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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. +1 for many reasons. 1) For some reason I have a serious problem with TS3 and CSS running at the same time, it causes me to lose internet connection constantly. Although I think I got this fixed, still something that was an issue due to this rule. 2) People have lives outside of xG, but would like to multitask and play some jb at the same time. There are many cases where I will get on css for 20 minutes or so just to play a few games and make sure everything is being handled. I don't see the reason to be on ts for the short time im on. 3) People forget to get on... are you really gonna ban someone for this? 4) Lets say I get on jb, forget to get on ts, someone tells me to but im afk. Get banned for an hour. How does this ban help the community? Lets ban those people that are on the server because they aren't on TS. It'll be great when there isn't anyone on because the admin that was gonna play can't.
  2. The issue is that you took it way too far matsi. Had you not continued saying the things you did after the gag, them there would have been a need for a ban.
  3. Someone needs to get this straightened out. Last night darkwolf said you don't have to get permission to rebel hunt, yet the motd hasn't changed. How am I supposed to enforce the "new" rule when it's not even in the motd?
  4. Alright Ill change it now that you are on a lot more. Very active and for the most part have followed the rules, been super active recently. A: 9/10 M: 8/10 +1
  5. Been extremely active, knows the rules, great person to add to xG. +1 A: 10/10 M:8/10
  6. @@DarkWolf6052 Can we get the rule at least clarified for right now. I've heard that it changed from a few mods and admins, but its still saying this in the motd: You MUST ASK THE WARDEN to go hunt rebels unless you PHYSICALLY SEE THEM REBEL.
  7. Summer just started and looking for unban. Won't make mistake or anything like last couple times. Personality changed no shy no fag. Just looking forward to have fun in xG:JB (Summer 2013.) Not looking for anything else other than spending a good Summer 2013. To many chance. MOTD Better TBT. Know what i did wrong/fixed. Changes ..... I've highlighted the parts of your post that I don't understand.
  8. I really don't think they will see at as "shut down". Just have someone occasionally announce it in all chat "Welcome to Late-Night Jailbreak, join us on Teamspeak at: voice.xenogamers.com"
  9. +1 because you had been very active and up until you left you were a good member A: 9/10 M:9/10
  10. I was just waiting on approval and kind of seeing if the hub was gonna be up soon. Although I think it would be great to have it as a summer thing, at least on the weekends after 11 pm est.
  11. He called you a furry and misspelled your name? That's called annoying, not disrespect. It's dying because people get butthurt over the smallest things, get power hungry and ban/gag people, then start an argument. The right way to handle it warrior: IGNORE IT
  12. Listen to the community.. le sigh
  13. e] You still can all chat even fi gagged cause it is command. you can use command while gagged. If you are really gonna be that much of a you know what, then they will kick or ban you accordingly. MY BAD
  14. Alright, I'll help out a little. I've noticed that you have been following the rules much better, although still not perfect, I think you deserve to get in. Changing to a +1 M: 6/10 A:8/10
  15. Now that I'm in the right thread... Easy solution to all of this: All chat: don't be annoying with it, and if someone asks you to stop...stop. If you don't a fellow admin or mod will gag you. Disrespect: don't disrespect others, you're a big kid and you know not to do this. If it becomes and issues dms will deal with it. Ts3: be on when you can, the more the better. Not being on ever will lead to punishment, but we understand you dot always want to be on/forget. Simple as that. Same as before, it's called being mature about it.
  16. Easy solution to all of this: All chat: don't be annoying with it, and if someone asks you to stop...stop. If you don't a fellow admin or mod will gag you. Disrespect: don't disrespect others, you're a big kid and you know not to do this. If it becomes and issues dms will deal with it. Ts3: be on when you can, the more the better. Not being on ever will lead to punishment, but we understand you dot always want to be on/forget. Simple as that. Same as before, it's called being mature about it.
  17. I guess i'll start from the top down: All chat abuse: Restricting it to only Admin+ would be a terrible decision, it is a very useful tool that is used quite often. It needs to be available to all mods+, otherwise there will be a lot of issues with resolving rule breakers. The way you state it (one or twice, but not excessive) makes no sense to me. Who will be there to judge it? What is considered spam/abuse? All chat has always been both a tool for moderating as well as a fun resource to interact with the community. When used in proper ways (using it for moderating AND to create a fun experience) it makes jb a lot better. It is incredibly rare when someone abuses it, and when it people complain about it, it seems like they are just in a bad mood that night. We are in leadership positions for a reason: If you think someone is spamming/abusing it in a way that detracts from the game THEN TELL THEM. Its as simple as that, theres no reason to change it as it has never really been an issue. I will continue to use it as I always have, if something doesn't like me using it in the game and they tell me so then I have no issue stopping it. If this is an issue, and we are restricted to using it only for moderating, then you can expect to see me step down. It's getting to the point where the fun in jailbreak is being slowly taken away because people can't act mature about situations and confront each other like adults. Mod/Admin Disrespect I really wish this was never a problem, and there shouldnt be a need to go this far, but alas it appears it needs to. It comes down to the fact that people get butthurt WAY too easily, and don't do anything to solve their issues but complain. If someone is disrespecting you, tell them they are and ask them to stop; if they continue, get the proof you need and go to the forums. I didn't think this was a hard concept to grasp, but people have issues acting mature. TS3 I understand the reason behind this, but it is a ridiculous request to be on at ALL times when playing. A lot of times I will be on Skype with friends and decide to hop on jailbreak to help out, but I'm not going to get on ts3 (ts3, skype, jb.... too many voices). Only once have I ever been contacted by a higher up on ts3, almost always I get messages in steam or on jb itself. I make ever effort to be on when im playing, but there are sometimes when I will not be on due to personal reasons or something else. Making it mandatory is not solving any issues. You may say that I can just go in the AFK room, but what is that helping? I'm not going to hear anyone talk to me, its just wasting my time being in there. And seriously, banning someone for not being on it? If someone hops on the server to help out for a while, and they get banned because they werent on ts3, good luck keeping people in leadership. IMO its the wrong way to go about it. TL DR: Keep jailbreak and CSS fun, don't be putting all of these obnoxious restrictions on people in leadership positions. Mods and Admins are in their positions for a reason, give them a little trust in that they will do what is right and attempt to report what is wrong. Rules don't solve everything. I don't know what has been going on lately, but there have been a lot of questionable decisions in xG (punishments, rules, demotions). It seems that those who are the most active on the servers are being ignored, and never have input into what changes. Its getting excessive, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that its getting annoying. I want to retain my admin status, but when these things are going on without anybody informing us/me it makes it very hard for me to want to continue doing what I do.
  18. It's ironic that I'm sitting in a Wendy's right now. +1 A:8/10 M:8/10 Good member, I've never had issues with him. Would be great to have back.
  19. Was one of the best, super active back in the day and helpful. Glad to see you're back. A: 8/10 M:10/10 +1
  20. He's knows he's not leaving, he'll be here forever like the rest of us. Where's all this money I won? (If you truly are completely leaving for a while, I'll miss you. But I know you'll be back, you just can't say no to me.)
  21. I was approached by the other clan members regarding what happened. I had to talk with their server admin and a member, who weren't all that happy about what occurred. They brought it to our attention, with proof because they cared about xG. In no way did they want a war to start, and I made sure it was taken care of correctly (with help). They were told that you were banned from our servers, xG, and that they should ban you from their end. We did it as a move to show them that we weren't going to let crap like that happen. You know very well that what you did was a very bad idea. MAYBE in a few months your ban can be discussed, but due to the circumstances I don't think this should even be discussed further.
  22. Again, this comes down to not having every single detail written in the motd. If cells are open without a time given, CT's need to make an effort to go to the area ASAP. If a time is given, CT's are required to go to the area.
  23. +1 You've been great, very active and respectful. There's no reason to keep you off CT.
  24. Here's the way I think of it. Participation is mandatory, which I'm sure you agree with. To participate, you must be in the warday area. When T's leave their cells, warday has begun. Being outside of the area when it begins means you cannot be participating, thus you are breaking a rule in the motd. By that, you must be in the warday area by the time T's leave their cells to participate in it, thus being slayable.
  25. Hidingmaster


    @@Gkoo @@John Hi.