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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Dont servers cost by the slot? No, it doesn't matter how many. Silence answered this earlier, we need to cut servers because the CS:S ones take a ton of resources. We pay one price.
  2. Just a quick question and suggestion. I know we stopped applications for mod a long time ago, but one of the benefits of this was that donating was a question on there. Why did we stop this? I don't think "we have too many mods" is a good reason.. Add another dm to handle them if you have to. I know quite a few deserving people that would like to apply for mod, but since we dropped it they cannot. I think it may be beneficial to add the ability to apply back for two reasons: 1) We can reenact the donation question, effectively making it a requirement for mod. This will hopefully help.. even if its ever so little.. to keep the servers up. 2) Applying for mod gives people the ability to get somewhere in the clan. I feel like this drove a lot of people, including me, toremain here and stay active to achieve mod. This means keeping more people, attracting a few more... That usually translates to money. This isn't a solution for all of the problems, but I'll be damned if this ship goes down with me on it.
  3. I believe I was there too, was completely intentional and like seph-zero-h said, it was because of a no balls. Was more than happy when he was banned, didnt really care about it.... -1
  4. Can we get confirmation as to why we are dropping some servers? Its just something I would like to know, not really any use to it other than to cure my curiosity. Obviously if its not a one price for all the servers then by all means drop as many as we can. I've always wondered what the cost is to keep CS:S servers up and running, and I think this insight may help the community better understand what it takes to keep everything running... best case this leads to more donations.
  5. Hidingmaster


    This is awkward.
  6. But it was a rule that is quite basic, and as far as I know has never really been changed. It may have been unclear, but its not proper to just perm someone if you are unclear of a rule. This is not the first time he has done this, and many times he ignores and complaints you have regarding his knowledge or banning of someone. Unfortunately we cant access the game chat since the rank website is down, that would help clarify the situation describe above. Although my point wasn't based off of what occurred yesterday, but rather an accumulation of things. But like i said, other than when he banned me I haven't seen him fuck up.... and those screenshots are crap, so all I have to go on is hearsay... does no one have any proof of anything else? As far as I know there isnt any other proof. That doesn't mean I can't say something about it and let people know that I think he has screwed up more than enough. I didn't come in here expecting something serious to be done, but I sure hope someone is proactive in this to make sure he understands what is expected of him.
  7. Please get out of this thread if you aren't willing to take it seriously. I was being serious and I was ignored... you guys are ridiculous for thinking those screenshots are evidence of anything... They show absolutely NOTHING WRONG... and I haven't seen jordo fuck up other than when he banned me, which seemed like a misunderstanding of a rule and was fixed so I don't think there is a problem. so -1 But it was a rule that is quite basic, and as far as I know has never really been changed. It may have been unclear, but its not proper to just perm someone if you are unclear of a rule. This is not the first time he has done this, and many times he ignores and complaints you have regarding his knowledge or banning of someone. Unfortunately we cant access the game chat since the rank website is down, that would help clarify the situation describe above. Although my point wasn't based off of what occurred yesterday, but rather an accumulation of things.
  8. As far as I know this was not during late night jailbreak, so I dont know why that is being brought up here. This has been a constant issue with jordo. This isnt the first time that jordo has done something like this, and at least from my point of view I havent seen him show that he knows the rules very well. I'm sure that there are others out there who can attest to this (and just look at that random ban he did for no reason, even though he started shooting to). I was thinking about making a protest a while ago about him, so I guess this is as good as a place as any. I really don't think he does his admin job well, and in many cases just replies with immature comments when somebody questions him, as seen with chuck. Thats certainly not the way to handle situations. Whether it be a demotion or talking to, something really needs to be done about it.
  9. +1 Do it. Ban plox
  10. As in asking them to stop freekilling and for them to control it. For the most part they did, but Im not going to go hand out bans to everyone. In part it is my fault that it got that way. It was both me and Jordo warning them to stop, and yes it did get to the point that they were threatened with a ban if they didnt stop freekilling (which did stop it for the most part).
  11. Its not at all fun, and thats what I was attempting to get people to stop doing. Without a DM though I'm pretty much powerless. As I said, its gonna change a lot. I think it was still a marginally fun night, but people took it too far and refused to stop.
  12. Says the 2 people that werent there, one of them for less than 5 minutes. Server population at 1am EST: ~10 normally, last night 21. Keeps the server populated, worth keeping.
  13. Theres gonna be some serious changes for next time, im not all that thrilled how it was handled by others this time
  14. Milk, yeah I like milk. That Calcium gets me sooooo wasted
  15. That shouldn't be a reason not to come... I don't understand what the resentment is all about regarding this night. Its not like you're going into the server and breaking the rules, its entirely approved.. no harm no foul.
  16. I really dont see why its a smart decision to keep anything more than: Jailbreak, RPG surf, Minigames, Slide Race and Bhop. Im assuming every server runs with its own separate cost, theres no point to keep these other ones up to be populated once every 2 weeks. Both a logical and business decision would say to only keep the ones listed (as they do get populated) and remove the rest. Whether or not the money goes towards CS:S, which it should, it is still a decision that should be made for the benefit of all of xG.
  17. This is your reminder that Late Night Jailbreak will occur once again! Come to CSS JB Saturday night, around 11: 30pm EST to join us for a little relaxed fun. There will be something special occurring as well, I want to help give back to the community that has kept me entertained for so long. If you are smart you will find out the secret beforehand, please keep it to yourself.. it means better chances of winning (assuming I'm allowed to do it). I will be giving away 1 game tomorrow night through some sort of way, maybe trivia. It will be done at a random time. Due to the Steam Sale, there are a lot of choices for you, but I do ask to keep it reasonable. If you are kind enough to keep it to a cheap game, I will do 2 prizes. Where: CSS JB server When: Tomorrow, July 13 at 11: 30 pm Who: You. Why: Yes.
  18. This is your reminder that Late Night Jailbreak will occur once again! Come to CSS JB Saturday night, around 11: 30pm EST to join us for a little relaxed fun. There will be something special occurring as well, I want to help give back to the community that has kept me entertained for so long. If you are smart you will find out the secret beforehand please keep it to yourself.. it means better chances of winning (assuming I'm allowed to do it). I will be giving away 1 game tomorrow night through some sort of way, maybe trivia. It will be done at a random time. Due to the Steam Sale, there are a lot of choices for you, but I do ask to keep it reasonable. If you are kind enough to keep it to a cheap game, I will do 2 prizes. Where: CSS JB server When: Tomorrow, July 13 at 11: 30 pm Who: You. Why: Yes.
  19. Thats fine, ill just wait until then since its kinda hard to recommend anything without know what you are looking to get. My name is xG:A Jesus
  20. Ram is okay, I'd say if you have extra money go ahead and add a little more, but 6 really isnt anything to complain about. The processor is so-so, not something that HAS to be changed. It is a little older but is pretty good in general. Graphics card: Thats your problem. Benchmarks are showing around 10 fps on far cry 2. This is your bottleneck. Ill recommend some when I have some time later today.
  21. Because no response was given @@Rhododendron (I know you're busy..) @@HighSociety
  22. So far i know we need these removed: i_Play, blax, and that one electric razor map