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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. You say that, yet css can still get the population. Whether or not it works in the end doesn't matter. People wanted to give it a last shot and we're going to do it. CS:GO has been dead for a long ass time, yet its still around... no reason to give up on css yet
  2. I'm done with this conversation, if you want to help then please do, I would appreciate it. But if you want to continue the criticism, take it somewhere else. I don't appreciate it one bit.
  3. Im sorry you have trouble believing in something other than CS:GO. It wasn't just my final decision, it was multiple people. Everything on this list was mentioned at least once in the last few months and multiple times over the years, except for a few minor things. They are far from impossible to do, and in fact, several of them can be done by Dr. Lee since he still has powers. There's two types of people. Those who try and may fail, and those who won't try because they might fail. I think the community and CS:S members appreciate somebody trying rather than complaining and not doing anything to help situation. And in no way to I "expect" Bleed to do anything for CS:S. I sure hope he does, but its in his hands whether or not he has time or the energy to do it. At anytime he could have said "nope, not happening", but he hasn't. If we don't get things on the list done, so be it, but I sure in the hell tried something.
  4. Assuming makes you look really bad. First off I check the forums at least once a day, and have for the last several years. Just because I don't post doesn't mean i dont get on, I post when I see something that requires attention. If you really care that much go ahead and sit on the forums all day and see when I am online. I get on when I wake up, get on the train, get home, and generally right before I go to bed. Its a bunch of bullshit to call me out for something you have no idea about. And i'm on steam nearly every day answering people's questions and chatting with css members. When I look to join a css server its empty, not something I can really help. I know I can sit in there and wait for people, but I have don't have patience to be waiting in a lobby for an hour for people to get on. When the server is populated, I hop on right away. Just because im not visible to you doesn't mean im not here. You were all for the transition of CS:S to CS:GO and now we decide to make CS:S work and all of a sudden you become critical and upset about one thing not getting done on the exact date? Wow. Stop trying to start something and make this a bigger deal than it should be. I went out of my way to do something for the community and all you are doing is trying to shut it down, thanks a lot.
  5. Need any submissions by tomorrow.
  6. Shit socks... I had the same problem. Have you checked the warranty on your graphics card? Mine was 3 years for a gigabyte gpu
  7. Hi. I need someone to do some artwork. Thanks. But fo rizzle, one of the things that I would like to see changed is the little thing that comes up that says either "Prisoners/Prison Guards Win". I would love to see some CSS, or other, members submit their designs for it. Try to make it transparent (like it is now), but be creative in whatever way you want. If we get a sufficient replacement ill have Bleed add it. Just post with any questions. Inb4 useless paint attempts. Vtf file is needed, which you can easily convert a jpeg into it with free software. Also I've decided to volunteer ALL of @Forests forum credits. The person whose masterpiece is chosen will get all the credits. Deadline is Saturday, August 16th at 11pm est. Also check out Bleed's post about Last CT music.
  8. @Bleed For the Prisoners Win screen, what type of file does that need to be.. and is it easy to change out with something new?
  9. If we get a basic version of it up and running by then I'll be happy. In other words whatever you think can be done in time
  10. I checked it and its good, wasn't sure if it was 100% working.
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  12. Promotions: TF2 Bach from Moderator to Administrator ColdEndeavour from Member to Moderator Demotions: TF2 Shockedeel from Administrator to Moderator (Inactive) News: CSS Go here for CSS Server Decision: Cs:s Operation Revitalization | Xeno Gamers Also CSS staff need to be active to retain their current staff positions, it is crucial to be active for CSS to stay alive. The Division Managers will be looking with detail at the staff roster next promo demo and removing any staff that have not fulfilled the expected duties as staff members. We still love you though. Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  13. We're going to be putting a lot of effort to keep CS:S around and populated... my goal is to accomplish everything on this list by the stated due date, although it relies on bleed and nomulous as well. As of today, this list is very tentative and has only been shown to Cristo and Dr. Lee, so I can't say that it can or all will be done, but it damn well will if there is a way. Due dates may change once I can get bleed and nomulous onto this, but I will do my best not to. Here is a list of stuff I want to accomplish though as well as a tentative schedule of when they must be completed by: August 1. Perform bomb fixes, including changing price of large bomb and overall making them more balanced. (Aug 17) Completed 2. Rewrite rules/Talk with staff members about where to draw the line (In other words, loosen up the reins a little to have some fun) (Aug 18) In progress 3. Polish Warden Plugin (Aug 21) Completed 4. Change the Terrorists/Prison Guards win screen (Aug 21) In progress 5. Change intro and last ct music (Aug 28) Not completed 6. Edit Map rotation, narrow it down to <15. (Aug 28) Not completed September 1. Hub (Sept 12) Not completed 2. Find a way to have an intro screen or something nice, or just motd coming up all the time (not the broken shit it always has been) (Sept 20) Not completed 3. Skins (Sept 25) Not completed 4. Update LR (Maybe add a new game, or a few...) (Sept 30) Not completed
  14. A decision has been made and will be posted in the promo demo
  15. Waiting on another DM's opinion, then gotta contact silence about it. Its gonna be a while before a decision is made.
  16. 1. Be rid of bank/interest/gambling (Yes, i really dont see the benefit of it and it makes bombs less fun) 2. Keep bomb so people have the incentive to stay to save up and bomb us (Agreed) 3.GET RID OF ADS, I DO NOT NEED WOMEN'S DEODERANT (Its up to silence and im sure its here to stay) 4. ACTUALLY work on Hub (5 min, ie only when nomulous does it will it be done) 5. OLD BOMB ( with fire alarm freeday)/Small - Medium bombs only (I would love to have this back) 6.Get rid of the shitty maps no one plays and bring back in some classics(*COUGH COUGH LEOBEN COUGH COUGH*) (Agreed) 7. All of these were taken from speculation and people on the server (including mods/admins/higher) (8/10) 8. Add skins 9. Change Terrorists Win/Prison Guards win screen thing 10. Add a hub integrated with forums and happy fun stuff 11. Rewrite rules 12. Get rid of subpar last ct music 13. Put in a better (? i think i have it disabled) intro song 14. Make motd actually show up at the beginning, all the time 15. Make warden plugin less intrusive (smaller font in corner) 16. Have active staff 17. Get away from being strict staff to staff that can responsibly have fun 18. Revise lr plugin, making it a little bit less, possibly adding something new to it 19. Fix bombs: Large should only be available to a few people towards end of map, so make it more expensive. Also balance all bombs making them occur less frequently.
  17. Well... since all 3 dm's agree and silence never posted anything about it... ill go ahead and unban.
  18. Problem is that it took a steam event to get it there. How many will be on tomorrow?
  19. Update: Nothing has been decided yet, but my hopes is to have the decision posted in the next promo demo. DrLee, Cristo, and I will be doing a lot of discussing over the weekend to see what we think is the best solution and pass it on to silence. Continue leaving feedback though, it is incredibly helpful.
  20. Rules alone would take a few days to get polished. Its not just one person that would need to work on things, its several. As chrono said, those plugins are basic and most likely not functioning. If we are going with option 2 its not going to be shittily thrown together. I would expect jb to be down for at least a week so we can make it worth the time and have a polished result.
  21. My concern with stripping a lot of the ranks of people is that it would be counter intuitive to what we need in CSGO, which is a strong base to support it. If people lose ranks, they are more prone to leaving and thus dwindles down any hope of getting population from xG to start with. Being that CSS and CSGO are practically the same, especially with jb, I see no reason to really be concerned with transferring most, if not all current staff.