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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. I was at work, laughing hysterically at everyone who wanted Brazil to win.
  2. Hidingmaster

    4th Of July

    I tell ya, if someone from another country was vacationing in the US last night and they had no idea what the fourth of july was, they really think us Americans literally cannot control how much we love freedom. They'd be thinking "Damn these americans think freedom is the shit, they shoot loud exploding balls of light into the sky and must do it every night. Why dont we have freedom."
  3. I didnt get the vibe that he wasnt given a warning, because to my knowledge nothing has been done yet. We're still waiting on a CL to give their input.
  4. Promotions: CS:S Cristo from Admin to Division Manager TF2 Spork from Member to Moderator Rejects from Moderator to Admin Demotions: CS:S DrLee from Division Leader to Division Manager (stepped down) Genesis from Admin to Moderator (inactivity) TF2 ThanatosTelos from Moderator to Member (stepped down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  5. So its about time I take a break from being Division Manager. I've held the position for a long long long time, and to be honest I really need a break. It'll be great to not have to worry about anything server side, I can just get on and play without worrying about answering questions or attending to issues that detract from the experience. To be honest that one of the smallest things that are leading me to step down though, because I do enjoy all of the stuff that comes with being DM, but I just want time where I don't have to worry about trying to get on the server to be active. Besides that, there are somethings I disagree on at the moment and really feel its in the best interest for all that I step down. Now, this isn't a permanent step down.. at least thats not the plan. I've already talked to Dr. Lee about it as well as let the CL's know, but I have to goal in mind of just leaving the position for a brief period of time, at least until I am ready to return. I need to stress this isn't a situation in which I'm leaving just because I feel like it and know I can return when I want. There are many reasons guiding me towards this decision to temporarily leave, and like I said, its in the best interest of all if I leave and not go AWOL again. I will remain a CL as I will still look around the forums and stay in contact with those whom I need to be in contact with. I believe its more crucial to stay a CL.. again for a variety of reasons that I won't discuss. But yeah... its been fun and I'll maybe pop on the server every other day or so, but trust me when I say I need a break especially if things in xG turn the way I hope they will in the coming months(end with a cliffhanger, why not?).
  6. Dr. Lee and I have decided on how to handle this, thread is closed now.
  7. Damn those screenshots bring a tear to my eye... all the damn fun we used to have. I really hope you still stop by every once in a while... you know, more than once a year, it was a blast back in the day. :cry:
  8. @DrLee Redbull needs to either be removed or cost an obscene amount of money. Its annoying and being spammed.
  9. @DrLee and I shall discuss what will come of this. Anyway, if he had slain everyone on the server I'm fairly certain word would have gotten out much quicker which leaves me to believe that it was done for a more legitimate reason.
  10. Be active...not just a few days on.
  11. I have no problem letting a long time player back in but you need to show dedication to the server and be active again before I will do give a plus uno. For now its 0.
  12. How big? Well, probably start out with day bans since it seems nobody can handle it. Use within reason is letting a new player know about the rules and using the command on them. Its pretty obvious what improper use is, I don't think any mod or admin+ needs to be given the command. I will be following up on any reports of abuse.
  13. I can't say too much about it since I don't play TF2 and can't gauge attitude because of that. Pretty much siding with Gawd and Diabeetus.
  14. So im looking to get another monitor and hook up both of them. The current monitor I have is 24" 1920 x 1080 LED. I really don't know what to get, I've considered: LG 25.0" UltraWide WFHD Monitor [2560 x 1080] but I don't know if itll work all too well with my current monitor (Ive been told numerous times to try to get very similar monitors.) Admins halp
  15. Promotions: CS:S Sqwurt from Member to Paid Moderator Papercreeper from Member to Paid Moderator Jubens from Member to Moderator Phoenix from Member to Moderator (Papercreeper and Phoenix, pm me directly and ill add powers asap. Jubens and sqwurt already done.) TF2 Moosty from Member to Moderator Bellowaldi from Member to Moderator twozerofour from Member to Moderator Demotions: TF2 Bell from Administrator to Member (stepped down) Huster_salvador from Moderator to Member (inactive) Goblin from Moderator to Non-member (Left) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  16. Closing to prevent.. You know. Send info or evidence in a pm next time @ThePenguin @diabeetus @Gawd look at this evidence as well. I'll be reviewing it all tonight
  17. In my opinion it's fine, as long as all other rules are followed (no camping, etc). @DrLee
  18. Its been a while since I've been around the servers and thought I should enlighten those who care of the reasons behind my absence. First off let me state that I didn't vanish, but stuck to just browsing the forums and checking them daily, not really posting unless necessary. I've done a lot over the past few months that have taken my time away from xG. I moved a total of two times (had to move to a new apartment near college, then had to move temporarily again for an internship so I currently have two dwellings I call my own), had personal issues, started a new internship which meant putting my two other jobs on hold (thus had a lot of work to wrap up before taking a leave), and to top it all off my gaming computer broke which sucks... a lot. You don't realize how much you need a good computer until you have to game on a tablet. That should be resolved by this coming weekend, its a matter of when my GPU comes in the mail after warranty repairs.. and if it fixed the issue. But anyways that's where I'm at... lifes good just it leaves no time for CS:S. I aint going to lie either, I have time to play other games and CS:S just isn't a priority right now. I've had 2 discussions with Dr. Lee about my time commitment issues, but we decided it was more harmful to leave for reasons that cannot exactly be discussed at this time. And to be honest I don't think I could really bring myself to just get up and leave xG... I've been here a very long time and yeah... leaving would never be an option. Like I said, I'm still here and watching what is going on. I would like to say hi to the new mods and members that are active in CS:S such as @Legend and would like to let you all know (I know I tagged one, I don't remember off the top of my head who is new) that if you need help with anything just pm me on here. Also glad to see @ItsAaron is back. If anyone has concerns about my inactivity, just message me and we can talk about it. But in the meantime hello all that don't know me from CS:S or any other division for that matter, and sorry to those that thought I just left them to cry all alone. @DrLee
  19. Well... had this been a year ago you would have been permed. But... saying that I feel me and Dr. Lee have more sympathy I also am willing to let it slide. Have to put this in there though: Disclaimer: Just because this accidental mass slay was forgiven without punishment shall leave no bearing on future decisions regarding this matter, whether it be for Legend or any other staff member. Admin handbook changed, thread closed.
  20. Link us to the promo demo in which you got mod back.
  21. That's why you're not leader