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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. As far as I could tell, it seemed like the people that weren't part of xG were also enjoying it. I would like to promote it a little better next time, a little bit of information before it starts to help clear up any confusion.
  2. Overall, I think everything went better than expected. You have many staff members, with powers that are pretty much given free reign. I think everyone conducted themselves in a very good manner, and over time most of the issues were worked out. I will admit that the beginning was a little rough and there was a lot going on, but it was one of the best times I've had in a long time. I really don't think there are too many issues with it, we just need to make sure that it remains under control. Obviously mass smiting every round will not benefit the server in any way, but I believe that staff members can use enough common sense to know when to stop. I'm not sure exactly how you stumbled across late night jb tonight, but I would assume that you were unaware of it and saw a server in total chaos. It will take some getting used to, but I think when people are in the loop it is a very enjoyable time. We did our best to inform the server of what was going on. I honestly don't believe that we will have any issues with people, especially with staff members. Having Gkoo or Darkwolf on while hosting the night gives a little bit of control, and we are all open to complaints during the night. If people think it goes to far, they just need to let us know in chat. It becomes pretty obvious though when we need to calm down a little, and as evident tonight it had gone pretty well. (You weren't there for the majority of the time, but I can honestly say that it went pretty well).
  3. Hey guys, thanks to anyone that was there tonight. If you missed it, we did start it later than originally set because of the amount of people on at 11pm. I'm posting this just to get a reaction and any suggestions from those that were able to join us. If you loved it, please tell us. I think it went over quite well for the most part, and it seemed that confusion was kept to a minimum. Thanks to Gkoo and the other admins that were on at the time. Tagging those that I can remember that were there: @@Gkoo @@snakeboyeric @@MegaRobin @@Cristo @@daddiodoug @@Warriorsfury @@payturr @@orangejuice @@Matsi @@DrPepperPhreak @@Nub1234 We're gonna try for another one next Saturday, and any suggestions will be taken into consideration.
  4. +1 of course. Great person, glad to see you're coming back
  5. It was, and for the most part it was loved by everyone.
  6. +1 There is no doubt this has been an issue with him. Week ban.
  7. I don't see any bans either.. and I don't remember any admins banning you.
  8. Got permission to do it after 11pm est. If it catches on then I'm sure there wont be an issue with moving it to 8 or 9pm est I know, and I'm all for doing it every night, but I think it would be best to at least try it out tonight. I really don't care if its done every night, but then there has to be an acknowledgement from dark and gkoo about it so there aren't unnecessary bans handed out. cough serbians approval cough I didn't really take it as approval for every night, but hell its fine with me.
  9. read mine and jay's posts I know, and I'm all for doing it every night, but I think it would be best to at least try it out tonight. I really don't care if its done every night, but then there has to be an acknowledgement from dark and gkoo about it so there aren't unnecessary bans handed out.
  10. If people were planning on doing this tonight, by all means go ahead, although I wont be on until later. I think it would be best to have it tomorrow night (I promise this wont change, Im off for once!). If nobody replies or yells at me, I will assume it will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 11pm est
  11. +1 Still deserves an unban, did a lot for the community. I really don't see why he should still be banned, its been long enough.
  12. Well.. its being built as I type this. Final Specs: AMD FX-8350 AMD Gigabyte Radeon HD7950 WD Blue 1Tb HDD Samsung SSD 128Gb Corsair 750W PSU 4 120 mm case fans Windows 8 (I know...) Corsair Vengeance Red 8Gb ram ASUS m5a99x evo r2.0 motherboard LG Blu-Ray/DVD/CD writer
  13. Make that 5 times that @@Gkoo 's been mentioned.
  14. +1 I think he'd be a good member, but with the recent issues, he needs some time to calm down. There is obvious disrespect, trolling, and spamming.
  15. @@Rhododendron The web version of the site doesn't work, I can post some screenshots if you need. (iphone of course)
  16. I know, three threads later... Anyway, I think the time is ripe for us to have the Jailbreak community night thing that I was trying to get together. Because of the holiday week and all, I think it would be splendid to have in on Friday (July 5th) at 11PM EST. I think it was pretty much decided that: 1) Rules on sprays are lenient (nothing that is illegal or gore, you are all big boys and know whats appropriate) 2) Staff members are given much more leeway, but again don't abuse. Don't just slay @@Gkoo every round because you can, it ruins the fun. 3) Have fun, be stupid... just have a little maturity. Don't continually do something thats going to ruin every single round. It will be announced periodically that it is a community night, and that the rules are a little different, just to alleviate any confusion. @@Gkoo @@diabeetus @@Nub1234 @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Sep0h @@Warriorsfury @@Forest @@daddiodoug @@Gkoo (Don't hate if I didn't tag you, I know theres a crap ton more. I didn't put you because I love you too much) And approval from DM's please?
  17. Tied me up and forced me here +1 (Funny, knows motd, ya know.. the good stuff) A: 8/10 M:9/10
  18. So I completely did a 180 with this build, I decided to change up a lot of stuff: Purchased: AMD FX-8350 4Ghz ($194) AMD Gigabyte Radeon HD7950 3Gb ($298) WD Blue 1Tb HDD ($66) Samsung SSD 128Gb ($89) Corsair 300R Carbide Case ($87) Changing the power supply out for a better one, and will be picking up the rest of the stuff within the next 2 weeks.
  19. Now I need a little help choosing the correct mobo: I'm looking at an i5-3570k with an EVGA gtx 660 super clocked. I need sata support for the Samsung ssd, WD 1tb hdd. Is there anything wrong with the mobo I chose? As far as I can tell it should all go together fine...
  20. As everyone else has said, these are already in place. When warden is assigned, CT's are muted for 3 or 5 seconds (I don't remember which). T's are not allowed to talk until 6:30. Saying talk over warden slay/mute does not mean that we are going to do something the second someone talks over you. Many incidents are an accident, and plus you need some common sense in this case. If someone is yelling something constantly over you, they will be taken care of. But a single sentence will not constitute a slay or mute. It is rare that it is an issue, it may be annoying at times, but you gotta have control over your T's.
  21. There are a lot of options with the sshd's, and some of them may come cheaper. For the most part it looks like the boot times are relatively the same too, just a few seconds different. If I find that I am spending more money in others areas than i originally planned, i may switch to an sshd.
  22. Well even so, ill end up having 1tb plus the 128gb drive, all for ~150 - 160 dollars. So in this case im getting more space for the same price. Had I not gotten the deal i did today ($30 off the ssd), then it may have been a little different.
  23. It would be a waste if I were to use it for documents like Word or Pictures, but its going to have Windows 7, steam, chrome, and a few games on it. It's only there so booting and shutting down is sped up, which an ssd will do. In many cases it reduces the start up time more than 50%, if not more (I've seen it do it in 15 seconds, versus 2-3 minutes).
  24. Thanks for the help so far, I really do appreciate it. Made my first purchase today: Samsung 128gb SSD ($89.00) Thermaltake Smart Series 750W ($64.00) Got lucky with both of these deals, better stuff and saved a few bucks overall... I'll probably keep this thread updated, mostly for me, but if you guys want to see the whole process then it'll most likely all be shown on this thread.