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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Closed since it's already been resolved.
  2. Well.. CS:S is gone, only a single minigame server remains. And only a handful of old members are still around.
  3. How'd you fix it? I have the same issue.
  4. Finals in January... if that ain't the most you know what backwards school... Glhf though
  5. It was incredible, it was a ton of fun and there was never a dull night on css jb... I also miss it greatly @LostCause
  6. The reason they wear xG tags is because they see others wearing it. If we change it to members having a special tag, people will just start using that one. It's a good idea but it doesn't solve the issue.
  7. Member is accepted, please join servers and have fun. Rules are somewhere for you to follow. Be active to get moderator. Welcome to xenogamers. PS wtf.
  8. Hidingmaster

    Fanfic thread

    I don't know what the hell is going on here but its closed until further notice.
  9. So we need something somewhat difficult/embarrassing right... You get unbanned if you get on CSS JB server. #shotsfired #bazinga #nvr4gt
  10. Whether or not Moosty has friends to say he stays doesn't mean the other 1000+ people can't say otherwise. 5 people coming to a decision versus 1000 is way way way less biased.
  11. Alright. What has Moosty done in this situation: Rejected Kitty's idea, called her salty, asked why she was still around (Kitty responds without seeming upset) Then he replies to her long post, can kind of see how this is provocative, although still borderline rude. What has Kitty done: Responded to Moosty's post calling her salty and asking why she is still around. Essentially doesn't seem bothered by Moosty's post (never once called it rude or disrespectful), but answered all his questions and made it clear she doesn't want to be here. Out of the blue, 9001% off the topic of the thread, Kitty says "Shouldn't you be begging for food at the homeless shelter? tramp." That right there is retaliation. In case you didn't know, I personally warned Kitty quite a while ago to never retaliate and to get help if there is an issue, if she did retaliate there would be severe consequences. Oh and by the way, I can't believe you would EVER say this to someone, it crosses the line by miles. So what does that mean? Kitty is gonna be banned for this (you know, like permed), she knew very well how to handle the situation and went against prior warnings. No more small bans, she had a last chance and its over now. What about Moosty? Yes, we can perm him as well, but I don't see how that provides any benefit... Kitty gets banned, situation resolved. We ban moosty on top of that... really what benefit does the community get? IMO kitty has stuck around to cause problems (shoutbox especially). We certainly haven't had to deal with anything in regards to Moosty since his ban. Kind of a crappy explanation but here is what should happen: Kitty is getting permed. Community decides if Moosty stays or gets permed as well.
  12. @DrLee There's no more room for "even and fairly" banning someone for this. One of them will be permanently banned. We've dealt with this enough and they know better, it's time we end the problem once and for all.
  13. Disrespect in this thread and you'll be banned for 1 week+. I ain't dealing with this crap again. Anyway, right now I see more benefits in perm banning Kitty as it would stop a lot of the issues going on. +1
  14. Hidingmaster


    Sorry, website went down before I got a chance to respond. To keep it simple, I agree that they both need to be removed.
  15. Really.... you can't leave me....
  16. I used to hide in bushes on Medal of Honor: Allied Assault until the other team ran by, then pop out and kill them... so I came up with my name that way.
  17. Anything after 5pm mst. Remember you east coasters that your 5 pm is the middle of the afternoon for others.
  18. Breaking news: Thread gets derailed. No injuries reported. Stay tuned for more info. -Closed. @DrLee @ThePenguin @diabeetus @Gawd
  19. I am confused as fudge about what is going on here.. but as far as understand you should not be allowed to join due to the previous rule violations.
  20. It's not law. When all CLs come to a conclusion then it is law. That's all I'm saying about it.
  21. You do understand I said it's my opinion they are not. Newsflash, there are 4 other CLs that have opinions on it to. We are currently discussing it.