to understand that there is some maturity required, don't be posting stuff that starts more issues. This is the last and final warning, especially for you @ASock
  23. I'm going to keep it short and simple. There are a few cases where I can see that it went a little too far, but I also believe that a good majority of it was instigated by both parties. I do not have the background knowledge of those in TF2, and thus cannot make a good analysis of the situation. I don't mind talking in a conversation with nomulous and the other CL's to get to the bottom of it, but as of right now I'm at a 0.
  24. I as well will look over all the evidence in a while (gotta get home first). Also for all those involved, making smart arse comments in this thread definitely doesn't help and will get you banned.
  25. @Bleed did you ever get anyone to scale those images?