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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. You all need to realize that this issues stretches far being the issue of getting Shadow back to admin. This is the reason that the clan is so different, that its no longer fun or engaging for many members. 1) We have people plotting against each other to get each other demotions, although for a long time one of the sides had absolutely no reason to and has caused this entire thing to occur. Everyone knows that there is a grudge, or something similar, between Darkwolf and shadow. Whatever, that craps happens and there is never anything you can do about it. Its also not anything that would ruin the experience for everyone else... until it escalates. I know very well that both sides have been wanting each other for various reasons, but what starts to become an issue is when the plot against each other to get them demoted. Shadow has relied on the community to back up his accusations against Dark, which IMO have been held up fairly well. On the other hand, Darkwolf seeks information to get him demoted. Don't start with the excuses again, I know that you have been trying to get him demoted for a long time. Sitting in spec just waiting for something to go wrong isn't the way to go about it. It's fine if someone messages you and says that Shadow is breaking a rule, but its not fine when you ask people to watch him for you. Then to get on, sit in spec with tags off, and demo until something goes wrong... thats called spying. The only time I would find that acceptable is when there is excessive complaints from the community about a person (Michael) and they are ruining the experience through their actions. Shadow is more than capable at his job, and makes it a good experience. Just because you and your friends want him demoted doesn't give you reason to sit back and spy until he does something wrong just for the fact that you can get him demoted. Gkoo isn't on the server enough to get the full story of this, nor is he very assertive. I can assume with certainty that you told him you wanted to demote shadow, and he more than willingly agreed without any questioning. 2) People are coming up with bs reasons and excuses to back up their "friends" side of the argument. Just go back to the other thread, look at all the people coming up with bs reasons to protect both you and shadow. Two sides, its like a damn clan war within a clan. Stop protecting your friends and put some logic behind your arguments. 3) There is fear to speak up against those in power, fear that you will be put on the bad side of a DM or worse... demoted. If people are in fear of speaking the truth or whats on their mind, then there is a serious problem with the leadership. Letting people freely speak what they think, their opinions, and being able to present less than favorable proof is key to having a good relationship between everybody. DM's are the go-to people, the ones who have to handle all of the issues and complaints. You cannot allow your own opinions and anger influence what people say. This has happened before with you Dark, and that last thread was a warning, yet it seems like this hasn't changed. 4) Lying. Cover ups. All of you might as well go back to your posts and highlight every lie in neon green, because they are that easy to see. Stop the lying and grow up, you want to know the truth: Dark absolutely despises shadow and wants him demoted, he has a hard time doing this because he can't always be on watching so he asks his friends to tell him if he is doing something wrong. The second he does he hops on in spec to demo, hoping to catch him with anything that can be used. Shadow hates dark, both for targeting him and for other unknown reasons. It would make his day for dark to lose DM, but he also finds it hard to get enough proof. Shadow then takes it to the forum to rally everyone together in hopes something will change. And stop covering up all of the stuff you both do, its as easy to spot as the lies. Dark, I see a lot of excuses to cover up your real motives. Its not like we cant figure out you both despise each other and want each other demoted. Whats the big picture of all of this? The hostility that has been created is not acceptable, nor is the fact that we have people in higher positions just waiting for the reason to demoted someone because they dont particularly like said person. Warnings were already given to darkwolf, and as far as I remember he understood them and was going to do better. I like dark as a person, he can be very respectful, helpful, and overall friendly. But the amount of people who are in fear of saying something.. well they dont say anything. Its been a problem for many months now. You cannot be biased as a DM.
  2. I dont know whether i would agree with the spot having 2 entrances, because there is only AT MOST 1 open at a time. As long as we have followed that rule its been that it must have 2 entrances that are always able to be entered. Dark, go ahead and quote the motd where it talks about FR:LR then answer the following: Did Shadow's FR:LR stunt allow one of the partcipating T's to get LR? If no, then how was it done for LR? You don't have to "listen" to the DM's, thats up to you. But that doesnt mean you need to go out and disobey what you were just told, if you have an issue with something that we tell you or ask you to stop/start doing, then bring it to the forums and ask the community. You cant just ignore us and think that its fine if you dont agree with it, tell us you disagree then link us to the forum asking everyone else about it. Again I don't really have a say either way with trust days, there really isnt a point to them. The sole purpose of the spot it to get them to rebel, so whatever. As for the issue with Dark sitting in spec, well if that's what truly occurs then thats not right.. not at all. I know we have all done it before (Michael), but it wasnt because there was a grudge.
  3. Alright, the big thing you have to realize shadow is that as a staff member you are a representation of xG, you are the role model. The argument of the punishment being different is attribute to the fact that you are one of the faces of xG. If a non-member did these things it doesn't affect anyone else, but when an admin does it, it can affect everyone who is a staff member. When you got admin you knew that you are in a different spot that is much more important and visible. If all of the things you did were in fact breaking the rules, then it would be a legitimate punishment... But I do question a few of them. 1) FR:LR.. I don't see how what you did was wrong at all. It clearly states you cannot do it for lr. In no way did he do it for lr, he did it so he could get it down to a final t, with the two that were exempt. There are 3 left... Did he or did he not do it for lr? He did not. 2) wardays: technically the areas were valid as they has 2 entrances, but the one on medic was very cheap and asking for freekilles. I personally don't have a problem with the one in race that dark showed, but this doesn't excuse you from doing it after him telling you not to. 3) Ignoring DM's: can't say much about this since I wasn't there, but you gotta listen to them. If you disagree with what they tell you, have a civilized discussion with them. If they ignore you and say your wrong without answers or explanation, bring it to the forums. If you did blatantly ignore them, that can warrent a demotion if its a bad enough situation. 4) Trust day: Eh, doesn't bother me very much although I don't like them in general. You know they are going to rebel though, so don't try to make it seem like you had no clue what was going to happen. Yes, it is their choice to rebel, but seriously? Everyone knows that you are doing it to make them rebel. I don't know if a demotion was necessary or not, I wasn't there in the discussion between you and the DM's, so I may be missing some information. In my opinion it would have been much easier to give you the ultimatum of: you will be demoted if you do another invalid warday or trust day. At least that is a very clear warning and had you been demoted then, it would have meant that you had no room to argue it. Again, it was up to them to decide at the time the best course of punishment. I just sense that a lot of this occurred out of dislike for each other, so the big question is... Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment? +/- 0 right now until I hear some more.
  4. Nobody asked Jesus about his thought on abortion. Damn people calling it a "Christian" server. -1
  5. Hidingmaster


    Yes. I am really worried about my iPhone. #windowsontheiphoneisntgenuinewut
  6. Well the mileage for the reliant robin is about 0, doesn't make a difference if its on its wheels or not. The golf.... well nobody has ever gotten very far in a golf. Lets just call it a tie.
  7. Don't forget that it was I that got you back active on Jailbreak when you were mod <3 and thanks. I really want to be an animator or a movie making machine or something, maybe an actor, I'm good at acting I know you were, thanks a lot for that. And don't ever get discouraged in animation/film,it may be a tough career to follow, but eventually you will reach your goals.
  8. Ok if you put it this way the ban was not justified, only reason is because you can restrict jumping and give an order for a T to JUMP, clearly if its after 5 and the T has any sort of memory he will not jump, because jumping is restricted, HOWEVER, if you are told to ALWAYS face cells and then told to move some where and to face someone i believe its kind of an in between type of order that can be counted as a valid tarp or not, im not sure yet. Its a gray area in the motd, but he said "Turn face me and shift walk follow me". So to shift walk and follow him you need to see him plus he told them to face him, had it just been "T's look at me", then i might agree with you. But it was a combination of orders requiring them to face him.
  9. Cleaning up Jailbreak map list Pretty much same thing. I don't see the reason to keep BlaX or iPlay.
  10. In my opinion it was a justified ban. Even though its after 5, you told them to face you, and they did so accordingly because you gave them the order. Do I think it is deserving of a perm ct ban? Nah, it was a mistake.. you tarped yourself. I'm with dark with shortening it to a week or two.
  11. Well crap. As everyone else said, its kind of a shock to see you go. Not much I can do I guess to make you stay, so good luck in life buddy and thanks for all the fun nights in JB. I hope you stop by every once in a while to say hi, and if you ever need anything I'm here for you.
  12. Good wardens don't do special days every 3 days. Bad wardens will be bad.
  13. Steam_0:1:43243066 Congrats to everyone else that got in on this one!
  14. Hidingmaster


    Humans: 1 Forest: .5 Looks like we are at a stand still. No trees and no buildings.
  15. Hidingmaster


    Nice Try. And before you try planting again, checkmate. Humans: 1 Forest: 0
  16. Make it easy on yourself. Give it to me, I'll take The Ship. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  17. Done. Great job I_live_in_america Thanks lovely chap
  18. Im dumb, i meant razor @@DarkWolf6052 Change title plox
  19. Thanks to @@I_live_in_america for updating the map adding a button to get into armory. Posting this on his behalf to get this added if we can. Thanks for fixing it. Steam Community :: Screenshot :: no button Steam Community :: Screenshot :: button jb_razor_electric_beta2_d.bsp In addition to the button added, AK's were also added. @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest
  20. I've never had a problem with his attitude. Very active member, knows the motd, and as far as I have seen is very respectful. +1 A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  21. -1 doesnt show a good understanding of the MOTD at all, not active either. M:5/10 A:4/10
  22. You were in fact pardoned, but because you and Baby Corn were the only two that could have seen it (other admins were afk and i was warden), there was not much we could do about it unfortunately. Each of you told a different story.
  23. +1 threads are immature, trolling and/or just plain annoying.